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Five data concepts

mathcoll edited this page Nov 21, 2021 · 5 revisions

Data are a centric point in t6. As a consequence, a lot of tools are in place to provide you with the full control on your data within thre platform.

1. Preparation

t6-concept1 Data Preparation aims to clean and transform raw data prior to process and analyse. t6 is embedding multiple preprocessors to validate (or reject), format, transform and correct data ; as well as a Data-Fusion engine to combine multiple measurements together and enrich them with a better accuracy in a result. Major goal of this data-preparation is to have best in class quality on the measures + eliminate bias during analysis phase.

2. Annotation & Classification

t6-concept2 Data-annotation or Data-labelling expect to classify every single measure on categories. This classification aims to identify an input pattern.

3. Exploration

t6-concept3 Exploratory Data Analysis on t6 brings graphical and non graphical information about your data measured in a certain Flow. The Exploration process will help understand how does your data looks like and is a prerequisite for any analysis.

4. Hypothesis

t6-concept4 t6 does not yet provide any tools on Hypothesis management.


t6-concept5 t6 does not yet provide any tools on Explanation management.