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Minutes December 14 2022

Pierre Roux edited this page Dec 15, 2022 · 2 revisions

Participants: Cyril, Enrico, Pierre, Julien, Yves

port to HB (cont'd)

About ssrAC.v (follow-up)


Pierre: Is this really used? Cyril: Not yet clear what to do. To take care of it.

port to HB #733

+++ algebra/finalg.v
+(* FIXME: add to HB or define directly type instead of type_ *)
+Identity Coercion lmodtype_id : Lmodule.type >-> Lmodule.type_.
Cyril Cohen    2021-05-10 15:26 Several fixes
~~> actual TODO? (x4 in that file)

Cyril: isn't this functionality infer? Add just before HB.structure.

TODO: test

Cyril: No, actually the infer is already here...

Not a blocking issue.

Enrico: what happens if we declare twice the same identity coercion?

Not sure...

Pierre: actually, removing the Identity Coercion things are fine with HB 1.4.0.

+  (* FIXME: we would have expected GRing.DecidableField.axiom *)
+  Lemma decidable : GRing.decidable_field_axiom sat.
Pierre Roux      2021-04-08 Start porting finalg.v
~~> ?

The same axiom has two names, replacing should be ok.

+++ algebra/ssralg.v
+(* TODO: HB.instance Definition _ : ComUnitRing_isIntegral R^o := alias R. *)
+HB.instance Definition regular_integral : ComUnitRing_isIntegral R^o :=
+  ComUnitRing_isIntegral.Build (R^o) mulf_eq0_subproof.
thery            2021-04-08 Rename Ring_IsIntegral by ComUnitRing_IsIntegral and UnitRing_IsDec by Field_IsDec
~~> ?

Future request by Laurent?

Laurent: Coq was not recognizing R so we created an alias?

Enrico: does alias correspond to light factories?

Pierre: Try IntegralDomain.on R^o?

Cyril: Does not work, certainly because some structure has changed in between. The problem might come from the order in which we declare the structures. Guess: there is an instance before that is ill-defined. Problem fixed during the meeting by Cyril. It was a matter to define xxx2 using .on instead of doing it by hand (which breaks convertibility of mixins but that is not the only problem).

+++ ssreflect/tuple.v
+(* TODO: try to factor this into a single instance *)
+HB.instance Definition tuple_hasChoice n (T : choiceType) :=
+  [hasChoice of n.-tuple T by <:].
+HB.instance Definition tuple_isCountable n (T : countType) :=
+  [isCountable of n.-tuple T by <:].
Enrico Tassi        2021-04-01 16:21 Partial port to HB
~~> not sure how this could be factored, the hypotheses (type of T) are not the same?

Pierre: nothing we can do?

Cyril: this is a non-trivial extension of HB to do.

TODO: open an issue in HB

+++ test_suite/test_regular_conv.v
+(* TODO: commented out with HB port *)
Pierre Roux           2022-09-08 11:24 "Fix" test-suite
~~> ?

Pierre: test that were commented out, equality between named structures and Pack/Class. Do we really want to keep these tests?

Cyril: we can recover these tests with their HB versions, we had these tests to test forgetful inheritance

TODO: restore tests

NB: Enrico has added a page on HB's wiki:

about the naming on .on

Laurent: should we get rid of .on and use systematically .copy?

Enrico: that would help for the documentation

Cyril: .on and .copy are really two different functionalities

Cyril: no all .on are no-ops but we might want to change HB so that .on are not necessary anymore

Laurent: order.v:5634, why is there a .on on seq? this is because it is a local alias

about the documentation of MathComp 2.0

Cyril: coqdoc does not document constructs built by coq-elpi

Enrico: to create an issue

feature request about HB.About

Cyril: could we use About instead of HB.About`?

Pierre: this is related to our older intent to have docstrings to document

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