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Merge pull request #483 from poke1024/manipulate4mathics
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sn6uv committed Aug 24, 2016
2 parents 28de9d3 + 05a5ea2 commit fbc25a4
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Showing 2 changed files with 314 additions and 2 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions mathics/builtin/ 100644 → 100755
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
from mathics.builtin import (
algebra, arithmetic, assignment, attributes, calculus, combinatorial,
comparison, control, datentime, diffeqns, evaluation, exptrig, functional,
graphics, graphics3d, image, inout, integer, linalg, lists, logic, numbertheory,
graphics, graphics3d, image, inout, integer, linalg, lists, logic, manipulate, numbertheory,
numeric, options, patterns, plot, physchemdata, randomnumbers, recurrence,
specialfunctions, scoping, strings, structure, system, tensors)

Expand All @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
modules = [
algebra, arithmetic, assignment, attributes, calculus, combinatorial,
comparison, control, datentime, diffeqns, evaluation, exptrig, functional,
graphics, graphics3d, image, inout, integer, linalg, lists, logic, numbertheory,
graphics, graphics3d, image, inout, integer, linalg, lists, logic, manipulate, numbertheory,
numeric, options, patterns, plot, physchemdata, randomnumbers, recurrence,
specialfunctions, scoping, strings, structure, system, tensors]

Expand Down
312 changes: 312 additions & 0 deletions mathics/builtin/
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import absolute_import

from mathics.core.expression import String, strip_context
from mathics import settings
from mathics.core.evaluation import Evaluation, Output

from mathics.builtin.base import Builtin
from mathics.core.expression import Expression, Symbol, Integer, from_python

from ipykernel.kernelbase import Kernel
_jupyter = True
except ImportError:
_jupyter = False

from ipywidgets import IntSlider, FloatSlider, ToggleButtons, Box, DOMWidget
from IPython.core.formatters import IPythonDisplayFormatter
_ipywidgets = True
except ImportError:
# fallback to non-Manipulate-enabled build if we don't have ipywidgets installed.
_ipywidgets = False

A basic implementation of Manipulate[]. There is currently no support for Dynamic[] elements.
This implementation is basically a port from ipywidget.widgets.interaction for Mathics.

def _interactive(interact_f, kwargs_widgets):
# this is a modified version of interactive() in ipywidget.widgets.interaction

container = Box(_dom_classes=['widget-interact'])
container.children = [w for w in kwargs_widgets if isinstance(w, DOMWidget)]

def call_f(name=None, old=None, new=None):
kwargs = dict((widget._kwarg, widget.value) for widget in kwargs_widgets)
except Exception as e:
container.log.warn("Exception in interact callback: %s", e, exc_info=True)

for widget in kwargs_widgets:
widget.on_trait_change(call_f, 'value')

container.on_displayed(lambda _: call_f(None, None, None))

return container

class IllegalWidgetArguments(Exception):
def __init__(self, var):
super(IllegalWidgetArguments, self).__init__()
self.var = var

class JupyterWidgetError(Exception):
def __init__(self, err):
super(JupyterWidgetError, self).__init__()
self.err = err

class ManipulateParameter(Builtin): # parses one Manipulate[] parameter spec, e.g. {x, 1, 2}, see _WidgetInstantiator
context = 'System`Private`'

rules = {
# detect x and {x, default} and {x, default, label}.
'System`Private`ManipulateParameter[{s_Symbol, r__}]':
'System`Private`ManipulateParameter[{Symbol -> s, Label -> s}, {r}]',
'System`Private`ManipulateParameter[{{s_Symbol, d_}, r__}]':
'System`Private`ManipulateParameter[{Symbol -> s, Default -> d, Label -> s}, {r}]',
'System`Private`ManipulateParameter[{{s_Symbol, d_, l_}, r__}]':
'System`Private`ManipulateParameter[{Symbol -> s, Default -> d, Label -> l}, {r}]',

