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Tutorial: Single stranded circular DNA

Fabian Grunewald edited this page May 30, 2022 · 6 revisions

1 - Introduction

Polyply can be used to generate input parameters and coordinates for all sorts of polymers. When building coordinates it is also possible to fine tune some of the conformational properties. For example the persistence length captures the stiffness of a polymer. Polymers with higher persistence length are on average straighter. One such polymer with high persistence length is DNA. DNA whether it is single-stranded (ss) or double-stranded (ds) has a much higher persistence length than many of the famous synthetic polymers. For instance, ss-DNA has a persistence length that is typically 10 times higher than that of for example PEG and even about 4 times higher than PS typically considered a stiff polymer. [1,2]

To make matters even more complicated the persistence length and hence the conformation of the DNA depends on the salt concentration of the solution. At 12.5mM salt the persistence length of a single-strand of polyT is about 3.2nm whereas at a concentration of 1M the persistence length decreases to about 1.0nm.[1] A similar effect has been reported recently for RNA. [3]

In this tutorial we will learn how to generate input files and coordinates for all-atom ssDNA using the Parmbsc1 force-field[4] and for coarse-grained DNA using the Martini2 force-field [5]. In addition it will be shown how to include the persistence length to generate initial chain coordinates, which correspond to specific salt concentrations as well as how to generate circular ssDNA. For some tips and tricks make sure to check out the notes section.

Please note this tutorial currently requires the latest polyply version from GitHub (1.2.2.dev4) in combination with the latest vermouth library version (0.7.3.dev34).

2 - Generating a simple itp file

First let us generate an itp file for the DNA strand we want to study. Parameters for the all-atom Parmbsc1 force-field[4] are part of the polyply library. Thus we only need the DNA sequence. Let’s start with a polyT chain of 10 residues. To generate the parameter (itp file) we simply run a command as follows:

polyply gen_params -lib parmbsc1 -o polyT.itp -name ssDNA -seq DT5:1 DT:10 DT3:1

In the previous command we specify the library we want to use ‘-lib parmbsc1’, the name of the output file with the ‘-o’ flag as well as a name of the molecule by ‘-name’. Finally, the ‘-seq’ option specifies the number of polyT residues that we want to have as well as the 5’ and 3’ end of the polyT residue. Note that these should always be specified in order to have the proper ends of the DNA.

DNA residues follow the naming scheme DA, DT, DC and DG for single-stranded DNA residues and are appended with a 3 or 5 to specify the corresponding 3’/5’ end of the strand. By definition the sequence always starts with the 3’ residue and ends with the 5’ residue. Exchanging the two will result in a disconnected DNA strand and a warning being issued. Of course we can also specify more complex sequences as shown in section 5. But first we will generate some starting coordinates.

3 - Generating starting coordinates

Now we are in the position to generate coordinates for the ssDNA strand. To do so we first have to get the force-field parameters which are usually available here. However, the site is currently unavailable. To be able to continue download the parameters from our repository copy Next we will have to write a topology file that contains all the system components that we need. In this case we need the DNA, water, and some ions corresponding to the salt concentration. Note that we will generate not only 1 but 5 copies of the small polyT strand.

#include "amber14sb_parmbsc1.ff/forcefield.itp"
#include "amber14sb_parmbsc1.ff/ions.itp"
#include "amber14sb_parmbsc1.ff/tip3p.itp"
#include "polyT.itp"
[ system ]
DNA in water
ssDNA 5
SOL 25000
NA xxx
CL xxx

Following we replace the ‘xxx’ by the number of ion molecules corresponding to the target salt concentration. Make sure to save a separate topology file for each example.

3.1 - Starting coordinates for low salt concentration

We take a low salt concentration 125mM. Considering the concentration of water in water (see Notes for detailed calculation) with the number of waters as given above and the fact that each polyT stand has a charge of about -10 we have to add about 57 ions of each species so 57 NA ions and 7 CL ions to keep the solution close to neutral. Edit the topology file with the corresponding number of ions and save it as ‘’. Next we know that the persistence length of DNA at this concentration is about 3nm [2]. To specify that our DNA has to obey this value we need to write a build_file. The file looks as shown below:

[ molecule ]
ssDNA 0 5
[ persistence_length ]
; model lp first residue last residue
WCM 3.0 0 11

