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Harry Potter Logo

Harry Potter Quiz-app

Welcome to the Harry Potter Quiz App. Test your magical knowledge with a collection of enchanting questions from the world of Harry Potter.

The purpose of this project is to provide an engaging and fun way for Harry Potter fans to challenge their knowledge of the series by answering some random questions in a quiz app.

This is the link to the deployed live website for this project.

This is the link to the GitHub repository for this project.

Coding languages that I have used

Accoring to my GitHub, these are the coding-languages that are used in the project:

programming languages

  • JavaScript: 48.4%

  • CSS: 15.6%

  • HTML: 15.1%

  • Dockerfile: 11.1%

  • Python: 5.2%

  • Shell: 4.6%


  • The logo: This project features a Harry Potter-themed logo at the page's header, complete with a font reminiscent of the iconic style used in the movies, and it displays the text 'Harry Potter Quiz.' Its aim is to immerse the user in an authentic Harry Potter experience. The logo is made to ba a anchor element with a href attribute to the index.html. This means that the user can refresh the homepage by clicking on the image.

  • Color gradient background: The entire page is adorned with a continuous gradient background, smoothly transitioning between different colors from top to bottom. This design choice is intended to provide the user with a visually pleasing and enjoyable experience while doing the quiz.

  • Quiz-module: The centerpiece of this application is the quiz module. It commences with a 'start quiz' button, followed by a sequence of 16 unique and challenging questions derived from the Harry Potter series. The question-section is remade to be a "welcome"-message and when the user clicks on the start button, the text transforms to the first question in the quiz.

start quiz button

  • Each question presents four answer choices, and upon selection, it visually indicates correctness with either a green or red color. There is also a number presented right before the question, so that the user knows what question they are currently on. The "next-question-button" is hidden, until the user clicks on an answer - then it appears and takes the user to the next question. Upon the next question, the next-question-button is hidden again until the user interacts with the next question answer-alternatives. And so it goes on until the quiz is done.

four options in quiz

wrong and correct colors on buttons

Upon reaching the final question, the "next-question-button" transforms into a 'Retry the quiz'-button, allowing users to begin the quiz again. Above the button there is a text, that uses template literal syntax to showcase the number of correct answers answered - called points or gamescore, compared to the total amount of questions in the quiz.

restart quiz button

  • Footer: At the bottom of the page, underneath the quiz-module, there is a footer-section with 3 icons - Instagram, GitHub and a LinkedIn icon with internal links that open in a new tab. These links takes the user to the creater of the quiz-app (me, the developer).

footer elements

  • All the buttons, including the ones in the footer are styled to have a :hover effect to help the user to understand and visually know what buttin is selected with the pointer/mouse. The hover is disabled when the user has clicked on a answer - and this is a design-choise to help the user understand that they should now click on the "next-question-button" that just appeared.

  • The design decision here is that when a user clicks on the incorrect answer, the chosen option is highlighted in red, indicating the mistake. Meanwhile, the correct answer is displayed in green. However, when the user selects the correct answer, only the button with the correct choice is shown without any red highlighting on other buttons. This approach visually emphasizes and reinforces the correctness of the user's response, while also providing immediate feedback for incorrect selections.

correct answer chosen

What tools/resources I have used

  • Font awesome for all the icons in the footer
  • The color-gradient CSS-code was created by using this webpage.
  • Google fonts are used to display the choise of fonts in the webpages textareas.
  • DevTools has been used all the time during the development process to preview the code-changes.
  • To generate the Logo/hero image of "harry Potter Quiz" i used this webpage.
  • To get the different favicons right i used this website.

Browsers and testing

The website has been tested and seamlessly operates across various browsers, free from any compatibility issues. It ensures a smooth and consistent user experience for all visitors.

Responsive design

responsive design

I utilized this website to obtain the image shown above, demonstrating the website's responsiveness as it adapts its content to various screen sizes, including smartphones, tablets, and desktop viewports.

Continous testing and inspection with dev-tools and the usage of media queries have made the website responsive regarding it's desing.

