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Hypermedia Applications project

Our Hypermedia project aims to create a user-friendly website which is the portfolio related to a fictional venture capitalist in the Space Industry. You can check out the final result by visiting this link:


Technologies Used

Hosting Service Used: Vercel. We decided to host our website on Vercel due to its simplicity, scalability, and seamless integration with Vue.js projects. Vercel's deployment process ensures fast loading times for our web pages while providing reliable hosting services.

Rendering Mode: SSR. We opted for SSR (Server-Side Rendering) for our project due to its numerous advantages. It accelerates initial load times, improves SEO, enhances performance, enables progressive enhancement, allows for code sharing, and facilitates seamless transitions between pages.

Database for Backend: Supabase. We have implemented server endpoints using Supabase for efficient data management operations such as fetching project details or retrieving the team. This allows us to retrieve and display dynamic content from the server.

Extra Modules Used:

  • Supabase for database management
  • Pinia for store management
  • Nuxt
  • Tailwind CSS for styling.
  • Three.js for the 3D planet visualization