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Hop Protocol Subgraph Client

🛠 An JavaScript Subgraph Client for Hop Protocol

The Graph is an indexing protocol for querying networks like Ethereum and IPFS. Anyone can build and publish open APIs, called subgraphs, making data easily accessible.

Hop Protocol is a scalable rollup-to-rollup general token bridge. It allows users to send tokens from one rollup or sidechain to another almost immediately without having to wait for the networks challenge period.

Hop Protocol Mainnet Subgraph

Hop Subgraph Playground

💁Getting Started

✨To use Hop Subgraph Clients :

Install the lib using npm or yarn

yarn add hop-subgraph-client

✨Subgraph Queries

import { createSubgraphClient } from 'hop-subgraph-client'
const SUBGRAPH_URL = ''
const client = createSubgraphClient(SUBGRAPH_URL)

To list transfers

import { Transfer_OrderBy, OrderDirection } from 'hop-subgraph-client'
// List transfers
const { transfers } = await client.Transfers({
  first: 2,
  orderBy: Transfer_OrderBy.Value,
  orderDirection: OrderDirection.Desc,

To list tokens and TVL

const { tokens } = await client.Tokens()
const { tvls } = await client.Tvls()
console.log('tokens :>> ', tokens)
console.log('tvls :>> ', tvls)

More examples are here


Created an .env file with a env variable:

#<mainnet, optimism...>

For local developement you can run

yarn dev

For production build:

yarn build

Which will generate a production build on "dist" folder.

To run tests type:

yarn test

Adding new queries

Refer to any existing query in the graphql directory as a reference when first getting started.

  1. Add the query to an existing .graphql file or create a new one in the graphql directory.
  2. Run yarn gen:subgraph
  3. Access the query from the generated client using client.QueryName

All queries get exactly typed, so if you query a partial reference to an underlying model, only the quereied fields will be available. If you need to reference the type created by the query, create a fragment and use that fragment in your query.

fragment SubgraphBlock on Block {

query Block($id: ID!, $block: Block_height) {
  block(id: $id) {

The generated type will be exported from the module suffixed with Fragment. So in this example, your type is named: SubgraphBlockFragment.

import { SubgraphBlockFragment, Block_OrderBy } from 'hop-subgraph-client'

// List blocks
const { blocks } = await client.Blocks({
  first: 5,
  block: { number_gte: blockHeight },
  orderBy: Block_OrderBy.Timestamp,

const block: SubgraphMarketFragment = blocks[0]

Resync the schema

Anytime there are schema changes published to hop-mainnet-subgraph, you'll need to resync the local schema by running yarn gen:subgraph.

If the update introduced breaking changes, running yarn gen:subgraph will fail and print the necessary changes that need to be made to the console.


This is experimental software and is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis.

We do not give any warranties and will not be liable for any loss incurred through any use of this codebase.

This is 3rd party code, use at your YOUR OWN RISK ⚠️