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This day in Git repository

A script to extract a list of all recent commits from most recently active branches of a Git repository.


Execute make to install all required scripts. Add a this-day alias to your ~/.gitconfig; it should look something like this after the edits:

    name = John Doe
    email =
    this-day = "!f() { /usr/local/lib/git-this-day/ $@; }; f"


Execute make uninstall to remove the script from your system.


The script depends on:

  • Git (obviously; at least in version 2.11.1)
  • BASH (any version in 4.x line)
  • xargs (from GNU findutils; version at least 4.6.0)

The script also depends on you having an email configured in ~/.gitconfig as it tracks your commits by email.


The following environment variables are used to configure the script.


Default: 40

How many branches should be analysed? Set this to a reasonable number. A good default is the number of branches you usually update throughout the day plus 20% (to cover especially busy days).

Special value all will make the script scan all branches (instead of only the N most recent ones) for fresh commits.


Default: git config --get

Email that will be used to track commits.

License and copyright

Copyright (c) 2017 Marek Marecki

This code is published under GNU GPL v3 or any later version of this license.


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