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Releases: mariadb-operator/mariadb-operator


07 Jun 10:05
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As we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the first Kubernetes commit πŸŽ‰, we’re thrilled to announce the release of mariadb-operator🦭 v0.0.29 ! A version fully loaded with new features, enhancements and bug fixes. Check out the detailed list below.

New helm repository

We are migrating to a new helm repository: Please make sure you migrate, as the previous repository will be deprecated in further versions:

helm repo add mariadb-operator
helm install mariadb-operator mariadb-operator/mariadb-operator

Rolling updates

This version brings a new role-aware update strategy: ReplicasFirstPrimaryLast. By using this strategy, the operator will roll out replica Pods first, waiting for each of them to become ready, and then proceed with the primary Pod:

kind: MariaDB
  name: mariadb
    type: ReplicasFirstPrimaryLast

If you want to have full control on the update process, you may use the OnDelete strategy instead: Pods will not be updated until you manually delete them.

Refer to the updates documentation for further detail.

my.cnf configuration

myCnf and myCnfConfigMapKeyRef fields are now mutable. You may now tweak system variables without having to recreate your MariaDB resource, for example, you may update the innodb_buffer_pool_size for tuning your instances according to your performance needs:

kind: MariaDB
  name: mariadb
  myCnf: |
-   innodb_buffer_pool_size=1024M
+   innodb_buffer_pool_size=2048M

Whenever my.cnf changes, to ensure your configuration changes are applied, the operator will automatically initiate a rolling update based on your predefined update strategy.

Refer to the my.cnf documentation for further detail.

We value your feedback! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please open an issue on GitHub. Your input is crucial to improve mariadb-operator🦭.

Join us on Slack: MariaDB Community Slack.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.0.28...v0.0.29


07 Jun 10:07
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Run and operate MariaDB in a cloud native way


02 May 12:56
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Announcing the release of mariadb-operator🦭 v0.0.28 ! A version fully loaded of new features, enhancements and bug fixes. Check out the detailed list below.

Before upgrading, be sure to consult the UPGRADE GUIDE.


  • Refactor S3 storage engine to properly support prefixes: #554
  • Support for backing up and restoring specific logical databases: #553
  • Avoid adding LOCK TABLES statements to backups when Galera is enabled: #494
  • Support for ignoreGlobalPriv in Backup resource: #557
  • Ignoring mysql.global_priv by default when Galera is enabled: #545

Refer to the backup documentation for further detail.


  • Support for IPv6: #461
  • Ability to pass extra options to wsrep_provider_options via proviverOptions: #461
  • Support for clusterMonitorInterval in cluster recovery: #445
  • Decouple cluster recovery from control plane where possible: #584
  • Update Galera config when MariaDB request fails: #487
  • Avoid DNS resolution warnings by adding skip_name_resolve in default configuration: #581

Refer to the Galera documentation for further detail.


  • Dedicated Service to access GUI via guiKubernetesService: #578
  • Added finalizer to MaxScale. Dropped maxscale_config table and PVCs as part of the termination logic: #517
  • Configure threads and query_classifier_cache_size based on CPU and memory resources: #511
  • Requeue Secrets if they haven't been initialized: #506
  • Ensure syncMaxConnections is initialized before derefing the pointer: #492

Refer to the MaxScale documentation for further detail.


  • Support for podMetadata in MariaDB: #521
  • Support for podMetadata in batch Jobs: #523
  • Support for interitMetadata and podMetadata in MaxScale: #538

Refer to the metadata documentation for further detail.


  • Job and metrics Pods anti-affinity rules relative to MariaDB: #566
  • MaxScale anti-affinity rules relative to MariaDB: #568
  • Ability to specify affinity to initial Restore Job: #448
  • Fix metrics selector to avoid clashing with MariaDB: #446

Refer to the HA documentation for further detail.

Password generation

Ability to declare whether the password should be generated or instead wait for a Secret to be present eventually: #598

Refer to the configuration documentation for further detail.


Ability to partially define probes in order to configure thresholds: #509

Refer to the configuration documentation for further detail.

Private registries

Support for private registries in all CRs via imagePullSecrets: #459

Refer to the registry documentation for further detail.

We value your feedback! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please open an issue on GitHub. Your input is crucial to improve mariadb-operator🦭.

Join us on Slack: MariaDB Community Slack.

What's Changed

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02 May 13:59
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Run and operate MariaDB in a cloud native way


02 May 13:01
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Run and operate MariaDB in a cloud native way


08 Mar 13:36
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Happy Women's day! πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’»

🌈 This release increases the spectrum of compatible MariaDB images and improves the integration with service mesh projects like Istio.

