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Riccardo Alessandri edited this page May 25, 2021 · 2 revisions

Production versions of polyply are distributed via PyPi, and development versions can be installed from GitHub directly. Installation with Conda is possible as well, although not extensively tested. We recommend installing polyply in a virtual environment to prevent unexpected updates of dependencies or clashes with existing ones.

Prerequisite and Dependencies

Polyply requires python version 3.6 or greater, and depends on the following libraries, with version as indicated:

Name Version
numpy >= 1.18.1
vermouth >= 0.7.1
networkx ~=2.0
scipy >= 1.5.4
decorator 4.4.2
tqdm >= 4.43.0
numba (optional) >= 0.51.2

Quick Start

Install polyply from PyPi using:

pip install polyply

Alternatively install it from GitHub using:

pip install git+

Install in virtual environment with numba

First create a vritual environment:

python3 -m venv polyply-env

Next load the enviroment on Unix or MacOS using:

source polyply/bin/activate

Or on Windows:


Next install numba:

pip install numba

And finally run polyply:

pip install polyply