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Agenda of the October 25th 2018 meeting, 14h to 18h

affeldt-aist edited this page Oct 26, 2018 · 6 revisions

Proposed topics

  • frequency of the meetings, and next date (tentative proposal: 1 meeting per month)
  • news from the libraries, current live projects, longer term ones : status, goals, merge plans,… E.g.: multivariate polynomials, ordered structures, real and complex analysis, ssreflect plugin, automation…
  • API change policy (e.g. what exactly do we guarantee by increasing x, y or z, in a x.y.z version of mathcomp)
  • current pull requests / bug reports
  • Primitive projections
  • if times allows: documentation/website/wiki/book/gallery


  • Pierre-Yves Strub
  • Assia Mahboubi
  • Enrico Tassi
  • Reynald Affeldt
  • Georges Gonthier
  • Cyril Cohen
  • Emilio J. Gallego Arias
  • Damien Rouhling
  • Laurence Rideau
  • Laurent Théry
  • Maxime Dénès


frequency of the meetings, and next date

news from the libraries, current live projects, longer term ones


  • first draft on bilinear/Hermitian forms, to be merged
    • PR marked as a RFC
  • port to Feit-Thompson in progress, replaces the ad-hoc part of characters
  • main instance: dot product
  • Georges: see extremal groups in extremal.v, conversation to be continued off-line


  • want to have Gröbner bases in MathComp
  • waiting for the work by Pierre-Yves on multinomials
  • Pierre-Yves plans to merge by the end of the year
  • Cyril observed that multinomials depens on finmap
  • Debate (Cyril, Laurent, Assia):
    • have subdirectories and let OPAM manage the dependencies?
    • OPAM is too complicated
    • users may want the multinomials with a simple Require Import all_algebra
    • tentative conclusion:
      • put as much as possible in the main repository even though it may cause non-trivial updates of the code base
      • distinguish “corrections” (improvement to be done right away) and “generalizations/additions” (which can wait)
        • difference may not be obvious
      • as for finmap: by December in MathComp?
      • TODO (Cyril): PR by the next meeting to discuss


  • Plugin improvements:
    • intro pattern that pop and generalize afterwards
    • intro pattern of records (with naming determined by a user-given prefix/suffix and field names)
    • notation to introduce the first hypothesis in the stack
    • documentation within the PR
    • TODO (Enrico): Demo for the next meeting, release should happen in June 2019
  • Elpi not yet to be used in MathComp
  • Cleaning of the code of the plugin planned
    • next step: filtering (but should be transparent for the user)


  • wip: library about triangulations
  • uses finite functions to represent pointers, circular lists represented as an orbit of a function on a finite domain
  • Georges soon to add a library with hypermaps and a similar feature but relying on type changes
    • both approached to be compared
  • Georges: reappearance of a bug in Coq 8.8.1 that turns .+1 into succn by the pretty-printer (problem of priorities of notations)
    • not noticed by others
  • Maxime observes that Coq 8.8.2 is only available with OPAM2


  • Proof of the four color theorem to be released
  • to clean “collective” (?) predicates
    • currently relies on a workaround to help unification that is not necessary anymore, implemented in two different ways
    • to be changed to better behave w.r.t. coercions
    • origin of the problem: being into a list could not be defined as a coercion (uniform inheritance condition) and could not be patched, eta-conversion was done appropriately
    • something has changed in the unification since 2008/2009
  • Feature request (for Coq): coq_makefile to understand more flags, why -arg is necessary in -arg -w? (causes problems when loading with some versions of Proof General)


  • working an infrastructure for a new standard library
  • technically easy part done: new prelude so that the internals of SSReflect tactics do not depend on the standard library
    • Emilio observes that dependencies can be removed with a few hundred lines with almost no proof (but using standard tactics) (tested before SSReflect was merged into Coq)
  • next is what to do with eqType? what will happen if we change eqType with a type-class?
    • Georges: do as Lean or stay as MathComp does
      • MathComp exposes == in the structure
      • Lean uses a separate class for the decision procedure but boolean manipulations become difficult (boolean predicate found only in some cases)
    • Assia observes that Lean does not exploit much conversion except at the leaves of proofs, to blur the difference between Prop and bool
    • Maxime asking about using type-classes in MathComp?
      • Georges: was tried with the hierarchy of algebraic predicates but was too unstable at the time (problem of uncontrolled divergences, but there was no mode at the time)
      • Cyril mentions that Prolog-like cut are to be added but too experimental
      • Georges:
        • type-classes require to have types that expose all the components, causes complexity problems when we have complex hierarchies, could be mitigated by primitive projections
        • only exposing keys and add inferred contents causes unification problems with non-tree hierarchies unless the user adds type constraints
        • the simplest and the more robust is to use canonical structures
        • however, selection of by-default values could be revised to use (inhabited) type classes; the problem is orthogonal to algebraic structures (in particular, not preserved by subtypes)


