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Platform Support iOS Version SPM Compatible

Swift-based HUD for showing loading spinner, progress or any image with a status.
The library is compatible with Swift 5.2 and iOS 13+ See FMProgressHUD-Demo for demo
HUD should show either one of the following combinations:

  1. indefinite loading spinner
  2. indefinite loading spinner with status
  3. progress loading spinner
  4. progress loading spinner with status
  5. image
  6. image with status

Example Screenshots


Swift Package Manager

  1. Copy the github URL for FMProgressHUD
    Github URL

  2. In Project Settings -> Swift Package Manager, click +, paste the github URL and select the version settings Adding Swift Packages

  3. Added packages are shown under Project Settings -> Swift Package Manager and in Source Control Navigator Added Swift Package in Added Swift Package in Source Control Navigator

  4. Add import FMProgressHUD to files where you want to use the HUD


  1. Copy over the FMProgressHUD folder into your project
  2. Add import FMProgressHUD


FMProgressHUD is a singleton class that provides static properties to configure the HUD and static methods to show the HUD. No initialisation is required.

// show indefinite loading spinner

// show progress loading spinner
// note that progess ranges from 0 to 1 0.1, status: "Loading...")

// show info
FMProgressHUD.showInfo(status: "Information")

// show success
FMProgressHUD.showSuccess(status: "Success")

// show error
FMProgressHUD.showError(status: "Error")

// show an image with a status
let image = UIImage(systemName: "person.fill.checkmark")! image, status: "Contact added")

// dismiss the HUD

FMProgressHUD static methods:

static func show(status: String? = nil)
static func showInfo(status: String? = nil)
static func showSuccess(status: String? = nil)
static func showError(status: String? = nil)
static func show(image: UIImage, status: String? = nil)

Customise your HUD

The following fields can be customised:

var animationType = FMProgressHUDAnimationType.flat // Can be: flat, native (iOS native UIActicityIndicatorView)
var maskType = FMProgressHUDMaskType.clear  // Can be: clear, black, or custom
var hudStyle = FMProgressHUDStyle.light // Can be: light, dark, or custom
var backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
var hudForegroundColor = 
var hudBackgroundColor = UIColor.white
var hudViewCustomBlurEffect: UIBlurEffect?
var allowUserInteraction = true
var fadeInAnimationDuration: TimeInterval = 0.15
var fadeOutAnimationDuration: TimeInterval = 0.15
var imageSize = CGSize(width: 28, height: 28)
var cornerRadius: CGFloat = 14
var ringThickness: CGFloat = 2
var labelFontSize: CGFloat = 15

Customise Loading Animation

You can set loading animation using FMProgressHUD.animationType
Added Swift Package in Source Control Navigator

Customise Mask

You can set mask using FMProgressHUD.maskType
For custom masks color, set FMProgressHUD.backgroundColor

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Customise HUD Style

You can set style using FMProgressHUD.hudStyle

If .custom is selected, you can customise it by setting: FMProgressHUD.hudViewCustomBlurEffect, FMProgressHUD.hudBackgroundColor, and FMProgressHUD.hudForegroundColor
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