In the above file the molecule directive contains the molecule name as well as the molecule indices starting at 0. Because we have 5 DNA strands we have to specify molecules from 0 to 5. The range given is not strictly taken into account. Non-matching molecule indices and names are simply skipped and a warning is issued. After the molecule directive we specify the persistence_length directive: First you provide the WCM keyword followed by the persistence length in nm. Subsequently, the first and last residue of the chain have to be specified. Polyply takes the persistence length into account by sampling end-to-end distances from the distribution generated by the WCM model. The keyword WCM indicates that we use the Worm-Like-Chain model to model end-to-end distances. In principle other models can be implemented but at the moment only the WCM model is available. To generate the chain coordinates simply call polyply in the following fashion:

polyply gen_coords -p -b build_file.bld -name DNA -dens 1000 -o low_conc.gro

Next we have to run an energy minimization on the system. You can find the corresponding mdp files from here. Note that for the energy minimization we have to run with the -DFLEXIBLE option as well as with the -Deq_polyply option. The first takes care that all bonds are flexible, which is important because GROMACS constraints don’t energy minimize well. The second flag tells GROMACS to utilize some special dihedrals that are defined in the itp file. Those dihedral angles make sure that the chirality of the DNA is properly produced in the coordinates. Running without the flag can result in inverted chirality.

3.2 - Starting coordinates for high salt concentration

The starting coordinates for the high salt concentration are generated in the same fashion as in the low salt concentration regime. However, now we have to change the number of salt molecules and save the new topology file as The concentration of salt is supposed to be 1M. Given the same amount of water molecules we need to add 450 ions of sodium and 400 ions of chloride. The persistence length at this salt concentration decreases to about 1 nm.[2] Copy the topology file and the build file. Then edit them and fill in the new value and use these new files to again generate coordinates for the DNA.

polyply gen_coords -p -b build_file_high.bld -name DNA -dens 1000 -o low_conc.gro

Next run again an energy minimization for these coordinates.

3.3 – Comparing chain conformations

After you run the energy minimization you can optionally run a short equilibration, otherwise let us analyze the created coordinates. To do so let’s have a look at the chains. You should see that the chains at lower salt concentration are more extended than at higher salt concentration. To be more quantitative we can compute the end-to-end distance and radius of gyration. This can be done using gmx polystat, as shown below:

gmx polystat -f min_low.gro -s low_conc.tpr -o low_conc.xvg
gmx polystat -f min_high.gro -s high_conc.tpr -o high_conc.xvg

If you run an equilibration you can also analyze the xtc file. If you open the files you will see that at low salt concentration the chain has a larger end-to-end distance and radius of gyration compared to the high salt concentration. Note if you were not to define any persistence length, your DNA would be even more compact. If you want you can give it a try and see the difference.

4 – Simple Coarse-Grained DNA

Of course we can specify more complex sequences and even cylic ssDNA. To keep the computational cost lower, this example will be done using coarse-grained Martini2 DNA [5]. The topology file and all needed input files can be found here.

4.1 - Linear Complex Sequence

The easiest way to specify a more complex sequence is to get it in a plain, fasta, or ig formatted file, which can then be read by polyply. For example, let’s consider the example sequence string shown below. You can also find a larger example sequence here.

> 100bp DNA sequence

First copy the sequence and comment to a file called DNA.fasta. Note that both fasta and ig file format allow for comments. To identify if the sequence belongs to DNA or RNA polyply reads the comments looking for the keyword DNA or RNA. Not providing the DNA or RNA keyword in the comments, will result in an error. Using the fasta file an itp file is generated as simple as:

polyply gen_params -lib martini2 -o complexDNA.itp -name ssDNA -seqf DNA.fasta

Next you will need to download the martini2 parameters from here. And then create a file called martini_v2.0_ions.itp with the following content:

[ moleculetype ]
NA        1
;id     type    resnr   residu  atom    cgnr    charge
 1  Qd  1   NA   NA+     1   1.0
[ moleculetype ]
CL        1
;id     type    resnr   residu  atom    cgnr    charge
1  Qa  1  CL     CL-     1   -1.0

To generate the coordinates we can use the same syntax and input as for the all-atom test-case, however, we need the coarse-grained topology file. Assuming a salt concentration of 1M and that 4 water atoms map to 1 Martini water bead the topology looks as follows. Note that we also need to add neutralizing ions again.

