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Streaming Beam pipeline to serialize, tokenize and load data to BigQuery.


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Streaming Beam pipeline to serialize, tokenize, and load data to BigQuery and Pubsub.
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Table of contents

Quick start

This project is set up to enable you to publish an image of a Dataflow pipeline (Apache Beam@Java) to a GCP Artifact Registry. It also instructs you how to create such a container and how to test the pipeline (from topic message generation to running the StreamProcessor pipeline).

Install Java and Maven

Update brew

brew update && brew upgrade

Install java 11 and maven

brew install java11 maven

Compile project

mvn clean compile

Format code

mvn spotless:apply

Run tests

  1. To test all modules in the package, run:
    mvn test
  2. To test an individual module:
    mvn test -pl <MODULE>
    for example:
    mvn test -pl core
  3. To test an individual class inside a module, run:
    mvn test -pl <MODULE> -Dit.test=<CLASS>
    for example:
    mvn test -pl core -Dit.test=SerializeMessageToRowFnTest

Run a pipeline locally

Make sure you are logged in to gcloud and then assume a GCP service account to be able to access the datacatalog api.

  1. Start by compiling and installing the root project. It will fail on pipelines but succeed on the core components which is what's needed to run the pipeline.
    mvn clean install -U
  2. Then run a pipeline.
    cd streamprocessor/pipelines/<PIPELINE>
    mvn -Pdataflow-runner -e compile exec:java \
    -Dexec.mainClass=org.streamprocessor.pipelines.<PIPELINE> \
    -Dexec.args="--version=<VERSION> \
    --dataContractsServiceUrl=<DATA_CONTRACT_BASE_URL> \
    --project=<GCP_PROJECT> \
    --schemaCheckRatio=<SCHEMA_CHECK_RATIO> \
    --firestoreProjectId=<FIRESTORE_GCP_PROJECT> \
    --deadLetterTopic=projects/<GCP_PROJECT>/topics/<DEADLETTER_TOPIC> \
    # Regular pipelines
    --backupTopic=projects/<GCP_PROJECT>/topics/<BACKUP_TOPIC> \
    --inputSubscription=projects/<GCP_PROJECT>/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_NAME> \
    # Backup pipeline
    --pipelineType=<PIPELINE_TYPE> \


  • <PIPELINE> is the name of the main class for the pipeline you want to run e.g Dynamodb
  • <VERSION> is version of streamprocessor you are using (if local, use local)
  • <DATA_CONTRACT_BASE_URL> is the base url for the data contract api
  • <GCP_PROJECT> is the name of the GCP project
  • <SCHEMA_CHECK_RATIO> is the ratio of how often to check for schema updates e.g 0.01 would check once every 100 calls
  • <FIRESTORE_GCP_PROJECT> is the name of the firestore gcp project that keeps run resources
  • <DEADLETTER_TOPIC> is the name of the deadletter topic
  • regular pipe <BACKUP_TOPIC> is the name of the backup topic
  • regular pipe <SUBSCRIPTION_NAME> is the name of the pub/sub subscription to pull data from
  • backfill pipe <PIPELINE_TYPE> is actually the transform pipeline used on the data you send in, which also corresponds to the source provider and the dataset that the data ends up in (dynamodb|salesforce).
  • backfill pipe <BACKFILL_QUERY> is the query used against backup table which extracts topic data, attributes, publish_time from some period.

If you update the something in the core modules you need to recompile the root project and restart the pipeline to see the changes.

Build and push to GCP

To build your project and push it to GCP artifact registry and cloud storage, run the following:



  • <GCP-PROJECT-ID> is the GCP project id where you want to publish to.
  • <MODULE> is one of the pipelines in ./pipelines, e.g. dynamodb
  • <VERSION> is the version you want to publish as.

This will end up with the following artifacts in your GCP project:<GCP-PROJECT-ID>/streamprocessor/<MODULE>:<VERSION> and gs://<GCP-PROJECT-ID>-streamprocessor/images/<MODULE>-image-spec-<VERSION>.json

note that the script assumes that you have:

  • a project called <GCP-PROJECT-ID>
  • enabled cloud storage and artifact registry
  • created a repository in artifact registry called streamprocessor
  • created a bucket in cloud storage called <GCP-PROJECT-ID>-streamprocessor

What's included




Is StreamProcessor open source?

Yes, it is licensed under Apache 2.0, read the LICENSE file

Who maintains StreamProcessor?

StreamProcessor is founded by Robert Sahlin and under active development by the data engineering team at Mathem.

Who sponsors StreamProcessor?

Mathem, the leading online grocery business in Sweden, sponsors the development of StreamProcessor and is a heavy user of it.


Please read through our contributing guidelines. Included are directions for opening issues, coding standards, and notes on development.