# detect different kinds of widgets. on the use of the duplicate key "Default ->", see _WidgetInstantiator.add()
'System`Private`ManipulateParameter[var_, {min_?RealNumberQ, max_?RealNumberQ}]':
'Join[{Type -> "Continuous", Minimum -> min, Maximum -> max, Default -> min}, var]',
'System`Private`ManipulateParameter[var_, {min_?RealNumberQ, max_?RealNumberQ, step_?RealNumberQ}]':
'Join[{Type -> "Discrete", Minimum -> min, Maximum -> max, Step -> step, Default -> min}, var]',
'System`Private`ManipulateParameter[var_, {opt_List}] /; Length[opt] > 0':
'Join[{Type -> "Options", Options -> opt, Default -> Part[opt, 1]}, var]'

def _manipulate_label(x): # gets the label that is displayed for a symbol or name
if isinstance(x, String):
return x.get_string_value()
elif isinstance(x, Symbol):
return strip_context(x.get_name())
return str(x)

def _create_widget(widget, **kwargs):
return widget(**kwargs)
except Exception as e:
raise JupyterWidgetError(str(e))

class _WidgetInstantiator():
# we do not want to have widget instances (like FloatSlider) get into the evaluation pipeline (e.g. via Expression
# or Atom), since there might be all kinds of problems with serialization of these widget classes. therefore, the
# elegant recursive solution for parsing parameters (like in Table[]) is not feasible here; instead, we must create
# and use the widgets in one "transaction" here, without holding them in expressions or atoms.

def __init__(self):
self._widgets = [] # the ipywidget widgets to control the manipulated variables
self._parsers = {} # lambdas to decode the widget values into Mathics expressions

def add(self, expression, evaluation):
expr = Expression('System`Private`ManipulateParameter', expression).evaluate(evaluation)
if expr.get_head_name() != 'System`List': # if everything was parsed ok, we get a List
return False
# convert the rules given us by ManipulateParameter[] into a dict. note: duplicate keys
# will be overwritten, the latest one wins.
kwargs = {'evaluation': evaluation}
for rule in expr.leaves:
if rule.get_head_name() != 'System`Rule' or len(rule.leaves) != 2:
return False
kwargs[strip_context(rule.leaves[0].to_python()).lower()] = rule.leaves[1]
widget = kwargs['type'].get_string_value()
del kwargs['type']
getattr(self, '_add_%s_widget' % widget.lower())(**kwargs) # create the widget
return True

def get_widgets(self):
return self._widgets

def build_callback(self, callback):
parsers = self._parsers

def new_callback(**kwargs):
callback(**dict((name, parsers[name](value)) for (name, value) in kwargs.items()))

return new_callback

def _add_continuous_widget(self, symbol, label, default, minimum, maximum, evaluation):
minimum_value = minimum.to_python()
maximum_value = maximum.to_python()
if minimum_value > maximum_value:
raise IllegalWidgetArguments(symbol)
defval = min(max(default.to_python(), minimum_value), maximum_value)
widget = _create_widget(FloatSlider, value=defval, min=minimum_value, max=maximum_value)
self._add_widget(widget, symbol.get_name(), lambda x: from_python(x), label)

def _add_discrete_widget(self, symbol, label, default, minimum, maximum, step, evaluation):
minimum_value = minimum.to_python()
maximum_value = maximum.to_python()
step_value = step.to_python()
if minimum_value > maximum_value or step_value <= 0 or step_value > (maximum_value - minimum_value):
raise IllegalWidgetArguments(symbol)
default_value = min(max(default.to_python(), minimum_value), maximum_value)
if all(isinstance(x, Integer) for x in [minimum, maximum, default, step]):
widget = _create_widget(IntSlider, value=default_value, min=minimum_value, max=maximum_value,
widget = _create_widget(FloatSlider, value=default_value, min=minimum_value, max=maximum_value,
self._add_widget(widget, symbol.get_name(), lambda x: from_python(x), label)

def _add_options_widget(self, symbol, options, default, label, evaluation):
formatted_options = []
for i, option in enumerate(options.leaves):
data = evaluation.format_all_outputs(option)
formatted_options.append((data['text/plain'], i))

default_index = 0
for i, option in enumerate(options.leaves):
if option.same(default):
default_index = i

widget = _create_widget(ToggleButtons, options=formatted_options, value=default_index)
self._add_widget(widget, symbol.get_name(), lambda j: options.leaves[j], label)

def _add_widget(self, widget, name, parse, label):
if not widget.description:
widget.description = _manipulate_label(label)
widget._kwarg = name # see _interactive() above
self._parsers[name] = parse

class ManipulateOutput(Output):
def max_stored_size(self, settings):
return self.output.max_stored_size(settings)

def out(self, out):
return self.output.out(out)

