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Releases: mathjax/MathJax-src

MathJax v3 beta 3

28 Nov 18:43
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MathJax v3 beta 3 Pre-release

This is the third public beta release of MathJax v3.


This is a beta release. Do not use this in production but please test it and report issues at!

The master branch is not the beta release; it is the current development copy, set up for development testing. The beta branch is the beta release.

What's New

This release fixes a number of display issues with the SVG output (see #153, #156, #157, #137) and improves the output for nested tables, particularly those with labels and those with percentage widths, in both CommonHTML and SVG output. Problems with table lines in SVG output in Safari and IE were fixed as well.

The TeX input has been updated to include nearly all the extensions that were available in v2, including the color, action, unicode, bbox, html, and several other extensions. These are all included in the webpacked files available in the demos repository (listed below), although the color extension is not enabled by default in order to preserve the behavior of \color in version 2 (this will probably change in the official release of v3).

In addition, there were some changes internally to how the MathDocument and MathItem classes, and the Handler class now allows more flexibility in overriding these. These changes are needed to better support extensions that may need to subclass the document and math-item classes. The next release will formalize the extension mechanisms and will include examples of how extensions will operate.

Finally, the TeX-lab.html and MML-lab.html files have been merged into a single v3-lab.html, and the original files removed. This late allows you to experiment will both input and both output formats, as well as enable/disable each of the extensions individual.

What's Included

This beta version includes two input processors (TeX and MathML) and two output processors (CommonHTML and SVG). Other input and output processors (e.g., AsciiMath input) will be added in the future.

The current TeX input processor has all the core functionality of the MathJax v2 TeX input, and several of the extensions built in, but some extensions are still to come. For example, \unicode, \bbox, and the color extension are not yet available.

The CommonHTML and SVG output implement all the MathML elements that they do in v2, but do not yet include support for line breaking (neither automatic nor explicit ones); this will be implemented in a later beta version. Both output renderers currently only support the MathJax TeX font; other fonts will be added in the future.

The CommonHTML output currently uses a very large CSS file that encodes the font information needed for all the characters in the MathJax TeX fonts. This is a preliminary implementation of the font support, which will be updated to reduce the size of the CSS in future versions.

The SVG output currently uses explicit SVG <path> elements for the characters it displays, whereas version 2 cached the paths in a common SVG <defs> element so that paths didn't have to be repeated in the individual expressions that used them. This will be implemented in a future version.

The MathJax contextual menu is not yet implemented.

The ability to configure MathJax through a configuration object, as in v2, is limited at the moment. In version 3, this type of customization is handled through building custom packed versions of MathJax, and that is not yet fully documented.


The repository includes examples and webpacked files for the beta release. See the instructions there for how to use them.

The repository includes examples for how to use MathJax version 3 with NodeJS.

MathJax v3 beta 2

04 Oct 20:44
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MathJax v3 beta 2 Pre-release

This is the second public beta release of MathJax v3.


This is a beta release. Do not use this in production but please test it and report issues at!

The master branch is not the beta release; it is the current development copy, set up for development testing. The beta branch is the beta release.

What's New

The TeX input jax has been updated and expanded to include more complete coverage, including a number of extensions that were not previously available (e.g., mhchem, cancel, and verb) as well as implementations for features such as tags and labels.

The CommonHTML output was refactored to separate out functions that can be used by other output renderers (such as bounding box computations and positioning computations) from the HTML-specific code. This made is easy to implement the new output renderer for SVG output, which is included in this beta release.

In addition, a number of bug fixes and enhancements are included. For example, both output renderers now handle characters that aren't in the MathJax TeX fonts.

What's Included

This beta version includes two input processors (TeX and MathML) and two output processors (CommonHTML and SVG). Other input and output processors (e.g., AsciiMath input) will be added in the future.

The current TeX input processor has all the core functionality of the MathJax v2 TeX input, and several of the extensions built in, but some extensions are still to come. For example, \unicode, \bbox, and the color extension are not yet available.

The CommonHTML and SVG output implement all the MathML elements that they do in v2, but do not yet include support for line breaking (neither automatic nor explicit ones); this will be implemented in a later beta version. Both output renderers currently only support the MathJax TeX font; other fonts will be added in the future.

The CommonHTML output currently uses a very large CSS file that encodes the font information needed for all the characters in the MathJax TeX fonts. This is a preliminary implementation of the font support, which will be updated to reduce the size of the CSS in future versions.

The SVG output currently uses explicit SVG <path> elements for the characters it displays, whereas version 2 cached the paths in a common SVG <defs> element so that paths didn't have to be repeated in the individual expressions that used them. This will be implemented in a future version.

The MathJax contextual menu is not yet implemented.

The ability to configure MathJax through a configuration object, as in v2, is limited at the moment. In version 3, this type of customization is handled through building custom packed versions of MathJax, and that is not yet fully documented.


The repository includes examples and webpacked files for the beta release. See the instructions there for how to use them.

