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Create VM on OpenStack

openstack network create zuul
openstack subnet create zuul --network zuul --subnet-range --gateway --allocation-pool start=,end= --dns-nameserver
openstack router create zuul
openstack router set --external-gateway ext01 zuul
openstack router add subnet zuul zuul

openstack security group create allow-all
openstack security group rule create --remote-ip  allow-all

openstack server create --flavor SCS-2V:4:20 --image 'Ubuntu 22.04' --key-name mfeder --network zuul --security-group allow-all --security-group default zuul

openstack floating ip create ext01
openstack server add floating ip zuul

Access VM and install deps

Deploy Zuul

Steps taken from:

Prepare GitHub APP

This tutorial sticks with the GitHub APP method and NOT the webhook method. You can either create one for your organization or for your account.

  1. Go to the settings of your account/organization

  2. Select Developer settings on the left hand side

  3. Select GitHub Apps on the left hand side

  4. Select New GitHub App on the right hand side

  5. Select a unique GitHub App name, e.g. zuulapp

  6. Select a dummy Homepage URL (this URL is opened when installing this app to a repository). I used

  7. Set the Webhook URL to



    • zuul-hostname is the IP or DNS name of your server
    • port is the Zuul port (typically 9000)
    • connection-name is the name you will later set in your zuul configuration. In this case I use github

    for example:

  8. Set the Webhook secret to a value of your choice and save it for later. I'll use wekhooksecretvalue

  9. Select the following Repository persmissions:

    Permission Access
    Administration Read-only
    Checks Read & write
    Contents Read & write
    Issues Read & write
    Pull requests Read & write
    Commit statuses Read & write
  10. Select the events you whish to subscribe to:

    • Check run
    • Commit comment
    • Create
    • Issue comment
    • Issues
    • Label
    • Pull request
    • Pull request review
    • Pull request review comment
    • Push
    • Release
    • Status
  11. Select Where can this GitHub App be installed? to Only on this account

  12. Click on Create GitHub App

  13. Save also the App ID for later (in our case 360352)

  14. Scroll down to Private keys and click Generate a private key

  15. Save the received pem file for later

  16. Install the GitHub app to your wished repositories / accounts / repositories by clicking on Install App on the left hand side.

    • It is necessary to do that to finish GitHub APP installation!

Note: sometimes it might happen that GitHub does not save your Webhook secret. Just re-enter it and save it again.

Prepare Zuul config (on your Zuul VM)

Clone the example repository

git clone

Replace all content with the equivalent content below. Note the name of the source stanza matches your connection name you put earlier in the Webhook URL. Note that at least the config-projects GitHub repositories need to exist before you start your Zuul services. You may use the one from this organization, see

This example zuul-config contains base job that runs some pre- / post-runs to provide more visibility. Pre run role validate-host requires ip command on the worker node. This ip command is not installed in the worker node Dockerfile: ~/zuul/doc/source/examples/node-Dockerfile. Patch this file if you want to use provided base job:

sed -i.bak '/.*rsync.*/a \        iproute2 \\' ~/zuul/doc/source/examples/node-Dockerfile

I would suggest to clone it to your account/organization (then you will also be able to set the log server).

The connection is highly recommended. The base jobs are based on this job collection. By defining include you can restrict zuul to only load jobs and not something like pipelines.


- tenant:
    name: mfederorg       
          - matofederorg/zuul-config:
              load-branch: main
          - matofederorg/zuul-demo
          - zuul/zuul-jobs:
                - job

Throw away all "connection" sections and replace all of them with these new two. Note, that you need to insert your webhook_token and app_id values you saved earlier. Also note that your connection name needs to match the name you put earlier in the Webhook URL. Otherwise, you won't get a connection.


[connection "github"]

[connection ""]

The github.pem file is not there yet. Use the pem file you saved earlier and upload it to your Zuul instance to this file: ~/zuul/doc/source/examples/etc_zuul/github.pem

Start zuul services (on your Zuul VM)

cd zuul/doc/source/examples
sudo -E docker-compose -p zuul-tutorial up -d

This might take a few minutes.

If everything goes well you should see a similar logs from zuul-tutorial_scheduler_1:

