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Notice: Much of this component, with exception of the UIFont and UIFontDescriptor APIs, will soon be deprecated. Please consider using the schemes/Typography component and the Material Theming APIs instead.


The Typography component provides methods for displaying text using the type sizes and opacities from the Material Design specifications.

Design & API Documentation


Installation with CocoaPods

To add this component to your Xcode project using CocoaPods, add the following to your Podfile:

pod 'MaterialComponents/Typography'

Then, run the following command:

pod install



Before using Typography, you'll need to import it:


import MaterialComponents.MaterialTypography


#import "MaterialTypography.h"


Select a font most appropriate to its usage and set it as your label's font. All fonts are returned from class methods beginning with the font's Material Design type style and ending with 'Font'. Material Typography should be used consistently throughout the entire UI.


Each font has a respective opacity (alpha) value returned by class methods beginning with the font's Material Design type style and ending with 'FontOpacity'. These CGFloats should be set on the label's alpha property. If animating alpha, it should be the maximum value reached.

Type Sizes and Opacities

MDCTypography provides a UIFont font and a CGFloat opacity for each of the standard type settings in the Material Design specifications.

Material Design type styles and their respective MDCTypography methods

Material Design Type MDCTypography Font MDCTypography Opacity
Display 4 display4Font display4FontOpacity
Display 3 display3Font display3FontOpacity
Display 2 display2Font display2FontOpacity
Display 1 display1Font display1FontOpacity
Headline headlineFont headlineFontOpacity
Subheading subheadFont subheadFontOpacity
Body 2 body2Font body2FontOpacity
Body 1 body1Font body1FontOpacity
Caption captionFont captionFontOpacity
Button buttonFont buttonFontOpacity

Font size reference

Material Design Type Size

Font opacity reference

Material Design Type Opacity


Create a Title Label


let label = UILabel()
label.text = "This is a title"
label.font = MDCTypography.titleFont()
label.alpha = MDCTypography.titleFontOpacity()

// If using autolayout, the following line is unnecessary as long
// as all constraints are valid.

Objective C

UILabel *label = [[UILabel alloc] init];
label.text = @"This is a title";
label.font = [MDCTypography titleFont];
label.alpha = [MDCTypography titleFontOpacity];

// If using autolayout, the following line is unnecessary as long
// as all constraints are valid.
[label sizeToFit];
[self.view addSubview:label];

Create a Display 1 Label


let label = UILabel()
label.text = "Display 1"
label.font = MDCTypography.display1Font()
label.alpha = MDCTypography.display1FontOpacity()

// If using autolayout, the following line is unnecessary as long
// as all constraints are valid.


UILabel *label = [[UILabel alloc] init];
label.text = @"Display 1";
label.font = [MDCTypography display1Font];
label.alpha = [MDCTypography display1FontOpacity];

// If using autolayout, the following line is unnecessary as long
// as all constraints are valid.
[label sizeToFit];
[self.view addSubview:label];

Set an Existing Label as a Caption Label


label.font = MDCTypography.captionFont()
label.alpha = MDCTypography.captionFontOpacity()

// If using autolayout, the following line is unnecessary as long
// as all constraints are valid.

Objective C

self.label.font = [MDCTypography captionFont];
self.label.alpha = [MDCTypography captionFontOpacity];

// If using autolayout, the following line is unnecessary as long
// as all constraints are valid.
[self.label sizeToFit];

Advanced Usage

Custom Fonts

Material Components for iOS allows you to set your own font for all of the components. Use the class method setFontLoader: on MDCTypography to specify a loader that conforms to the MDCTypographyFontLoading protocol.

