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FlooidCoreData is a simple wrapper around the CoreData framework, designed to give you the same syntax as FlooidRealm (wrapper around the Realm framework) where the only difference are the class name prefixes (Realm- vs CoreData-).

Of course, you will need to provide different model implementations (NSManagedObjects for CoreData and Objects for Realm) which may lead to slight differences in how you get or set their properties.




pod 'FlooidCoreData', :git => '', :tag => '0.0.32'


  1. Create a CoreDataConfiguration
let configuration = CoreDataConfiguration(modelName: "MyAppDataModel", inMemory: false)

This object includes the NSManagedObjectModel and NSPersistentStoreCoordinator as well as a privateQueue NSManagedObjectContext. The private context is then used as a parent to the mainQueue context. At the moment you cannot change this configuration, but in future updates you will be allowed to provide your own configuration.

  1. Create a CoreDataProvider: this object stores a main context and, via closure, can provide you with a background context
let coreDataProvider = CoreDataProvider(configuration: configuration)

let mainContext = coreDataProvider.mainContext
// do stuff on the main thread via mainContext

coreDataProvider.performInBackground(action: { backgroundContext, done in
  // do stuff in background via backgroundContext and once ready call done()
}, then: {
  // do stuff back on the main thread
  1. Conform your CoreData entity classes to DataObjectProtocol
extension UserCoreDataObject: DataObjectProtocol {
    public static func idKey() -> String { return "id" }
    public static func entityName() -> String { return "User" }


When you use CoreDataProvider's mainContext (or the background one via performInBackground) what you actually get is an object of type CoreDataContext, which wraps a NSManagedObjectContext. Using this object you can perform transactions, execute queries, get live results, or find or create entities.

let context: CoreDataContext

// Transactions
context.transaction { transactionContext

  // Find or create
  let user = UserCoreDataObject.findOrCreate(forID: "123", in: transactionContext)
  // Delete
  // Find One (and update)
  let user2 = UserCoreDataObject.object(forID: "111", in: transactionContext)
  user2?.name = "Jon Anec"
// After the block is completed, the `context` object takes care of merging the changes you've made.

// Querying
let adminUsersQuery = UserCoreDataObject.query(in: context)
    .filter(NSPredicate("role = %@", "admin"))
    .filter(NSPredicate("deleted = %d", false)) // Chaining filters will result in "NSCompoundPredicate(andPredicateWithSubpredicates:)" on them
    .sort(NSSortDescriptor(key: "name", ascending: true))

let adminUsers = adminUsersQuery.execute()

// Get an automatically updatable (and observable) results object
let adminUsersResults = adminUsersQuery.results()
let usersFromResult = adminUsersResults.objects

adminUsersResults.addObserver(self, #selector(usersChanged), .updated)