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Restaurant API's

A Detailed restaurant API built with Django, Docker,Celery,Redis, Nginx, Django Rest Framework and more...

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  • Django REST Framework function-based views
  • Django REST Framework class-based views

Each of the implementations are tested and documented with OpenAPI (Swagger UI).

Local development

This project is heavily focused on the process of setting up the development environment. This project has been tested and developed on:

  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • macOS 11.4 (Apple Silicon)


A Makefile is included in the root of the project to document. This file helps to document each step of the local development environment and deployment process.

Developing with virtual environments

The application can be developed with a virtual environment locally. This requires starting postgres and redis services locally. Alternatively, postgres, redis and other supporting services can be started with a docker-compose file that exposes the services on localhost.

Developing with docker

Docker is a popular choice for developing and deploying applications, including Django. docker-compose can be used to run the application and dependent services in containers. See local.yml in the root directory for more details.

The docker-compose file contains the following services:

  • postgres: Postgres service
  • redis: Redis service
  • pgadmin: Postgres admin service
  • backend: main Django web application
  • celery_default: celery worker that processes the default queue
  • mailhog: a local SMTP server for testing

Continuous Intergration

tools are used for running unit tests and code quality checks on each commit. These include:

  • GitHub Actions

Continuous integration checks that all unit tests pass and that code is formatted correctly. Unit tests run the Python code in a simulated environment that contains the dependent services (postgres and redis). The following tools are used in CI:

  • flake8
  • black
  • pytest

Setup Project

The first thing to do is to clone the repository:

$ git clone
$ cd restaurant-api

Create a virtual environment to install dependencies in and activate it:

$ python3 -m pip install virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate

Then install the dependencies:

(env)$ pip install -r requirements/local.txt

Create restaurant-api/django-local.env file to store the passwords

CELERY_BROKER = redis://redis:6379/0
CELERY_BACKEND = redis://redis:6379/0
DOMAIN = localhost:8080
EMAIL_PORT = 1025 
EMAIL_HOST_USER = your_mail
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = your_password

use this command to run dockerfile

# This is required to add support for some ARGs defined in Dockerfile
make build
make up