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A 2D physics engine for simulating dynamical billiards.


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A 2D physics engine for simulating dynamical billiards

billiards is a python library that implements a very simple physics engine: It simulates the movement and elastic collisions of hard, disk-shaped particles in a two-dimensional world.


  • Collisions are found and resolved exactly. No reliance on time steps, no tunneling of high-speed bullets!
  • Quick state updates thanks to numpy, especially if there are no collisions between the given start and end times.
  • Static obstacles to construct a proper billiard table.
  • Balls with zero radii behave like point particles, useful for simulating dynamical billiards (although this library is not optimized for point particles).
  • Optional features: plotting and animation with matplotlib, interaction with pyglet.
  • Free software: GPLv3+ license.


billiards depends on numpy. Additionally, billiard systems can be visualized with matplotlib and pyglet (and tqdm to display progress in visualize.animate). But this feature is optional.

Clone the repository from GitHub and install the package:

git clone
pip install .[visualize]


All important classes (the billiard simulation and obstacles) are accessible from the top-level module. The visualization module must be imported separately and tries to load matplotlib, tqdm and pyglet.

>>> import billiards  # access to Billiard, Disk and InfiniteWall
>>> from billiards import visualize  # for plot, animate and interact
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # for

Let's compute the first few digits of π using a billiard simulation following the setup of Gregory Galperin. We need a billiard table with a vertical wall and two balls:

>>> obstacles = [billiards.obstacles.InfiniteWall((0, -1), (0, 1), inside="right")]
>>> bld = billiards.Billiard(obstacles)
>>> bld.add_ball((3, 0), (0, 0), radius=0.2, mass=1)  # returns index of new ball
>>> bld.add_ball((6, 0), (-1, 0), radius=1, mass=100 ** 5)

Using the visualize module, let's see how this initial state looks:

>>> visualize.plot(bld)
<Figure size 800x600 with 1 Axes>

Initial state of Galperin's billiard

The Billiard.evolve method simulates our billiard system from bld.time until a given end time. It returns a list of collisions (ball-ball and ball-obstacle collisions).

>>> bld.toi_next  # next ball-ball collision, its a (time, index, index)-triplet
(1.8000000000000005, 0, 1)
>>> total_collisions = 0
>>> for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
...     total_collisions += len(bld.evolve(i))
...     print(f"Until t = {bld.time}: {total_collisions} collisions")
Until t = 1: 0 collisions
Until t = 2: 1 collisions
Until t = 3: 1 collisions
Until t = 4: 4 collisions
Until t = 5: 314152 collisions

The first collision happened at time t = 1.8. Until t = 4 there were only 4 collisions, but then between t = 4 and t = 5 there were several thousands. Let's see how the situation looks now:

>>> bld.time  # current time
>>> visualize.plot(bld)
<Figure size 800x600 with 1 Axes>

State at time t = 5

Let's advance the simulation to t = 16. As we can check, there won't be any other collisions after this time:

>>> total_collisions += len(bld.evolve(16))
>>> bld.balls_velocity  # nx2 numpy array where n is the number of balls
array([[0.73463055, 0.        ],
       [1.        , 0.        ]])
>>> bld.toi_next  # next ball-ball collision
(inf, -1, 0)
>>> bld.obstacles_next  # next ball-obstacle collision
(inf, 0, None)
>>> visualize.plot(bld)
<Figure size 800x600 with 1 Axes>

State at time t = 16

Both balls are moving towards infinity, the smaller ball to slow to catch the larger one. What is the total number of collisions?

>>> total_collisions
>>> import math
>>> math.pi

The first six digits match! For an explanation why this happens, see Galperin's paper Playing pool with π (the number π from a billiard point of view) or the series of youtube videos by 3Blue1Brown starting with The most unexpected answer to a counting puzzle.

Lastly, I want to point out that all collisions were elastic, i.e. they conserved the kinetic energy (within floating point accuracy):

>>> 100 ** 5 * (-1) ** 2 / 2  # kinetic energy = m v^2 / 2 at the beginning
>>> v_squared = (bld.balls_velocity ** 2).sum(axis=1)
>>> (bld.balls_mass * v_squared).sum() / 2  # kinetic energy now

The video examples/pi_with_pool.mp4 replays the whole billiard simulation (it was created using visualize.animate).

More Examples


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import billiards
>>> from billiards import visualize

First shot in Pool (no friction)

Construct the billiard table:

>>> width, length = 112, 224
bounds = [
    billiards.InfiniteWall((0, 0), (length, 0)),  # bottom side
    billiards.InfiniteWall((length, 0), (length, width)),  # right side
    billiards.InfiniteWall((length, width), (0, width)),  # top side
    billiards.InfiniteWall((0, width), (0, 0))  # left side
bld = billiards.Billiard(obstacles=bounds)

Arrange the balls in a pyramid shape:

>>> from math import sqrt
>>> radius = 2.85
>>> for i in range(5):
>>>     for j in range(i + 1):
>>>         x = 0.75 * length + radius * sqrt(3) * i
>>>         y = width / 2 + radius * (2 * j - i)
>>>         bld.add_ball((x, y), (0, 0), radius)

Add the white ball and give it a push, then view the animation:

>>> bld.add_ball((0.25 * length, width / 2), (length / 3, 0), radius)
>>> anim = visualize.animate(bld, end_time=10)
>>> anim._fig.set_size_inches((10, 5.5))

See pool.mp4

Brownian motion

The billiard table is a square box:

>>> obs = [
>>>     billiards.InfiniteWall((-1, -1), (1, -1)),  # bottom side
>>>     billiards.InfiniteWall((1, -1), (1, 1)),  # right side
>>>     billiards.InfiniteWall((1, 1), (-1, 1)),  # top side
>>>     billiards.InfiniteWall((-1, 1), (-1, -1)),  # left side
>>>     billiards.Disk((0, 0), radius=0.5)  # disk in the middle
>>> ]
>>> bld = billiards.Billiard(obstacles=obs)

Distribute small particles (atoms) uniformly in the square, moving in random directions but with the same speed:

>>> from math import cos, pi, sin
>>> from random import uniform
>>> for i in range(250):
>>>     pos = [uniform(-1, 1), uniform(-1, 1)]
>>>     angle = uniform(0, 2 * pi)
>>>     vel = [cos(angle), sin(angle)]
>>>     bld.add_ball(pos, vel, radius=0.01, mass=1)

Add a bigger ball (like a dust particle)

bld.add_ball((0, 0), (0, 0), radius=0.1, mass=10)

and simulate until t = 50, recording the position of the bigger ball at each collision (this will take some time)

>>> poslist = []
>>> t_next = 0
>>> while t_next < 50:
>>>     bld.evolve(t_next)
>>>     poslist.append(bld.balls_position[-1].copy())
>>>     t_next = min(bld.toi_min[-1][0], bld.obstacles_toi[-1][0])
>>> bld.evolve(50)
>>> poslist.append(bld.balls_position[-1])

Plot the billiard and overlay the path of the particle

>>> fig = visualize.plot(bld, velocity_arrow_factor=0)
>>> fig.set_size_inches((7, 7))
>>> ax = fig.gca()
>>> poslist = np.asarray(poslist)
>>> ax.plot(poslist[:, 0], poslist[:, 1], marker=".", color="red")

Brownian motion