The repository includes examples for how to use MathJax version 3 with NodeJS.

MathJax v3 beta 1

09 Jun 22:45
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MathJax v3 beta 1 Pre-release

This is the first public beta release of MathJax v3.


This is an early beta release. Do not use this in production but please test it and report issues at!

The master branch is not the beta release; it is the current development copy, set up for development testing. The beta branch is the beta release.

What's Included

This beta version includes two input processors (TeX and MathML) and one output processor (CommonHTML). Other input and output processors (e.g., AsciiMath input and SVG output) will be added in the future.

The current TeX input processor has all the core functionality of the MathJax v2 TeX input, and several of the extensions built in, but some extensions are still to come. For example, \unicode, \bbox, and the color extension are not yet available.

The CommonHTML output implements all the MathML elements that v2 does, but does not yet include support for line breaking (neither automatic nor explicit ones); this will be implemented in a later beta version. Currently, there is no support for characters that are not within the MathJax TeX fonts, but that will be included in the future.

The MathJax contextual menu is not yet implemented.

The ability to configure MathJax through a configuration object, as in v2, is limited at the moment. In version 3, this type of customization is handled through building custom packed versions of MathJax, and that is not yet fully documented.


The repository includes examples and webpacked files for the beta release. See the instructions there for how to use them.

The repository includes examples for how to use MathJax version 3 with NodeJS.

MathJax v3 alpha 6

18 May 14:57
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MathJax v3 alpha 6 Pre-release

Please be advised: do not use this in production.

Please post your feedback to the GitHub Issue Tracker or the mathjax-dev mailing list.


  • Implements the AMS (math and symbols) packages for TeX input
  • Implements the noUndefined package for TeX input
  • Adds support for the remaining MathML elements in CommonHTML:
    • Fixed problems with \xrightarrow not stretching properly.
    • Support for the mglyph element (though both width and height must be specified explicitly).
    • Support for the menclose element.
    • Support for the maction element.
    • Support for the mmultiscripts element.
    • Support for MathML spacing rules (rather than TeX spacing)
    • Fixed vertical placement of labels in mlabeledtr rows.
    • Support for the align attribute of munderover, munder and mover.
    • Support for the accent and accentunder attributes on mo and on the munderover, under, and mover elements.
    • Support for the skew font values for better placement of accents.
    • Remapping of hyphen to minus in mo and mn elements, as well as some other accent substitutions for improved output.
    • Support for intentalign, indentshift, and related attributes on the math element.
    • Support for matching the font size of the surrounding text.
  • Removes jsdom as a dependency (though you can still use the jsdomAdaptor if you install it yourself). The choosAdaptor now chooses between the browser and lite adaptors (rather than browser and jsdom).

No support yet for line breaking or for fonts other than the MathJax TeX fonts. These are the last remaining big issues for the CommonHTML output.

Also, not support for the MathJax menu. Eventually, that most likely will be an optional extension.

MathJax v3 alpha 5

17 Apr 20:12
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MathJax v3 alpha 5 Pre-release

This fixes a problem with the npm version of the alpha.4 release, and tags the correct branch.

MathJax v3 alpha.4

17 Apr 12:48
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MathJax v3 alpha.4 Pre-release

Please be advised: do not use this in production.

Please post your feedback to the GitHub Issue Tracker or the mathjax-dev mailing list.


  • Internal improvements to the TeX input processing
  • Add support for \mathchoice
  • Added support for missing mtable attributes: align, width, columnwidths, equalrows, equalcolumns, minlabelspacing, side.
  • Add support for mlabeledtr (though \tag is still not processed by the TeX input jax)
  • Add support for mfenced (#86)
  • Add support for mfrac attributes: linethickness, numalign, denomalign, bevelled
  • Fix loading of entity definition files (#88)
  • Provide method for preventing web pack errors related to asynchronous loading (#88)
  • Include AsciiMath in npm distribution (#85)

MathJax v3 alpha.3

29 Jan 23:39
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MathJax v3 alpha.3 Pre-release

Improvements on

  • Operator table lookup,
  • CSS for stretchy braces in IE and Edge,
  • Stretchy characters in Tex Parser.

MathJax v3 alpha.2

07 Dec 14:20
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MathJax v3 alpha.2 Pre-release

Please be advised: do not use this in production.

Please post your feedback to the GitHub Issue Tracker or the mathjax-dev mailing list.


  • #66, #73 improve stretchy constructions on Edge, Firefox, Safari
  • #67 allow configuration of fontURL
  • 6d911de add full operator table

MathJax 3.0.0-alpha.1 - First Public Alpha

16 Nov 15:45
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This marks the first public alpha release of MathJax v3.

Please be advised: do not use this in production.

Please post your feedback to the GitHub Issue Tracker or the mathjax-dev mailing list.

MathJax 3.0.0-alpha.0 - a first test

16 Nov 15:23
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Please use 3.0.0-alpha.1.