Things to add in the futute to the webpage

  • A counter in the quiz-module that counts how many "correct answers" a user gets during the quiz - like a score and then return this value to the user so that it displys on the screen or quiz-module itself.
  • More questions - but for now it could be considered enough with the existing 15 questions that are built in the quiz-module for the purpose of this project.
  • A "reset quiz"-button so that the user can reset the results in the quiz app.

Bug Details

Bug 1

  • When I enlarged the quiz-section and the Harry Potter logo, it all pushed the content on top of the footer. This was not desired and I first tried to apply "padding-top: 60px;" in the footer to give it some space. This did not solve the issue since it created space for the footer, but it was not transparent like it sohuld be. But then I added "margin-top: 60px;" instead and this fixed the issue.

    It was important to fix this to ensure that the UX is good and that the content and elements are separate and visible.

Bug 2

  • Another problem was a UX/design problem and that was when I added the background colors for the buttons to green and red, it was disturbing to have a hover background color to white since it removed the red/green color. This resulted in the fact that if you answered correctly, the button did not turn green if you had your mouse/pointer on it. I removed the hover effect and I settled with a border-color instead on the hover.

Bug 3

  • When I deployed my project early, it all looked like it should on my desktop but on my iphone IOS the text in the buttons were blue but on the desktop version they were black. Apperently, IOS sets button colors to a initial blue color. Also buttons on IOS dont have border-color but on my chrome and windows they did. This was fixed by first adding a border-color of black with 2px thickness and finally I had to specify the color inside of the buttons to black, so that it would "overwrite" the default styling from the IOS-units. This fixed the issue.

Bug 4

  • When I made my website responsive using media queries I noticed that the "footer crashed with the main-element". They overlapped but they are suppose to be own sections on their own places. I tried to change "height: 100vh;" to "height: 100%;" instead and this solved all the issues instantly.

Bug 5

  • When I had made two functions in JavaScript, and when I wanted to see how they worked I could not get them to display the questions on my deployed website. I debugged this and made some reasearch and noticed that it was a better practise to declare variables, like questions in the beginning of the JS-file. I moved the questions up and suddenly they popped up in the website and I made them work - my functions worked fine, it was just the problem that the questions had to be higher up in the document to be able to work.

Bug 6

  • When I tried my website I had a minor issue with the incrementation of the points. I have the correct code "points++;" but it was placed wrong in the JavaScript code. It increments as fast as a new question begins, rather than incrementing when a question in answered correctly - resulting in maximal points achived every time the quiz is performed - even if some questions were answered wrong. I solved this by making a if-statement to it.

Lighthouse testing and result

  • Performance: 95%

  • Accessibility: 100%

  • Best Practices: 100%

  • SEO: 100%

footer elements

Validator testing

  • CSS: No warnings or problems to show - CSS code validated using W3C CSS Validator and JigSaw.

  • HTML: The HTML code passed the W3C validator with no warnings - "Document checking completed. No errors or warnings to show."

  • JavaScript: The JavaScript code for this project passed and got validated using the JSHint with no warnings or errors.

Deployment procedure

This site is deployed using GitHub pages. To deploy the page using GitHub pages:

  • Login or signup to GitHub.

  • Go to the repository for this project: link.

  • Click the settings button.

  • Select pages in the left hand navigation menu.

  • From the source dropdown, select main branch and click save.

  • The site has now been deployed - it might take a few minutes for it to load.

  • To clone the repository, use the following command in your terminal: "git clone"

  • To fork the repository, click the "Fork" button on the GitHub repository page. This creates a copy of the project under your GitHub account, allowing you to make changes without affecting the original project.

With these steps, you can not only deploy the site but also have the flexibility to extend and enhance it if you want.


-The tutorial from Web Dev Simplified was exclusively utilized for inspiration and guidance in crafting the HTML section of the project, particularly to establish a solid foundation and design for the smart quiz section. No JavaScript code was directly adopted from the tutorial; instead, it served as a reference solely for HTML structure and layout.