#include "martini_v2.1-dna.itp"
#include "martini_v2.0_ions.itp"
#include "complexDNA.itp"
[ system ]
DNA in water 
[ molecules ]
ssDNA 1
W 25000
NA 450
CL 350

As before we utilize a build file to set the persistence length. The coarse-grained build file as shown below is almost the same as for the atomistic test case, except that now we have 100 base-pairs for only a single chain, so we have to adjust the number of residues and molecule count:

[ molecule ]
ssDNA 0 1
[ persistence_length ]
; model lp first residue last residue
WCM 1.0 0 99

Next let’s run the standard command for coordinate generation as shown below:

polyply gen_coords -p -b build_file_martini.bld -name DNA -dens 1000 -o martini2.gro

When running the command you will see that several warnings are issued about the Martini nucleobases which cannot be optimized. The warnings are harmless in this case, and originates from the fact that one angle in the nucleobase cannot be optimized. This however is quickly fixed with the energy minimization at the martini level.

Now it should complete without issues and take less than 5 minutes.

4.2 – Circular ssDNA sequence

Finally let us have a look at how to make circular ssDNA. The simplest way to proceed is to specify the sequence in ig forma that specifies a circular sequence by adding a 2 as the last character of the sequence. See here for a format description. Given the sequence above we can simply convert it to ig format that looks like shown below.

; This is a comment
Circular DNA Sequence 100bp

To generate the circular DNA itp-file we run:

polyply gen_params -lib martini2 -o circularDNA.itp -name csDNA -seqf circularDNA.ig

Next copy the topology file from the previous Martini example to, replace the itp file and change the molecule name to csDNA. Coordinates are generated as before; we just have to add a command line flag that tells polyply to generate it as a circle, which is done by adding the -cycle flag followed by the name of the molecule.

polyply gen_coords -p -name DNA -dens 1000 -o circle.gro -cycle csDNA

To verify that the structure is indeed circular you can compute the end-to-end distance using gmx polystat as shown before.

5 - Useful Notes

  • supported format for DNA sequences are fasta, ig, and plain

  • to distinguish RNA and DNA polyply reads the comments of the ig or fasta file so one of the keywords RNA/DNA need to be present in the file comments before the sequence

  • DNA residues must be named DA, DG, DT, DC

  • you always have to specify the first residue as 5’ and the last as 3’ end, except when your sequence is circular

  • terminal residue names are the same as above but appended with a 3 or 5 (e.g. DA5 for a Adenine 5’ prime end)

  • for fasta and ig files the terminals are renamed automatically

  • run energy minimization and equilibration with the -Deq_polyply flag

  • for energy minimization use the -DFLEXIBLE flag

  • number of ions given number of water molecules: ((number of water molecules) x conc in molar) / 55.5556

  • dsDNA is currently not supported, but an extension is on the way

  • RNA force-fields are currently not supported,because the 3D organization of RNA currently goes much beyond the capabilities of polyply.


[1] Sim, A.Y., Lipfert, J., Herschlag, D. and Doniach, S., 2012. Salt dependence of the radius of gyration and flexibility of single-stranded DNA in solution probed by small-angle x-ray scattering. Physical Review E, 86(2), p.021901.

[2] Colby, R. H.; Rubinstein, M. Polymer Physics; Oxford University Press: New York, 2003.

[3] Plumridge, A., Andresen, K. and Pollack, L., 2019. Visualizing disordered single-stranded RNA: connecting sequence, structure, and electrostatics. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142(1), pp.109-119.

[4] Ivani, I., Dans, P.D., Noy, A., Pérez, A., Faustino, I., Hospital, A., Walther, J., Andrio, P., Goñi, R., Balaceanu, A. and Portella, G., 2016. Parmbsc1: a refined force field for DNA simulations. Nature methods, 13(1), pp.55-58.

[5] Uusitalo, J.J., Ingólfsson, H.I., Akhshi, P., Tieleman, D.P. and Marrink, S.J., 2015. Martini coarse-grained force field: extension to DNA. Journal of chemical theory and computation, 11(8), pp.3932-3945.

[6] Uusitalo, J.J., Ingólfsson, H.I., Marrink, S.J. and Faustino, I., 2017. Martini coarse-grained force field: extension to RNA. Biophysical journal, 113(2), pp.246-256.