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Btrfs snapshot backup utility

  • Push/pull support via SSH
  • Retention
  • Email notifications
  • Compression of transferred data
  • Syslog logging

System dependencies


The following packages have to be available on both source and destination

  • bash
  • btrfs-progs

The system executing btrfs-backup requires

  • python3


  • ssh (for remote push/pull, not required for local operation)
    • bash has to be set as the default remote shell for the user running the backup
  • lzop (for compression support if desired)
  • pv (provides progress indication if installed)
  • sendmail (for email notifications if desired)


pip3 install btrfs-sxbackup


  • when using ssh, public/private key authentication should be set up

Known limitations

  • the destination filesystem has to be mounted without the subvol option, otherwise an error will occur on btrfs receive prompting you to remount with fs tree
  • some commands (like update) may not be available for backup jobs created with older versions of btrfs-sxbackup. in this case backup jobs can be recreated using destroy and init. existing snapshots will be kept as long as destroy is not invoked with --purge.

Usage examples


Initialize a backup job pulling snapshots of subvolume / on remote host to local subvolume /backup/myhost

btrfs-sxbackup init ssh:// /backup/myhost

Initialize a backup job pushing snapshots of local subvolume / to remote subvolume /backup/myhost on host

btrfs-sxbackup init / ssh://

note that in the ssh:// URL, the username and port part are optional; if not specified, the defaults will be used.


Run a backup job

btrfs-sxbackup run /backup/myhost


Cronjob performing a pull backup job

# /etc/cron.d/btrfs-sxbackup
30 2    * * *     root     btrfs-sxbackup run /backup/myhost

Synopsis and options

usage: btrfs-sxbackup [-h] [-q] [--version] [-v]
                      {init,destroy,update,run,info,transfer} ...

positional arguments:
    init                initialize backup job
    destroy             destroy backup job
    update              update backup job
    run                 run backup job
    info                backup job info
    purge               purge backups according to retention expressions
    transfer            transfer snapshot

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q, --quiet           do not log to stdout
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -v                    can be specified multiple times to increase verbosity


usage: btrfs-sxbackup init [-h] [-sr SOURCE_RETENTION]
                           [-dr DESTINATION_RETENTION] [-c]
                           source-subvolume destination-subvolume

positional arguments:
  source-subvolume      source subvolume to backup. local path or ssh url
                        destination subvolume receiving backup snapshots.
                        local path or ssh url

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        expression defining which source snapshots to
                        retain/cleanup. can be a static number (of backups) or
                        more complex expression like "1d:4/d, 1w:daily,
                        2m:none" literally translating to: "1 day from now
                        keep 4 backups a day, 1 week from now keep daily
                        backups, 2 months from now keep none"
                        expression defining which destination snapshots to
                        retain/cleanup. can be a static number (of backups) or
                        more complex expression (see --source-retention
  -c, --compress        enables compression during transmission. Requires lzop
                        to be installed on both source and destination


usage: btrfs-sxbackup run [-h] [-m [MAIL]] [-li LOG_IDENT]
                          subvolume [subvolume ...]

positional arguments:
  subvolume             backup job source or destination subvolume. local path
                        or SSH url

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m [MAIL], --mail [MAIL]
                        enables email notifications. If an email address is
                        given, it overrides the default email-recipient
                        setting in /etc/btrfs-sxbackup.conf
  -li LOG_IDENT, --log-ident LOG_IDENT
                        log ident used for syslog logging, defaults to script


usage: btrfs-sxbackup update [-h] [-sr SOURCE_RETENTION]
                             [-dr DESTINATION_RETENTION] [-c]
                             subvolume [subvolume ...]

positional arguments:
  subvolume             backup job source or destination subvolume. local path
                        or SSH url

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        expression defining which source snapshots to
                        retain/cleanup. can be a static number (of backups) or
                        more complex expression like "1d:4/d, 1w:daily,
                        2m:none" literally translating to: "1 day from now
                        keep 4 backups a day, 1 week from now keep daily
                        backups, 2 months from now keep none"
                        expression defining which destination snapshots to
                        retain/cleanup. can be a static number (of backups) or
                        more complex expression (see --source-retention
  -c, --compress        enables compression during transmission. Requires lzop
                        to be installed on both source and destination
  -nc, --no-compress    disable compression during transmission


usage: btrfs-sxbackup info [-h] subvolume [subvolume ...]

positional arguments:
  subvolume   backup job source or destination subvolume. local path or SSH

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


usage: btrfs-sxbackup purge [-h] [-sr SOURCE_RETENTION]
                            [-dr DESTINATION_RETENTION]
                            subvolume [subvolume ...]

positional arguments:
  subvolume             backup job source or destination subvolume. local path
                        or SSH url

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Optionally override expression defining which source
                        snapshots to retain/cleanup. can be a static number
                        (of backups) or more complex expression like "1d:4/d,
                        1w:daily, 2m:none" literally translating to: "1 day
                        from now keep 4 backups a day, 1 week from now keep
                        daily backups, 2 months from now keep none"
                        Optionally override expression defining which
                        destination snapshots to retain/cleanup. can be a
                        static number (of backups) or more complex expression
                        (see --source-retention argument)


usage: btrfs-sxbackup destroy [-h] [--purge] subvolume [subvolume ...]

positional arguments:
  subvolume   backup job source or destination subvolume. local path or SSH

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --purge     removes all backup snapshots from source and destination


usage: btrfs-sxbackup transfer [-h] [-c]
                               source-subvolume destination-subvolume

positional arguments:
  source-subvolume      source subvolume to transfer. local path or ssh url
                        destination subvolume. local path or ssh url

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c, --compress        enables compression during transmission. Requires lzop
                        to be installed on both source and destination