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Data injection wrapper for values maintained in a GCP Secret Manager document.


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The injector is a utility that retrieves a GCP Secret Manager document which contains an HJSON or JSON object with an embedded top-level environment property under which environment variable values are defined. These values are injected into a shell environment in which a target command is run. The end result is that you can decouple the storage location and perhaps maintenance of such values from other workflows (e.g. container deployment).

Secret Manager documents are encrypted at rest and these values are pulled at runtime instead of being baked into a Docker image, for example, which provides extra levels of security. Furthermore, the values will not appear in a process table at runtime.

Human JSON (HJSON) format

The format of Secret Manager secrets should be Human JSON (HJSON) or standard JSON. It is ighly recommended that the HJSON format is used, however, because it supports comments (which means you can document the file).

For more information on Human JSON refer to the following links:

NOTE: There is a VSCode plugin for Human JSON (HJSON).


The inject command implements a number of options (detailed below):

   inject - Handle signals and inject environment variables from GCP secret manager.

   inject [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --key-file value, -k value        Path to file containing JSON format service account key.
   --key-value value, -K value       Base64 encoded string containing JSON format service account key. [$INJECTOR_KEY_VALUE]
   --format-shell, -e                Parse secret contents and convert to exported shell key/value settings.
   --format-shell-unexported, -u     Parse secret contents and convert to unexported shell key/value settings.
   --format-json, -j                 Parse secret contents and convert from hJSON to JSON.
   --format-raw, -r                  Output unparsed secret contents. This will likely be hJSON or JSON.
   --ignore, -i                      Ignore missing secret options.
   --ignore-preserve-env, -I         Ignore missing secret options, pass environment variables from parent OS into command shell.
   --preserve-env, -E                Pass environment variables from parent OS into command shell.
   --output-file value, -o value     Write output to file. Default is stdout; passing "-" also represents stdout.
   --project value, -p value         GCP project id. [$INJECTOR_PROJECT]
   --secret-name value, -S value     Name of secret containing environment variables and values. [$INJECTOR_SECRET_NAME]
   --secret-version value, -V value  Version of secret containing environment variables and values. ("latest" if not specified) [$INJECTOR_SECRET_VERSION]
   --debug, -d                       Show debug information.
   --help, -h                        show help
   --version, -v                     print the version

Typical usage from the command line

Retrieve the latest version of a secret and output as JSON

The following command will retrieve the latest version of the secret specified by name from the Secret Manager in the project specified by id.

prompt> inject --key-value <KEY_VALUE> --project <PROJECT_ID> --secret-name "<SECRET_NAME>" --format-json

Take note that the --format-json option indicates that a Human JSON document will be converted to JSON.

Wrapping a command

To invoke (wrap) a command so that it has access to retrieved environment variables simply specify a command name as the final argument:

prompt> inject --key-value <KEY_VALUE> --project <PROJECT_ID> --secret-name "<SECRET_NAME>" <COMMAND>

Required options

A few of the inject options must be defined to retrieve a Secret Manager document:

  • --key-value, -K (a JSON format GCP service account that grants access to the specific secret)
  • --project, -p (the GCP project id)
  • --secret-name, -S (the name of Secret Manager secret)

The above options can be defined on the command line as options or as environment variables that are available from inside of the shell where the inject command will be run. The recognized environment variable names for these options are:


As an option, the inject command also supports the specification of a secret version which can be defined on the command line:

  • --secret-version, -V (the secret version to retrieve)

If no secret version is specified then inject will assume latest (i.e. the most-recent secret version will be retrieved.

Priority of Options specified multiple ways

If an inject option has been defined as both an environment variable and a command line flag, the flag will take priority.

Wrapping PID1 for Docker containers

Since the goal of the injector is to retrieve and inject environment variables into the environment so that these values are available at runtime the underlying runtime needs to be wrapped. This means that the injector will call the target program. An

To support a wrapper A Dockerfile might include the following:


# Install injector
RUN set -x \
    && cd "${BUILD_TEMP}" \
    && curl -sSL "${INJECTOR_REL}/linux_amd64.tar.gz" -o "injector-${INJECTOR_REL}.tar.gz" \
    && tar xvzf "injector-${INJECTOR_REL}.tar.gz" \
    && cp "inject" "/usr/local/bin/inject-${INJECTOR_REL}" \
    && chown -R root:root "/usr/local/bin/inject-${INJECTOR_REL}" \
    && chmod 0755 "/usr/local/bin/inject-${INJECTOR_REL}" \
    && ln -s "/usr/local/bin/inject-${INJECTOR_REL}" "/usr/local/bin/inject"

# default command (startup supervisor)
CMD ["/usr/local/bin/inject", "--ignore-preserve-env", "/path/to/target/app"]

Format of the secret document

The injector will parse the secret document so that environment variable names are generated from a parent up to its last child property in a descending tree. Consider the following document:

    // Environment variables are specified as key/value pairs where the key is specified here in lowercase snake case
    // but will be converted to uppercase snake case prior to injection into the container at boot.
    "environment": {
        "app": {
            "debug": "0"
        "buckets": {
            "backups": "my-backups-bucket",
            "storage": "my-storage-bucket"
        // Unless you explicitly pass through the PATH environment variable (e.g. using the `-E` option) injector will
        // discard the PATH all together! You can inject a new (possibly more restrictive) PATH by specifying one here.
        "path": "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"

The injector will generate the following environment variables from the above document:

  • APP_DEBUG="0"
  • BUCKETS_BACKUPS="my-backups-bucket"
  • BUCKETS_STORAGE="my-storage-bucket"
  • PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"

Notice that the top-level environment property is MANDATORY but will be pruned.

NOTE: As indicated in the comments for the example document, the path must be defined unless you choose to inherit the path from the parent environment using the --preserve-env, -E option.

Preserving environment variables from the parent OS

Most of the time you will not want to provide an isolated environment to the wrapped command, possibly to prevent undesirable leakage. If you need to pass through environment variables from the parent environment you can specify the --preserve-env, -E option. Beware that the injector will overwrite the values of any inherited environment variables with those that have similar names in the retrieved secret.

Signals (software interrupts)

The injector (rel-1.0.0+) will trap and pass through (to its child process) all signals that are received. Ideally, any software interrupt should be passed through; however signal tests are limited to SIGHUP, SIGINT, and SIGTERM signals in both Linux and macOS environments.

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