2023-07-12T19:21:34+00:00 Wait for certs to be present
2023-07-12T19:21:39+00:00 Wait for mysql to start
2023-07-12T19:21:41+00:00 Wait for zuul user to be created
2023-07-12 19:23:20,008 INFO zuul.SQLConnection: Initializing SQL connection database (prefix: )
2023-07-12 19:23:20,169 INFO zuul.Component: Registering component in ZooKeeper /zuul/components/scheduler/91ab2f5e6994
2023-07-12 19:23:20,186 INFO zuul.ComponentRegistry: Noticed new scheduler component 91ab2f5e69940000000000
2023-07-12 19:23:20,188 INFO zuul.ComponentRegistry: Component scheduler 91ab2f5e69940000000000 updated: {'hostname': '91ab2f5e6994', 'kind': 'scheduler', 'mo
del_api': 13, 'state': 'stopped', 'version': '8.3.2.dev47 266a98cdd'}
2023-07-12 19:23:20,194 INFO zuul.ComponentRegistry: Noticed new executor component 320272e86c380000000000
2023-07-12 19:23:20,196 INFO zuul.ComponentRegistry: Component executor 320272e86c380000000000 updated: {'accepting_work': True, 'allow_unzoned': True, 'hostn
ame': '320272e86c38', 'kind': 'executor', 'model_api': 13, 'process_merge_jobs': True, 'state': 'running', 'version': '8.3.2.dev47 266a98cdd', 'zone': None}
2023-07-12 19:23:20,209 INFO zuul.ComponentRegistry: Noticed new web component 862b0849d7a70000000000
2023-07-12 19:23:20,210 INFO zuul.ComponentRegistry: Component web 862b0849d7a70000000000 updated: {'hostname': '862b0849d7a7', 'kind': 'web', 'model_api': 13
, 'state': 'initializing', 'version': '8.3.2.dev47 266a98cdd'}
2023-07-12 19:23:20,211 INFO zuul.ComponentRegistry: System minimum data model version 13; this component 13
2023-07-12 19:23:20,271 INFO zuul.TimerDriver: Running timer election
2023-07-12 19:23:20,307 INFO alembic.runtime.migration: Context impl MySQLImpl.
2023-07-12 19:23:20,307 INFO alembic.runtime.migration: Context impl MySQLImpl.
2023-07-12 19:23:20,309 INFO alembic.runtime.migration: Will assume non-transactional DDL.
2023-07-12 19:23:20,309 INFO alembic.runtime.migration: Will assume non-transactional DDL.
2023-07-12 19:23:20,316 INFO zuul.nodepool: Watching nodepool requests
2023-07-12 19:23:20,317 INFO zuul.TimerDriver: Won timer election
2023-07-12 19:23:20,332 INFO alembic.runtime.migration: Context impl MySQLImpl.
2023-07-12 19:23:20,332 INFO alembic.runtime.migration: Context impl MySQLImpl.
2023-07-12 19:23:20,332 INFO alembic.runtime.migration: Will assume non-transactional DDL.
2023-07-12 19:23:20,332 INFO alembic.runtime.migration: Will assume non-transactional DDL.
2023-07-12 19:23:20,373 INFO zuul.GithubConnection: Starting GitHub connection: github
2023-07-12 19:23:20,373 INFO zuul.GithubConnection.GithubClientManager: Authing to GitHub
2023-07-12 19:23:21,284 INFO zuul.GithubConnection: Starting event connector
2023-07-12 19:23:21,291 INFO zuul.Scheduler: Starting scheduler
2023-07-12 19:23:21,320 INFO zuul.ComponentRegistry: Component scheduler 91ab2f5e69940000000000 updated: {'hostname': '91ab2f5e6994', 'kind': 'scheduler', 'mo
del_api': 13, 'state': 'initializing', 'version': '8.3.2.dev47 266a98cdd'}
2023-07-12 19:23:21,322 INFO zuul.Scheduler: Priming scheduler config
2023-07-12 19:23:21,339 INFO zuul.Scheduler: Creating initial system config
2023-07-12 19:23:21,339 INFO zuul.ConfigLoader: Loading configuration from /etc/zuul/main.yaml
2023-07-12 19:23:21,384 INFO zuul.KeyStorage: Generating a new secrets key for github/matofederorg/zuul-config
2023-07-12 19:23:21,386 INFO zuul.KeyStorage: Generating a new secrets key for
2023-07-12 19:23:21,395 INFO zuul.KeyStorage: Generating a new secrets key for github/matofederorg/zuul-demo
2023-07-12 19:23:22,294 INFO zuul.KeyStorage: Generating a new SSH key for
2023-07-12 19:23:22,736 INFO zuul.KeyStorage: Generating a new SSH key for github/matofederorg/zuul-demo
2023-07-12 19:23:23,378 INFO zuul.KeyStorage: Generating a new SSH key for github/matofederorg/zuul-config
2023-07-12 19:23:23,637 INFO zuul.GithubConnection: Got branches for matofederorg/zuul-config
2023-07-12 19:23:23,706 INFO zuul.GithubConnection: Got branches for matofederorg/zuul-demo
2023-07-12 19:23:24,003 INFO zuul.GithubConnection: Got merge modes for matofederorg/zuul-demo