def clear_output(wait=False):
raise NotImplementedError

def display_data(self, result):
raise NotImplementedError

class Manipulate(Builtin):
<dt>'Manipulate[$expr1$, {$u$, $u_min$, $u_max$}]'
<dd>interactively compute and display an expression with different values of $u$.
<dt>'Manipulate[$expr1$, {$u$, $u_min$, $u_max$, $du$}]'
<dd>allows $u$ to vary between $u_min$ and $u_max$ in steps of $du$.
<dt>'Manipulate[$expr1$, {{$u$, $u_init$}, $u_min$, $u_max$, ...}]'
<dd>starts with initial value of $u_init$.
<dt>'Manipulate[$expr1$, {{$u$, $u_init$, $u_lbl$}, ...}]'
<dd>labels the $u$ controll by $u_lbl$.
<dt>'Manipulate[$expr1$, {$u$, {$u_1$, $u_2$, ...}}]'
<dd>sets $u$ to take discrete values $u_1$, $u_2$, ... .
<dt>'Manipulate[$expr1$, {$u$, ...}, {$v$, ...}, ...]'
<dd>control each of $u$, $v$, ... .
>> Manipulate[N[Sin[y]], {y, 1, 20, 2}]
: Manipulate[] only works inside a Jupyter notebook.
= Manipulate[N[Sin[y]], {y, 1, 20, 2}]
>> Manipulate[i ^ 3, {i, {2, x ^ 4, a}}]
: Manipulate[] only works inside a Jupyter notebook.
= Manipulate[i ^ 3, {i, {2, x ^ 4, a}}]
>> Manipulate[x ^ y, {x, 1, 20}, {y, 1, 3}]
: Manipulate[] only works inside a Jupyter notebook.
= Manipulate[x ^ y, {x, 1, 20}, {y, 1, 3}]
>> Manipulate[N[1 / x], {{x, 1}, 0, 2}]
: Manipulate[] only works inside a Jupyter notebook.
= Manipulate[N[1 / x], {{x, 1}, 0, 2}]
>> Manipulate[N[1 / x], {{x, 1}, 0, 2, 0.1}]
: Manipulate[] only works inside a Jupyter notebook.
= Manipulate[N[1 / x], {{x, 1}, 0, 2, 0.1}]

# TODO: correct in the jupyter interface but can't be checked in tests
#> Manipulate[x, {x}]
= Manipulate[x, {x}]
#> Manipulate[x, {x, 1, 0}]
: 'Illegal variable range or step parameters for `x`.
= Manipulate[x, {x, 1, 0}]

attributes = ('HoldAll',) # we'll call ReleaseHold at the time of evaluation below

messages = {
'jupyter': 'Manipulate[] only works inside a Jupyter notebook.',
'imathics': 'Your IMathics kernel does not seem to support all necessary operations. ' +
'Please check that you have the latest version installed.',
'widgetmake': 'Jupyter widget construction failed with "``".',
'widgetargs': 'Illegal variable range or step parameters for ``.',
'widgetdisp': 'Jupyter failed to display the widget.',

requires = (

def apply(self, expr, args, evaluation):
'Manipulate[expr_, args__]'
if (not _jupyter) or (not Kernel.initialized()) or (Kernel.instance() is None):
return evaluation.message('Manipulate', 'jupyter')

instantiator = _WidgetInstantiator() # knows about the arguments and their widgets

for arg in args.get_sequence():
if not instantiator.add(arg, evaluation): # not a valid argument pattern?
except IllegalWidgetArguments as e:
return evaluation.message('Manipulate', 'widgetargs', strip_context(str(e.var)))
except JupyterWidgetError as e:
return evaluation.message('Manipulate', 'widgetmake', e.err)

clear_output_callback = evaluation.output.clear
display_data_callback = evaluation.output.display # for pushing updates

except NotImplementedError:
return evaluation.message('Manipulate', 'imathics')

def callback(**kwargs):

line_no = evaluation.definitions.get_line_no()

vars = [Expression('Set', Symbol(name), value) for name, value in kwargs.items()]
evaluatable = Expression('ReleaseHold', Expression('Module', Expression('List', *vars), expr))

result = evaluation.evaluate(evaluatable, timeout=settings.TIMEOUT)
if result:
display_data_callback(data=result.result, metadata={})

evaluation.definitions.set_line_no(line_no) # do not increment line_no for manipulate computations

widgets = instantiator.get_widgets()
if len(widgets) > 0:
box = _interactive(instantiator.build_callback(callback), widgets) # create the widget
formatter = IPythonDisplayFormatter()
if not formatter(box): # make the widget appear on the Jupyter notebook
return evaluation.message('Manipulate', 'widgetdisp')

return Symbol('Null') # the interactive output is pushed via kernel.display_data_callback (see above)

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