  • presentation of mathcomp-analysis
    • includes topological/uniform/normed spaces, Landau symbols, derivative/differential
  • original intent was to make Coquelicot compatible with MathComp
  • Georges observes that there are reals in the four color theorem


  • experimentations with near tactics:
    • near tactics improve on bigenough for epsilon-delta reasoning, could make their way to MathComp
    • Assia: nice to have tactics for that but seems not ready because difficult to use; some problems come from Coq (management of existentials) but there also might be interface problems, looks like hacks
    • Cyril: near tactics are for backward chaining, efficient when there are several existentials
      • TODO: blackboard discussion
      • TODO (Cyril): demo of near tactics for the next meeting
    • Georges mentions a similar mechanism in SSReflect using have, observes that commands related to existentials in Coq are difficult to use (Maxime agrees) and that there is a need for a scope mechanism to avoid some leaks
  • cleaning w.r.t. norm and absolute value in MathComp
    • more theorems should be shared, need for a notion of order, ssrnum too rigid, to be generalized
    • PR in MathComp planned


  • quick overview of libraries under development
    • information theory and error-correcting codes using MathComp
      • using reals from the Coq standard library
      • required a generalization of arg_max
        • TODO: discuss with Cyril about an existing, related PR
      • provides discrete probabilities with finite domain
        • relation with Pierre-Yves’ formalization of probabilities?
      • mentions difficulties using finite fields and questioning documentation, sent to PrimeCharType and usage in Feit-Thompson
    • formalization of robot arm manipulators
      • mostly 3D geometry
      • uses complex.v from real_closed to define angles
        • complex not in MathComp because there is no reals yet
      • uses mathcomp-analysis for velocity
    • monadic equational reasoning
      • need to “rewrite under lambdas”
      • relation with
    • coloring issues for minted when used with SSReflect
      • issue already mentioned by Florent Hivert


  • cleaning the proof of irrationality of zeta(3)
    • compiles with Coq 8.4, uses CoqEAL
      • which parts are to go to MathComp? what depends on computing aspects?
    • the approach of “equivalences for free” (a recently accepted paper) seems to lead to less code
    • added the definition of multinomial coefficients that generalize binomial coefficients
  • working on reals with Pierre-Yves
    • one issue is how to go smoothly between bool and Prop in a classical setting
  • formalization of Tate’s algorithm from elliptic curves
    • one issue is the definition of the conductor
  • how to define differentiable manifolds in Coq
    • has a beginning of an answer in Lean
  • proof of Abel–Ruffini theorem with Sophie and Pierre-Yves
  • availability of CIFRE scholarship with Denis Cousineau
    • smarter Search command?
    • Laurent observes that Coq’s hammer does not work with SSReflect
  • Marie to instantiate complex numbers with reals


  • multinomials to be generalized
  • to port reals
  • cleaning the formalization of probabilities
  • plan to work on integration for mathcomp-analysis with Cyril

CANCELED API change policy

current pull requests / bug reports

  • PR 230
    • Use eq_irrelevance instead of bool_irrelevance
    • Georges rather to keep bool_irrelevance but change the definition to match the name
  • PR 163
    • linter in awk to format the code in a standard manner, not developed anymore
    • to put on stand-by
    • recommendations are written in
  • PR 211
    • rewriting with AC, following discussions with Kazuhiko
    • consist in a lemma parameterized by an encoding of permutations
      • input: a wanted ordering with parentheses
      • reorganizes terms but does not solve equalities
    • recognizes the .[AC symbol, using Monoid.com_law as an abstraction
    • Enrico thinks that it is a lot of Ltac (hacks?) and should maybe use OCaml
      • TODO: try to use ML
    • discussion on why using cbv, bug when when using ltac: in a Notation
    • TODO: in case of merge, see if it is useful in the library
      • Georges mentions bool_congr and nat_congr as candidates for improvements
    • relation with issue 212?
  • PR 221
    • discussion requires more preparation, Assia volunteered
  • PR 209
    • contains a proof of QE monadic style and moves countalg to algebra
    • Georges:
      • finalg does not inherit from countalg because disjoint theories
      • historically countalg made to have the construction of algebraic numbers so it appears in field
      • were in separate files because worked on by Cyril and Georges separately
      • not against putting them together
    • to be merged
  • TODO: PR 219
  • TODO: merge PR 218

Primitive projections

  • work by Gaëtan Gilbert (sProp) on proof irrelevance
    • impact on users: 2/3% when not used, 5% for fields
    • Georges not suprised that it happens in such files
  • MathComp does not use primitive projections
    • Maxime mentions a recent (small-scale) experiment with Vincent that shows that it does not work

CANCELED if times allows: documentation/website/wiki/book/gallery

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