πŸ› We have also introduced some reliability improvements in our Galera support and fixed some regressions reported by our amazing community.

πŸ› οΈ If you haven't yet migrated from v0.0.26, please do so before upgrading to v0.0.27:

🀝 We value your feedback! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please open an issue on GitHub. Your input is crucial to improve mariadb-operator🦭.

πŸ‘₯ Join us on Slack: MariaDB Community Slack.

What's Changed

  • Embed mariadb-docker in operator binary. 🌈Increase the spectrum of supported images🌈 by @mmontes11 in #433
  • Fix exporter Deployment Affinity by @mmontes11 in #435
  • Support for extra metadata in Galera init Job. Galera compatibility with service mesh like Istio by @mmontes11 in #434
  • Updating wsrep_node_address even if MariaDB request fails by @mmontes11 in #436
  • Refactor S3 to make s3.tls.caSecretKeyRef optional and empty by default by @mmontes11 in #437
  • Added v0.0.27 release notes by @mmontes11 in #438

Full Changelog: v0.0.26...v0.0.27


08 Mar 13:40
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Run and operate MariaDB in a cloud native way


04 Mar 11:46
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πŸ“¦ In this release, we have considerably shaped our CRD APIs to eventually converge to a v1beta1 version. We have introduced several new fields with brand new functionallity, each of them documented in the respective PRs linked below alongside the relevant API reference.

πŸ—οΈ We have significantly changed the MariaDB Galera architecture to improve its overall stability and robustness:

  • Liveness and readiness probes are now delegated to the agent. This enables better Galera cluster recovery and flexibility to introduce new features.
  • agent and init images are now part of the mariadb-operator glued CLI.
  • Introduction of a Galera init Job to execute initialization tasks prior to provisioning the StatefulSet.

βš™οΈ The automated Galera cluster recovery is now more predictable, robust and configurable. The user may now specify a minClusterSize, either as an absolute number of replicas (2) or relative (50%), that will tell the operator when the cluster is considered unhealthy so it can perform the recovery process after a given period of time defined by clusterHealthyTimeout. Refer to the Galera documentation for further detail.

πŸ’Ύ Some more new features, now related to the storage: The operator is now able to resize the volumes used by MariaDB without affecting its availability, enabling smooth scaling of both MariaDB storage capacity and the volume of data stored by your applications. Furthermore, we've streamlined our storage API to make it ridiculously simple, take a look at the storage documentation.

πŸ”— To enable better integrations with cloud providers and other CNCF projects, we have introduced support for inheritMetadata and serviceAccountName fields in the Backup, Restore and SqlJob resources. This allows you to use dedicated metadata (i.e. labels and annotations) and ServiceAccounts across all our batch Job and CronJob resources.

πŸ› οΈ To accomplish this, we've introduced some BREAKING CHANGES, please take a look at the upgrade guide. We've provided a migration script to facilitate the transition:

🀝 We value your feedback! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please open an issue on GitHub. Your input is crucial to improve mariadb-operator🦭.

πŸ‘₯ Join us on Slack: MariaDB Community Slack.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.0.25...v0.0.26


04 Mar 11:49
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Run and operate MariaDB in a cloud native way


10 Feb 10:57
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ιΎ™εΉ΄εΏ«δΉπŸ²! (Happy Year of the Dragon🐲!)

πŸš€ In the very first release of the year we are excited to announce that we are introducing support for ✨MaxScale✨: a sophisticated database proxy, router, and load balancer designed specifically for and by MariaDB. It provides a range of features that ensure optimal high availability:

  • Query-based routing: Transparently route write queries to the primary nodes and read queries to the replica nodes.
  • Connection-based routing: Load balance connections between multiple servers.
  • Automatic primary failover based on MariaDB internals.
  • Replay pending transactions when a server goes down.
  • Support for Galera and Replication.

Please take a look at the MaxScale docs for getting started with it.

πŸ’¨ We have also introduced support for provisioning MariaDBs with empty root password and ephemeral storage, take a look at this example. This has multiple use cases, such as provisioning MariaDB instances for your CI tests without hassle. Kudos to our new contributor @Hoega for stepping in and contributing with multiple PRs! πŸ™‡

πŸͺ£ Support for prefixes in the S3 storage by @addreas, another new contributor! πŸ™‡

πŸ™Œ Multiple improvements made by our amazing community. Take a look at the changelog below.

🀝 We value your feedback! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please open an issue on GitHub. Your input is crucial to improve mariadb-operator🦭.

πŸ‘₯ Join us on Slack: MariaDB Community Slack.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.0.24...v0.0.25