If you want to use the system font use MDCSystemFontLoader which already conforms to the MDCTypographyFontLoading protocol. It is used if no font loader is set.


class CustomFontLoader: NSObject, MDCTypographyFontLoading {
  func regularFont(ofSize fontSize: CGFloat) -> UIFont {
    // Consider using MDFFontDiskLoader to register your font.
    return UIFont.init(name: "yourCustomRegularFont", size: fontSize)!
  func mediumFont(ofSize fontSize: CGFloat) -> UIFont {
    // Consider using MDFFontDiskLoader to register your font.
    return UIFont.init(name: "yourCustomMediumFont", size: fontSize)!
  func lightFont(ofSize fontSize: CGFloat) -> UIFont {
    // Consider using MDFFontDiskLoader to register your font.
    return UIFont.init(name: "yourCustomLightFont", size: fontSize)!


func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {

  // Before any UI is called



@interface CustomFontLoader : NSObject <MDCTypographyFontLoading>

@implementation CustomFontLoader

- (UIFont *)regularFontOfSize:(CGFloat)fontSize {
  // Consider using MDFFontDiskLoader to register your font.
  return [UIFont fontWithName:@"yourCustomRegularFont" size:fontSize];

- (UIFont *)mediumFontOfSize:(CGFloat)fontSize {
  // Consider using MDFFontDiskLoader to register your font.
  return [UIFont fontWithName:@"yourCustomMediumFont" size:fontSize];

- (UIFont *)lightFontOfSize:(CGFloat)fontSize {
  // Consider using MDFFontDiskLoader to register your font.
  return [UIFont fontWithName:@"yourCustomLightFont" size:fontSize];



- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
    didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
  // Before any UI is called
  [MDCTypography setFontLoader:[[CustomFontLoader alloc] init]];

Dynamic Type

Material Components for iOS supports the iOS Dynamic Type feature on all Material-supported iOS versions.


Typography library provides APIs that allow users to support Dynamic Type feature in Material Components.

To support Dynamic Type in your component, you need to set up text styles represented by MDCFontTextStyle on text, such as MDCFontTextStyleBody1 or MDCFontTextStyleTitle. These text styles describe how text size should be adjusted when Dynamic Type setting changes. Next, enable mdc_adjustsFontForContentSizeCategory on components that have Dynamic Type support. This setting tells the component to adjust the text size based on user setting.

Configure Text Styles

Users configure text styles in source code. First, you call the scalerForMaterialTextStyle: method. This method returns an MDCFontScalar object for a given MDCFontTextStyle. Next, use the MDCFontScalar object to scale a UIFont by calling scaledFontWithFont: method. This method scales the font based on Dynamic Type setting provided by the user. This method also supports both system fonts and custom fonts.


UIFont *customFont = [UIFont fontWithName:@"CustomFontName" size:18.0];
MDCFontScaler *fontScaler = [MDCFontScaler scalerForMaterialTextStyle:MDCTextStyleBody1];
UIFont *customScalableFont = [fontScaler scaledFontWithFont:customFont];
label.font = customScalingFont;


let customFont = UIFont(name: "CustomFontName", size: 18.0)!
let fontScaler = MDCFontScaler(forMaterialTextStyle:.body1);
let customScalableFont = fontScaler.scaledFont(with:customFont);
label.font = customScalingFont;

The text control doesn't adjust the font size automatically when the user adjust Dynamic Type setting. To detech such adjustments, you can listen to UIContentSizeCategoryDidChangeNotification and update the font by calling mdc_scaledFontForCurrentSizeCategory method when the notification arrives.

Configure Dynamic Type in Material Components

In your source code, set mdc_adjustsFontForContentSizeCategory to YES on components that have Dynamic Type support. When the user makes Dynamic Type changes in Settings, components will respond automatically.

Fallback behavior to handle legacy Dynamic Type behavior in Material Components

If adjustsFontForContentSizeCategoryWhenScaledFontIsUnavailable is set to YES, the font size will adjust even if a scalable font has not been provided for a given UIFont property on this component. It needs to be set before mdc_adjustsFontForContentSizeCategory is configured to let the component know whether the fallback behavior should be applied.