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MATLAB Interface for Apache Kafka

MATLAB® interface for Apache Kafka®. This package provides Kafka clients for MATLAB, Simulink and Embedded Coder.

Kafka® is used for building real-time data pipelines and streaming apps. It is horizontally scalable, fault-tolerant, fast and widely used.


Requires MATLAB release R2018a or later. Also requires Simulink when using the Kafka Client blocks. The package is currently only supported for Windows and Linux. The Embedded Coder solution is only supported on Linux.

MathWorks Products (

  • [Optional] Simulink
  • [Optional] MATLAB Coder
  • [Optional] Simulink Coder
  • [Optional] Embedded Coder

3rd Party Products

For building the mex functions and S-functions.

  • A C/C++ compiler for your platform, in accordance with MATLAB supported compilers.
  • CMake, for building dependencies on Windows
  • librdkafka, version 1.0 or higher
  • Some other libraries, as declared in the installation of librdkafka.
  • [Optional] jansson JSON library, if you're using the Simulink JSON-Converter.


Apache Kafka® is a community distributed event streaming platform capable of handling trillions of events a day. Initially conceived as a messaging queue, Kafka is based on an abstraction of a distributed commit log. Since being created and open sourced by LinkedIn in 2011, Kafka has quickly evolved from messaging queue to a full-fledged event streaming platform.

This project contains C/C++-based Kafka Clients, producers and consumers, for both MATLAB and Simulink. In Simulink, code generation with Embedded Coder is also supported.

The usage in MATLAB is for prototyping, and if you want to use it in a production system, we recommend compiling your code for MATLAB Production Server.

For usage in Simulink, this is also prototyping. Generate C code using Embedded Coder to use in a production environment.


First install librdkafka, and optionally jansson, see the documentation.

To install the MATLAB part, just do

cd Software/MATLAB

This will add the needed paths. If you want them to be saved for future sessions, run


You will need to compile the Mex function and optionally the S-functions. This is done with the two commands:


If you intend to generate dockerfiles too, you need to build the base images before you can build from these dockerfiles. To build the base images, run


For help refer to the documentation.


MATLAB Kafka Producer

Using the Kafka producer is straightforward.

P = kafka.Producer('<mybroker>', '<mytopic>');
P.publish('mykey', 'my message');

The same producer can, and should be used for sending several messages to the same topic.

The key and message arguments should be in a form that can automatically be converted to int8. If you have a structure, you should first convert it to JSON.

>> S = struct('item', '3422', 'value', [3,4,5])
S =
  struct with fields:

     item: '3422'
    value: [3 4 5]
>> jsstr = jsonencode(S)
jsstr =

The Kafka consumer is similar.

C = kafka.Consumer(brokers, topic, group);
[key, val, errMsg] = C.consume(timeoutMillis);

Please see the documentation for more information.

Simulink blocks

The current version contains 3 blocks for Kafka communication. A consumer block, a producer block, and a very simple block to convert flat JSON structures.

The Kafka functionality works both for simulation and code generation.

Read more in the corresponding documentation

Embedded Coder

This repository also contains an Embedded Coder target for use with Kafka. It will generate code from the Simulink model and the Kafka blocks. This code can also be dockerized, with the use of a Dockerfile that is generated with the code.

Read more in the corresponding documentation


See documentation for more information.


The license for the MATLAB Interface for Apache Kafka is available in the file in this GitHub repository. This package uses certain third-party content which is licensed under separate license agreements. See the 3rd party packages for the respective license details.

Enhancement Request

Provide suggestions for additional features or capabilities using the following link:

