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Captures people's intuition about branches having parent branches, and shows them as a tree


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Quick aside: inspiration from Gundo

I like the way the undo tree is displayed in gundo.vim, and I think I'd like to copy the general look of that into git-btree. Basically turning the tree upside-down, and also spending space/characters connecting things using lines.

Stand by for updating the below examples to this new look.


The basic idea of git-btree is that the human intuition of a commit "being on a branch" is not reflected by Git out-of-the-box.

  • Git's model of branches: A branch is a ref that moves forwards with new commits. Commits are not technically "on" a branch; instead, commits may be reachable from a certain branch. The set of branches is "flat" in the sense that they are just names in a list somewhere; however, branches are sometimes reachable from each other in the sense that one branch ref is upstream of another. This is not reflected so clearly in tool output, however; especially not when branches go stale with respect to one another. (See below.)

  • Human intuition of branches: If I make a commit while on a branch, that commit is on that branch. If I start a new branch feature-a2 while already on an old branch feature-a1, the commits I make to feature-a2 will be on feature-a2 but not on feature-a1. Vice versa, the old commits I made while working on feature-a1 are on feature-a1 but not on feature-a2. I think of feature-a2 as being a "child branch" of feature-a1, because the start of the former is based on the latest commit of the latter. If interesting things happen to feature-a1 (more commits, say, or it gets rebased), I still consider feature-a2 to be a child branch, but it's now "behind", or "stale".

The tool gives output such as this:

$ git btree
. master
  . feature-a1 [+2]
  ... feature-a2 [+3]
  . feature-b [+1]

The branches are ordered hierarchically according to their commit-ancestor relationships. We'll define parent branch and child branch as meaning the obvious things. (But also see later about stale branches.) In this case, the commit history would look like this:

...--o master
     +--o--o feature-a1 (two commits ahead of master)
     |     |
     |     +--o--o--o feature-a2 (three commits ahead of feature-a1, five ahead of master)
     +--o feature-b (one commit ahead of master)

Why do we care about hierarchical branches? Generally these should be avoided, but they do happen sometimes, for example when building two pull requests, whose work naturally divides into two consecutive parts. The git wip mechanism (a replacement for git stash, see below) also builds on hierarchical branches.

I don't expect there to be more than one nesting level under master most of the time, and occasionally a second nesting level. The point of the git-btree tool is to present the branches as a list when they are a list, and to give good support for the hierarchical-branches case when it occurs.

A nesting level of 3 and above does not need to be rendered any more nested than the second level. (To avoid a "pyramid of doom" situation where the nesting turns from a benefit to a burden by consuming arbitrary levels of indentation.)

Ahead, behind, diverged, empty

master is considered the root branch in the hierarchy. (Some configuration in .git/config allows the root to be something else; it defaults to master.) As we will see, "root branch" does not always mean "oldest commit" or "most ancestral commit"; it just means that it's the top of the branch hierarchy by definition.

In the first example, all the three feature-* branches were ahead of their ancestor. In the case of PRs merging and making other branches "old" (as in, not basing off of latest master anymore), branches can also be behind. Notice that a branch can be both ahead and behind. I've come to increasingly see this as the beauty of Git.

Here's an example. If the commit structure looks like this:

...--o--o--o--o master
     |     |
     |     +--o--o feature-a1 (two commits ahead, one commit behind master)
     |           |
     |           +--o--o--o feature-a2 (three commits ahead of feature-a1)
     +--o feature-b (one commit ahead, three commits behind master)

Then the output of the command would be this:

$ git btree
. master
  * feature-a1 [+2, -1]
  ... feature-a2 [+3]
  * feature-b [+1, -3]

Whereas the dot (.) means "everything's peachy here", the asterisk (*) means "commits in this branch (ahead), but also commits in the parent branch (behind)". But everything's otherwise fine.

Note that feature-a2 does not "inherit" the behindness of feature-a1. That is, feature-a1 is behind master, and while feature-a2 is also behind master, it is not behind feature-a1. The behindness all belongs to feature-a1 in this case. In general in git-btree, branches do not inherit properties.

A branch that's both ahead and behind is called diverged. Diverging in your Git history is quite normal and sometimes even fine. But see "Conflicts" below for when it gets interesting.

A branch which is neither ahead nor behind is called empty. Work on this branch likely hasn't started yet.

Here's a table summarizing the different states a child branch can be in:

no parent commits parent commits
no child commits empty behind (done)
child commits ahead diverged

In the examples in this README, the branches are listed alphabetically. In the actual usage of git-btree, they are listed in ascending order of the "behind" number; this tends to show recently-worked-on branches near the top.


Let's now assume feature-b gets merged. A new merge commit will show up on master, and feature-b will be a parent of that commit, which means it's now strictly behind master. In terms of a commit diagram, we can visualize it like this:

...--o--o--o--o--o master
     |     |     |
        ^  |
        :  +--o--o feature-a1 (two commits ahead, three commits behind master)
        :        |
        :        +--o--o--o feature-a2 (three commits ahead of feature-a1)
        feature-b (four commits behind master; the original three + the new merge)

A branch which is behind but not ahead is defined as done if the parent branch holds a merge commit pulling in all of "ahead" work from that branch. For done branches, the tool shows them separately at the bottom after a divider.

$ git btree
. master
  * feature-a1 [+2, -3]
  ... feature-a2 [+3]
~ feature-b [done]

The ~ symbol here signifies that you can now git purge the feature-b branch. (git-purge is another tool I have. It just removes locally all the branches that are strictly behind. Its entire implementation is git branch --merged | egrep -v "(\*|master)" | xargs -r git branch -D | sed -e's/^Deleted/Purged/'.) Since purging often happens if you pull in a fresh master with merged PRs, if you do git pullge, it will git pull and then automatically purge those branches.


A dry-run merge is a merge operation that doesn't update Git history; it non-destructively checks if the merge would succeed or lead to a conflict. Any diverged (ahead/behind) branch can be conflicted, if a dry-run merge into its parent branch conflicts.

Having merged and purged feature-b, let's assume feature-a1 became conflicted from that merge. The commit history now looks a bit smaller without feature-b:

...--o--o--o master
     +--o--o feature-a1 (two commits ahead, three commits behind master)
           +--o--o--o feature-a2 (three commits ahead of feature-a1)

From the commit history alone, we can't tell whether feature-a1 is conflicted or not. That information resides inside of the commits, more precisely in the composed result of the two commits on feature-a1 and the three commits on master.

In this case, we assume it's conflicted. Then the output is this:

$ git btree
. master
  ! feature-a1 [+2, -3, conflict]
  ... feature-a2 [+3]

The ! symbol means "this diverged branch is conflicted". Since merging is the successful outcome of a branch/pull request workflow, such a conflict will need to be handled somehow with either a git merge or a git rebase, either action containing manual conflict resolution steps.

The feature-a2 branch is not marked as conflicted. The known conflict exists between feature-a1 and master; resolving that conflict in feature-a1 will surely affect the exact relationship between feature-a1 and feature-a2 — if we were merging out from master to feature-a1, feature-a2 will now be more behind; if we were rebasing feature-a1, feature-a2 will now be stale; see below — in either case, feature-a2 might now be conflicted due to the conflict resolutions in feature-a1.

There's another tool called git-cascade-rebase that I haven't written yet. Similar to this git-btree tool, it would take branch hierarchies into consideration, and when you asked it to rebase a branch, it would first rebase that branch and then rebase all its descendant branches in breadth-first order. The reason this is not a trivial command to write is that git-rebase is already a long-running command (what with --continue and --abort and all that), so git-cascade-rebase needs to be, too. Conceptually, it should carry out a number of rebases sequentially, but in a transactional way, so that for example git cascade-rebase --abort would reset all of the already rebased branches.


Absent git-cascade-rebase, descendant branches of a rebased branch are going to have the parent branch's old commit as the ancestor. So, assuming we've rebased the feature-a1 branch:

...--o--o--o--o-------------------o master
     |                            |
     +--o--o _old_ feature-a1     +--o--o feature-a1
           +--o--o--o feature-a2 (three commits ahead of old feature-a1)

The commit marked _old_ feature-a1 doesn't even have a ref anymore, but it's significant because its a rebased-away version of the current holder of the ref feature-a1. It's weird that no Git tools seem to acknowledge this type of relationship. Usually the user needs to cross-correlate things in the commit history and in the git reflog.

A child branch is defined as stale when its parent branch has been rebased away from the child branch, like feature-a1 has from feature-a2 above.

Usually it's a level-2 branch or deeper that gets stale. But this could also theoretically happen to a level-1 branch, if some work on a local master gets rebased away from a branch that had work in it from before the rebase.

In the case of the commit history above, the tool would output this:

$ git btree
. master
  . feature-a1 [+2, -3]
  ..? feature-a2 [+3, stale]

Here, the symbol ? indicates that this branch has become stale and in a sense is forgotten and needs to be cared about. The solution in this case is to rebase this branch. The somewhat intricate rebase command in this case would be git rebase --onto feature-a1 old-feature-a1 feature-a2, which means we also have to locate old-feature-a1 which typically doesn't have a ref at this point. (This is exactly why that git-cascade-rebase tool should exist, to pre-empt this situation by rebasing descendant branches immediately. It just now strikes me that git-cascade-rebase should also work retroactively; that is, it should handle feature-a2 in this case even after feature-a1 was rebased normally. It should figure out the staleness of feature-a2 in the same way git-btree does.)

In rare cases, a branch may be conflicted (!) and stale (?) at the same time. It then gets the symbol .

How do we recognize a commit as being the lesser/rebased-away version of another commit? The one thing a "fresh" commit and its corresponding "stale" commit will have in common is author information (name+email+datetime). If that's exactly the same between two commits, then those commits are either rebased or cherry-picked or something similar. Borrowing some terminology from Gerrit, we refer to a set of commits all with the same author information as a change. A branch is stale if, when we compare it to its parent branch, the parent branch contains the same changes but from fresher commits.

It's icing on the cake, but it'd be nice at some point if the tool could mark up conflicts even past a staleness barrier. That is, in this sitauation:

. master
  . feature-a1 [+2, -3]
  ..? feature-a2 [+3, stale]
  ..... feature-a3 [+2]

feature-a3 might actually be conflicted against the rebased result of feature-a2; we strictly don't know yet, because we haven't done that rebase yet. But what we can do instead of just dry-run-merging feature-a3 against feature-a2 and then stopping, is going up the chain; in this case dry-run-merging feature-a3 against first feature-a2, then feature-a1, then master. Dry-run-merging is presumably cheap, since it happens behind the scenes and has no visible side effects.

Again, this is conjectural, but maybe in such a case the output should note as much:

. master
  . feature-a1 [+2, -3]
  ..? feature-a2 [+3, stale]
  ....! feature-a3 [+2, conflict against master]

Work-in-progress (WIP) branches

The git-stash command is one of my favorites. It allows me to "hide away" work temporarily in order to do other things, including unlocking Git commands that are better done with a clean working copy (such as git pull).

Stashes have one drawback, though: they are not so visible. Typically, I come back to some well-used repository and discover stash objects that are 6 months old or more. Sometimes these are just abandoned attempts at something, and can be thrown away, but not always. The fact is that stashes work a little bit too well in hiding away the work, and what should've been temporary becomes... less so.

The git-wip command (another custom tool) remedies this. Instead of creating a stash object for the ongoing work, it instead creates a new branch. Using git-btree terminology, this is a child branch with one commit.

The name of the new branch is <current-branch-name>-wip-<today's-date>. For example masak/cfg-wip-2019-06-24. If several WIP branches are created on the same date, they also get a serial number starting at 2: masak/cfg-wip-2019-06-24(2). (Yes, branch names can have parentheses in them!) Typically, there won't be a need to have more than one WIP branch a day for a given branch, or even more than one WIP branch, period.

git-btree has some built-in support for recognizing and displaying WIP branches. Instead of showing them on their own line, the WIP branches are shown on their parent branch.

$ git btree
. master
  . feature-a1 [+2, -3] <WIP, -1, stale (3 days ago)>
  ... feature-a2 [+3]

Because WIP branches are regular branches, they can get behind, or conflicted, or stale. This information is also displayed. (The above example shows the WIP being 1 commit behind its parent feature-a1, and stale because feature-a1 was rebased after the WIP branch was made.) A git-cascade-rebase would pick up a WIP branch as any other branch and make sure it's fresh.

Similar to the stash command, git wip pop will apply the changes to the current branch and remove the WIP branch, whereas git wip apply will apply the changes but keep the WIP branch around. If needed, you can disambiguate and choose a WIP branch to apply or pop, either by sequence number or by date or by its full branch name. If you don't specify anything, the newest WIP branch is chosen. The single command git unwip is synonymous with git wip pop.

Unlike stashes, a WIP branch cannot easily be applied on a branch that's different from the one where it was created. Although that's undeniably a use case, I don't believe I will miss that feature so much. For the cases where just "floating" some changes across branches using git checkout is not enough, the regular git stash command can still cover that use case.


