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FastApi template with gunicorn, redis, cache, API endpoint with request rate limit, alembic, Pagination, JWT token authentication.


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The Fastapi template is a repository for microservices. In this template, you will find examples of how to build a robust application with FastAPI.

Technology Stack and Features

  • FastAPI for the Python Back-End API.
    • 🚀 Fast: Supports async/await syntax for routes and database connection.
    • 💪 Robust: Get production-ready code with automatic interactive documentation.
    • 🔐 Security: OAuth2 with
  • ⚡ Template
    • 🧰 SQLModel: For the Python SQL database interactions (ORM).
    • 🐋 docker Compose: For development and production.
    • pytest: Unitary tests.
    • 🧰 alembic: Database migrations.
    • 📑 guvicorn-logger: Color logger translator.
    • 📑 pagination: To simplify pagination.
    • 👀 pylint: Analyses your code without actually running it.
    • 🚀 fastapi-cache: Cache using redis.
    • 🔒 fastapi-limiter: Is a rate limiting tool for fastapi routes.
    • 🚀 nginx: HTTP level server, reverse proxy.
    • 🔒 Secure password hashing by default.
    • 🔑 JWT token authentication.

Interactive API Documentation

Get production-ready code with automatic interactive documentation. API documentation at Docs.

API docs

How To Use It

You can just fork or clone this repository and use it as is.

✨ It just works. ✨

How to Use a Private Repository

If you want to have a private repository, GitHub won't allow you to simply fork it as it doesn't allow changing the visibility of forks.

But you can do the following:

  • Create a new GitHub repo, for example my-back-end.

  • Clone this repository manually, set the name with the name of the project you want to use, for example my-back-end:

    git clone my-back-end
  • Enter into the new directory:

    cd my-back-end
  • Set the new origin to your new repository, copy it from the GitHub interface, for example:

    git remote set-url origin
  • Add this repo as another "remote" to allow you to get updates later:

    git remote add upstream
  • Push the code to your new repository:

    git push -u origin main


  docker compose up -d


  $ alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Migration message."
  $ alembic upgrade head


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


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