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Adding row, column and diagonal block matrices
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CohenCyril committed Aug 24, 2020
1 parent 92973e2 commit a95f4c5
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Showing 3 changed files with 167 additions and 0 deletions.
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions mathcomp/algebra/matrix.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3011,3 +3011,55 @@ Qed.
End mxOverMul.
End mxOverRing.
End mxOver.

Section RowColDiagBlockMatrix.
Context {R : ringType} {n : nat} {p_ : 'I_n -> nat}.

Definition col_block_mx T m (B_ : forall i, 'M[T]_(p_ i, m)) :=
\matrix_(j, k) B_ (OrdSum.subindex j) (OrdSum.suboffset j) k.

Definition row_block_mx T m (B_ : forall i, 'M[T]_(m, p_ i)) :=
\matrix_(j, k) B_ (OrdSum.subindex k) j (OrdSum.suboffset k).

Definition diag_block_mx (B_ : forall i, 'M[R]_(p_ i)) :=
\matrix_(j, k)
if OrdSum.subindex j =P OrdSum.subindex k isn't ReflectT e then 0
else B_ (OrdSum.subindex k)
(cast_ord (congr1 p_ e) (OrdSum.suboffset j)) (OrdSum.suboffset k).

Lemma mulmx_row_col_block m p
(R_ : forall i, 'M[R]_(p, p_ i)) (C_ : forall i, 'M[R]_(p_ i, m)) :
row_block_mx R_ *m col_block_mx C_ = \sum_i R_ i *m C_ i.
apply/matrixP => i j; rewrite !mxE !summxE (reindex _ OrdSum.from_sig_bij_on).
under [in RHS]eq_bigr do rewrite !mxE; rewrite sig_big_dep /OrdSum.from_sig/=.
apply: eq_bigr => -[/= k l] _.
by rewrite !mxE !OrdSum.superindexK/=; case: _ / esym; rewrite cast_ord_id.

Lemma row_diag_block (B_ : forall i, 'M[R]_(p_ i)) k :
row k (diag_block_mx B_) =
row (OrdSum.suboffset k) (row_block_mx
(fun i => if OrdSum.subindex k =P i is ReflectT e
then castmx (esym (congr1 p_ e), erefl) (B_ i) else 0)).
apply/rowP => j; rewrite !mxE; case: eqP => e; rewrite ?mxE ?castmxE//=.
by rewrite !cast_ord_id esymK.

Lemma row_col_block m (B_ : forall i, 'M[R]_(p_ i, m)) k :
row k (col_block_mx B_) = row (OrdSum.suboffset k) (B_ (OrdSum.subindex k)).
Proof. by apply/rowP => l; rewrite !mxE. Qed.

Lemma mulmx_col_diag m
(C_ : forall i, 'M[R]_(p_ i, m)) (D_ : forall i, 'M[R]_(p_ i)) :
diag_block_mx D_ *m col_block_mx C_ = col_block_mx (fun i => D_ i *m C_ i).
apply/row_matrixP => i.
rewrite row_mul row_diag_block row_col_block -row_mul mulmx_row_col_block.
congr (row _ _); rewrite (bigD1 (OrdSum.subindex i))//=; case: eqP => //= e.
rewrite -[e](eq_irrelevance erefl)/= castmx_id big1 ?addr0// => j.
by case: eqP => Ne; rewrite ?mul0mx// => jNsi; rewrite Ne eqxx in jNsi.

End RowColDiagBlockMatrix.
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions mathcomp/algebra/mxalgebra.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2801,3 +2801,20 @@ Lemma map_center_mx m n (E : 'A_(m, n)) : (('Z(E))^f :=: 'Z(E^f))%MS.
Proof. by rewrite /center_mx -map_cent_mx; apply: map_capmx. Qed.

End MapMatrixSpaces.

Section RowColDiagBlockMatrix.
Context {F : fieldType} {n : nat} {p_ : 'I_n -> nat}.

Lemma eqmx_col_block m (V_ : forall i, 'M[F]_(p_ i, m)) :
(col_block_mx V_ :=: \sum_i <<V_ i>>)%MS.
apply/eqmxP/andP; split.
apply/row_subP => i; rewrite row_col_block.
by rewrite (sumsmx_sup (OrdSum.subindex i))// genmxE row_sub.
apply/sumsmx_subP => i0 _; rewrite genmxE; apply/row_subP => j.
apply: (eq_row_sub (OrdSum.superindex j)); apply/rowP => k.
rewrite 2!mxE [in RHS]mxE OrdSum.superindexK.
by case: _ / esym; rewrite cast_ord_id.

End RowColDiagBlockMatrix.
98 changes: 98 additions & 0 deletions mathcomp/ssreflect/bigop.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1953,3 +1953,101 @@ Arguments biggcdn_inf [I] i0 [P F m].
Notation filter_index_enum :=
((fun _ => @deprecated_filter_index_enum _)
(deprecate filter_index_enum big_enumP)) (only parsing).

