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Management Portal


Management Portal is an interface to manage resources registered in Maritime Identity Registry and Maritime Service Registry, which are core components of Maritime Connectivity Platform. The starting foundation of this project has been build from the ngx-admin from Akveo. This repository maintains a spin-off implementation of Management Portal under the Apache 2.0 License.

Live demo

You can experience a live demo from our public demonstrator environment.



  • The use of NPM version 14.18.1


To install ngx-admin you have to use NodeJS version 14.14+ because of node-sass version utilized in the application.

Install the project through:

npm install --save --legacy-peer-deps

Currently there are some conflicts in dependencies which will be resolved soon.

Now it can be reached at http://localhost:4200.

Remember the url (here http://localhost:4200) should be listed in the Valid redirect URIs at the MCP-Portal client in the MCP realm of your Keycloak (or OIDC) setup.


First, we would recommend to read the instruction of Angular deployment.

Deployment to GitHub Pages through Angular deploy command

For successful deployment you need to be located at the root of the project folder.

You can deploy the Angular App to a GitHub pages through:

ng deploy —build-target=[%AngularBuildTarget] —repo=[%GitHubRepositoryURL] —cname=[%TargetURL]

build-target option needs to be a full name of buildTarget from "build", e.g., management-portal:build:test for test configuration.

The deployment is powered by angular-cli-ghpages.

Deployment to GitHub Pages through GitHub Action

You can also take our GitHub Action script to deploy your own management portal to GitHub Pages.

Build and Run as a Docker image

At the root of the project folder to build an docker image with default Dockerfile:

docker build -t management-portal-trial . 

After build, run:

docker run -p $YourPortNumber:4200 management-portal-trial

Now it can be reached at http://localhost:`$YourPortNumber`.

Again, remember the url (here http://localhost:`$YourPortNumber`) should be listed in the Valid redirect URIs at the MCP-Portal client in the MCP realm of your Keycloak (or OIDC) setup.


There are examples of environment configuration in the 'src/environments' folder.

Configuration parameter covers:

  • production: boolean value of whether a build for production or not
  • staging: boolean value of whether a build for staging or not
  • irProvider: name of the MIR provider
  • irContact: contact of the MIR provider
  • irBasePath: url of MIR API
  • oidcBasePath: url of MIR OIDC (keycloak endpoint for the MCC testbed)
  • hasServiceRegistry: boolean value of whether the provider has service registry or not
  • srProvider: name of the MSR provider if exist
  • srContact: contact of the MSR provider if exist
  • srBasePath: url of MSR API if exist
  • hasMSRLedger: boolean value of whether the MSR Ledger is connected
  • ledgerPath: url of the MSR Ledger if exist
  • mpProvider: name of the Management Portal provider
  • mpContact: contact of the Management Portal provider
  • environmentTitle: title showing at the front page
  • termsOfUse: terms of use using in the registration
  • idpNamespace: identity provider short ID (IPID in MCP IDsec2 MCC Identity Management and Security; Identity Management) included in MCP MRN, e.g., 'mcc-test'
  • environmentName: environment name showing at the front page
  • mpName: official name of management portal
  • footerName: name you can put at footer
  • logoImg: logo image path, will be shown at the front page, e.g., 'assets/images/logo.svg'

Client generation for backend integration with MIR and MSR

The client for MIR and MSR was auto-generated from the corresponding swagger files with Swagger Editor.

After generation, you need to fix a module(e.g., api.module.ts), a part of auto-generated, to inject the configuration like this, '''

@NgModule({ imports: [], declarations: [], exports: [], providers: [ { provide: AgentControllerService, useFactory: (http: HttpClient) => { return new AgentControllerService(http, AppConfig.IR_BASE_PATH, null); }, deps: [HttpClient] }, ... ] }) '''

Configurable interface through ColumnFor*.json file

The main idea of making the Management Portal configurable has done by JSON formulation of interface capability for each attribute. We have ColumnForMenu.json and ColumnForCert.json as examples on how it depicts functional interfaces for MCP entities and certificate respectively.

Localization support

Currently English(en-GB) and Korean(ko-KR) are supported.


This development is a part of the project titled “Development of Open Platform Technologies for Smart Maritime Safety and Industries” funded by the Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering (PES4070).


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the file for details.