2023-07-12 19:23:25,197 INFO zuul.GithubConnection: Got merge modes for matofederorg/zuul-config
2023-07-12 19:23:27,583 INFO zuul.TenantParser: Loading configuration from matofederorg/zuul-config/zuul.d/jobs.yaml@main
2023-07-12 19:23:27,585 INFO zuul.TenantParser: Loading configuration from matofederorg/zuul-config/zuul.d/pipelines.yaml@main
2023-07-12 19:23:27,589 INFO zuul.TenantParser: Loading configuration from matofederorg/zuul-config/zuul.d/projects.yaml@main
2023-07-12 19:23:29,382 INFO zuul.TenantParser: Loading configuration from matofederorg/zuul-demo/.zuul.yaml@zuul
2023-07-12 19:23:32,836 INFO zuul.TenantParser: Loading configuration from zuul/zuul-jobs/zuul.d/container-jobs.yaml@master
2023-07-12 19:23:32,838 INFO zuul.TenantParser: Loading configuration from zuul/zuul-jobs/zuul.d/docker-jobs.yaml@master
2023-07-12 19:23:32,839 INFO zuul.TenantParser: Loading configuration from zuul/zuul-jobs/zuul.d/general-jobs.yaml@master
2023-07-12 19:23:32,842 INFO zuul.TenantParser: Loading configuration from zuul/zuul-jobs/zuul.d/go-jobs.yaml@master
2023-07-12 19:23:32,843 INFO zuul.TenantParser: Loading configuration from zuul/zuul-jobs/zuul.d/haskell-jobs.yaml@master
2023-07-12 19:23:32,844 INFO zuul.TenantParser: Loading configuration from zuul/zuul-jobs/zuul.d/helm-jobs.yaml@master
2023-07-12 19:23:32,846 INFO zuul.TenantParser: Loading configuration from zuul/zuul-jobs/zuul.d/js-jobs.yaml@master
2023-07-12 19:23:32,848 INFO zuul.TenantParser: Loading configuration from zuul/zuul-jobs/zuul.d/nim-jobs.yaml@master
2023-07-12 19:23:32,849 INFO zuul.TenantParser: Loading configuration from zuul/zuul-jobs/zuul.d/packer-jobs.yaml@master
2023-07-12 19:23:32,850 INFO zuul.TenantParser: Loading configuration from zuul/zuul-jobs/zuul.d/python-jobs.yaml@master
2023-07-12 19:23:32,856 INFO zuul.TenantParser: Loading configuration from zuul/zuul-jobs/zuul.d/system-jobs.yaml@master
2023-07-12 19:23:32,857 INFO zuul.TenantParser: Loading configuration from zuul/zuul-jobs/zuul.d/terraform-jobs.yaml@master
2023-07-12 19:23:33,134 ERROR zuul.Pipeline.mfederorg.check: Exception loading ZKObject <zuul.model.PipelineState object at 0x7fc5501333d0> at /zuul/tenant/mf
2023-07-12 19:23:33,135 WARNING zuul.Pipeline.mfederorg.check: Initializing pipeline state for check; this is expected only for new pipelines
2023-07-12 19:23:33,155 ERROR zuul.Pipeline.mfederorg.check: Exception loading ZKObject <zuul.model.PipelineChangeList object at 0x7fc5501cca50> at /zuul/tena
2023-07-12 19:23:33,156 WARNING zuul.Pipeline.mfederorg.check: Initializing pipeline change list for check; this is expected only for new pipelines
2023-07-12 19:23:33,200 ERROR zuul.Pipeline.mfederorg.gate: Exception loading ZKObject <zuul.model.PipelineState object at 0x7fc550131b10> at /zuul/tenant/mfe
2023-07-12 19:23:33,202 WARNING zuul.Pipeline.mfederorg.gate: Initializing pipeline state for gate; this is expected only for new pipelines
2023-07-12 19:23:33,209 ERROR zuul.Pipeline.mfederorg.gate: Exception loading ZKObject <zuul.model.PipelineChangeList object at 0x7fc550131e50> at /zuul/tenan
2023-07-12 19:23:33,210 WARNING zuul.Pipeline.mfederorg.gate: Initializing pipeline change list for gate; this is expected only for new pipelines
2023-07-12 19:23:33,239 ERROR Exception loading ZKObject <zuul.model.PipelineState object at 0x7fc550252950> at /zuul/tenant/mfe

Hence, above ERRORs and WARNINGs seem to be expected.

You should now be able to access your Zuul installation by directing your browser to the IP address or DNS name of your server followed by the port (typically 9000)

Now create a PR in your demo repository, and you should see that your testjob passed: img.png

If you want to trigger the job again add comment recheck into your PR: matofederorg/zuul-demo#1

Check the connection (on your machine)

Go back to your GitHub app settings:

  1. Open the Settings
  2. Click on Installed GitHub Apps on the left hand side
  3. Click Configure on the right hand side
  4. Click App settings on the top
  5. Click Advanced on the left hand side
  6. Check if the top entry has a green tick (if not, click on Redeliver)


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Contributors 4