Module OrdSum.
Section OrdSum.

Context {n : nat} {p_ : 'I_n -> nat}.

Local Notation ordsum := 'I_(\sum_i p_ i)%N.

Implicit Types (i j : 'I_n) (s : ordsum) (p : {i & 'I_(p_ i)}).

Lemma min_subindex_subproof s : {i0 : 'I_n | i0 = 0%N :> nat}.
elim: (n) (p_) s => [|n' IHn'] q_ s; last by exists ord0.
by rewrite big_ord0 in s *; exists s; case: s.

Definition min_subindex s := projT1 (min_subindex_subproof s).

Lemma min_subindex_eq0 s : min_subindex s = 0%N :> nat.
Proof. exact: (projT2 (min_subindex_subproof s)). Qed.

Definition subindex_start i0 := (\sum_(i : 'I_n | i < i0) p_ i)%N.

Definition subindex s : 'I_n :=
[arg max_(i0 > min_subindex s | (subindex_start i0 <= s)%N) i0].

Lemma suboffset_subproof s : (s - subindex_start (subindex s) < p_(subindex s))%N.
rewrite /subindex; case: arg_maxnP => /= [|i0 j_ge i0_ge].
by rewrite /subindex_start min_subindex_eq0 big1.
rewrite ltn_subLR// /subindex_start {j_ge}.
apply: (@leq_trans (\sum_(i < n | i <= i0) p_ i)%N); last first.
by rewrite (bigD1 i0) 1?addnC//; under eq_bigl do rewrite andbC -ltn_neqAle.
have := (ltn_ord i0); rewrite leq_eqVlt => /predU1P[eq_n|lt_n].
move: (val i0) eq_n (p_) s {i0_ge} => {}i0; case: _/ => q_ s.
by under [X in (_ < X)%N]eq_bigl do rewrite leq_ord.
under [X in (_ < X)%N]eq_bigl do rewrite -ltnS; rewrite ltnNge; apply/negP.
by move=> /(i0_ge (Ordinal lt_n))/=; rewrite ltnn.

Definition suboffset s : 'I_(p_(subindex s)) :=
Ordinal (suboffset_subproof s).

Lemma superindex_subproof i0 (k : 'I_(p_ i0)) :
(k + subindex_start i0 < \sum_(i < n) p_ i)%N.
rewrite [X in (_ < X)%N](bigD1 i0)//= -addSn leq_add//.
rewrite big_mkcond /subindex_start/= big_mkcond/= leq_sum// => i _.
by rewrite -val_eqE; case: ltngtP.

Definition superindex i0 (k : 'I_(p_ i0)) := Ordinal (superindex_subproof k).

Lemma suboffsetK s : superindex (suboffset s) = s.
apply: val_inj; rewrite /= subnK /subindex//; case: arg_maxnP => //=.
by rewrite /subindex_start min_subindex_eq0 big1.

Lemma superindexK1 i0 (k : 'I_(p_ i0)) : subindex (superindex k) = i0.
apply: val_inj; rewrite /subindex /superindex /= /subindex_start.
case: arg_maxnP => //=; first by rewrite min_subindex_eq0 big1.
move=> i exi maxi; apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq maxi ?leq_addl ?andbT//.
apply: contraTT exi; rewrite -!ltnNge => lt_i0i; rewrite -addSn.
rewrite [X in (_ <= X)%N](bigD1 i0)//= leq_add => //.
rewrite big_mkcond [X in (_ <= X)%N]big_mkcond leq_sum// => j _.
rewrite -val_eqE andbC; case: ltngtP => //= lt_ji0.
by rewrite (leq_trans lt_ji0)// ltnW.

Lemma superindexK i0 (k : 'I_(p_ i0)) :
suboffset (superindex k) = cast_ord (congr1 p_ (esym (superindexK1 k))) k.
Proof. by apply: val_inj => /=; rewrite superindexK1 addnK. Qed.

Definition to_sig s : {i & 'I_(p_ i)} := Tagged _ (suboffset s).
Definition from_sig p : ordsum := superindex (tagged p).

Lemma from_sig_bij : bijective from_sig.
exists to_sig => [[i j]|i]; rewrite /to_sig /from_sig/= ?suboffsetK//.
by rewrite superindexK/=; case: _ / esym => /=; rewrite cast_ord_id.

Lemma to_sig_bij : bijective to_sig.
exists from_sig => [i|[i j]]; rewrite /to_sig /from_sig/= ?suboffsetK//.
by rewrite superindexK/=; case: _ / esym => /=; rewrite cast_ord_id.

Lemma from_sig_bij_on : {on [pred _ | true], bijective from_sig}.
Proof. exact/onW_bij/from_sig_bij. Qed.

Lemma to_sig_bij_on : {on [pred _ | true], bijective to_sig}.
Proof. exact/onW_bij/to_sig_bij. Qed.

End OrdSum.
End OrdSum.

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