In Git, a "remote branch" is (confusingly) not a branch over at the remote repo, but a local (non-branch) ref that mirrors a branch over at the remote repo. As such, it can get out-of-date, just like any other such information in a distributed system. (Git might tell you that you are up-to-date with origin/master, for example, and it will be right. But origin/master is not the actual master branch at the remote origin; it's just a cache, and it might be old.)

However, it's more important for this tool to be fast (and incur no delays/unstability from network traffic by default) than to be up-to-date with a remote. At most, the tool could carry a --fetch flag that'd fetch from all remotes before showing the information. (Or, more impressively, show the information first, then fetch, then update the information using ncurses.)

Here's a quick example of remote-branch information that could be shown.

. master {push}
  . feature-a1 [+2, -3] {force-push}
  ..? feature-a2 [+3, stale]
  ..... feature-a3 [+2]

A {push} corresponds to the remote branch being strictly behind the local branch. A {force-push} corresponds to the remote branch being diverged with the local branch.

Note how, in this example, feature-a2 and feature-a3 will probably need to be force-pushed eventually, but that information is suppressed right now, since they are stale currently and need to be cascade-rebased first.

Conceivably there should be a tool for pushing all the branches in the listing that can be pushed without force. I'd like it to be something reasonable that doesn't mess up the tab completion of git push. Maybe git pa (as in "push all"). That command could also take a --force flag to push the {force-push} branches, too.

Guess we could sometimes show {force-push, conflict}, but that's not so informative, because that conflict has already been resolved locally, and will anyway be force-pushed away, so... better just display it as {force-push}.

Since many branches can be ongoing/pushed at the same time, there might be conflicts hiding between those branches, that won't show up before one of them has been pushed. It would be very nice to be able to dry-run-merge all the pushed branches against each other, and get information about possible future conflicts. Questions arise both about how slow this will be in practice, and how best to visualize a conflict between two disparate branches in the tree. (Possibly a system of "footnotes", marking the pair of branches that are conflicting, and showing a longer message below the divider, could work quite well.) It's just a hunch, but we might choose to only show this information about branches that have a remote branch — the rationale being that before that, they are not "ready" enough, and showing the information about conflicts is not so important.


Branches are not "primary" in Git; the commit graph is. Branches just float on top of the commit graph, like very movable browser bookmarks to commits.

I just had a real-world situation where I was working on some branch feature-f, and had made three commits on it already:

. master
  . feature-f [+3]

Then I discovered a bug, and I made a commit of what I found on a separate branch bug:

. master
  . feature-f [+3]
  ... bug [+1]

But then I went back and continued working on the feature-f branch, making 5 more commits on it:

. master
  . (cedfa99) [+3]
  ... bug [+1]
  ... feature-f [+5]

The point is that the common commit that one or more branches share as a parent doesn't necessarily have a branch ref associated with it. This is somewhat rare, but from Git's perspective it's the general case, since branches do not matter.

The above case happened because two branches diverged from a common ancestor that didn't have a branch ref attached. We call a commit "anonymous" if git-btree needs to use it as an ancestor but it doesn't have a branch ref. It can happen for a number of reasons — for example, maybe someone rebased parts of a parent branch.

In summary, Git doesn't really care about branches. Branches are not primary — the commit graph is. Usually we'll have a branch label to show for a particular ancestor commit; when we don't, git-btree falls back to using commit SHA-1s, analogously to how many Git commands show the "current branch" when working with a detached HEAD.

Orphaned branches

Typically a repository will contain master and branches that are descendants of master. Such a hierarchy is not enforced by Git, and so it's also possible to have branches that have no history in common with master. Git documentation refers to these as orphaned branches.

The git-btree tool shows orphaned branches in their own hierarchy, always after master but before any fold with done branches.

. master
  . feature-f [+3]
. gh-pages [orphan]
~ feature-g [done]


The git-bb tool has pioneered the use of colors a bit. The branch names should be colored as follows:

  • Strictly ahead branches: bright green
  • Strictly behind branches: bright black (dark grey)
  • Mixed ahead/behind branches: bright cyan
  • Empty (neither ahead nor behind): bright white

As for the one-character symbols (. * ~ ? ! ‽), the ones that don't require any direct action (. * ~) are colored the usual grey, whereas the ones that do (? ! ‽) are colored bright red.

The {push} and {force-push} should probably also be colored, maybe... bright yellow?

It's a small thing, but git-btree (just like git-bb) also shows the currently checked-out branch by inverting its colors. (I think this should be made to work even when we're in detached HEAD mode.)

Similar/prior art


Captures people's intuition about branches having parent branches, and shows them as a tree







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