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Practical Haskell

  • get the book here
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This has my solutions to some of the exercises in the book

Errata / Notes


Pg 215 gives a kMeans implementation using state:

  • line t <- fmap threshold get can be replaced with t <- gets threshold
  • likely importing import qualified Control.Monad.State as S so everything is S.modify, S.get, S.State etc.

Pg 221 in the type Settings you don't need the user :: Person as it looks like cruft

Pg 223 Exercise 6-6 you need to implement Functor and Applicative in order to implement Monad. That's what the type error is going to tell you in this question.


Pg 240 Exercise 7-3 should include InfoClientGender Male

Pg 241 Apriori Algorithm - I found this page for what the algorithm was doing

Pg 250 The referenced paper: Adventures in three monads by Edward Z. Yang. Note to self: has a good overview of MonadFail typeclass

Pg 254 Exercise 7-5 the signature for sequence is monad m => [m a] -> m [a]

Pg 262 This is a good introduction to monad transformers that is more clear than the book

Pg 263 Exercise 7.6 was very clear once I read a few exampls here in the monad transformers section

Pg 264 Exercise 7.7 This exercise is terrible and I have no idea what the author wants. I spent 6+ hours on this. Eventually came across this SO post from his firstbook although the solution crashes with an exception (!!!) around mzero in my ch7Transformers.hs file. I wrote a version using ReaderT / WriterT explicitly and it works although I find the lifting of the list monad using ask >>= msum . map return to be super confusing. I have no idea what the author wants and if anyone knows please open an issue and explain it or track me down on twitter in this discussion when I was asking the world about this question

Ch 8

Skipping. I've worked through a bunch of parallel and concurrent programming in haskell before so I'm moving onto the next chapter.

Ch 9

  • Accessing files pg 332 need to bring in package conduit-extra
  • winnersFile example on pg 333 make sure to concat <> BS.pack \n

Ch 10

Note: skipping most of the exercises in this chapter as they are tedious AF. Parsing is super interesting and there are more fun ways to play with them: see here and particularly this one

  • pg 359 you don't need the let c = part, you can just run parseOnly aClient b instead

  • Ex 10-1 skipped, Ex 10-2 skipped

  • Ex 10-3

This was a bit of a pita actually. The clientToJson written in the book is for the Integer type, the question uses the Int type so watch out for that Encoding doubles: need to use realToFrac. Encoding the list of products led me to this which led me to the fromList fn from GHC.Ext which isn't mentioned in the book.


Solutions to Practical Haskell by Mena







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