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matsubara0507 committed Feb 27, 2021
1 parent ff63963 commit 336b917
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Showing 7 changed files with 177 additions and 42 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .stylish-haskell.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ language_extensions:
- PolyKinds
- RankNTypes
- StandaloneDeriving
- TupleSections
- TypeFamilies
- TypeOperators
- TypeSynonymInstances
25 changes: 16 additions & 9 deletions app/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,19 +12,21 @@ import GetOpt (withGetOpt')
import Mix
import qualified Mix.Plugin.GitHub as MixGitHub
import Mix.Plugin.Logger as MixLogger
import OctGraph.Cmd
import OctGraph.Cmd as OctGraph
import OctGraph.Config
import System.Environment (getEnv)
import qualified Version

main :: IO ()
main = withGetOpt' "[options] [input-file]" opts $ \r args usage -> do
main = withGetOpt' "[options] (pulls|reviews)" opts $ \r args usage -> do
homeDir <- getHomeDirectory
_ <- loadEnvFileIfExist defaultConfig
_ <- loadEnvFileIfExist $ defaultConfig { configPath = [homeDir <> "/.env"] }
if | r ^. #help -> hPutBuilder stdout (fromString usage)
| r ^. #version -> hPutBuilder stdout ( version <> "\n")
| otherwise -> runCmd r (listToMaybe args)
if | r ^. #help -> hPutBuilder stdout (fromString usage)
| r ^. #version -> hPutBuilder stdout ( version <> "\n")
| args == ["pulls"] -> runCmd r PullRequestFreqency
| args == ["reviews"] -> runCmd r ReviewFrequency
| otherwise -> hPutBuilder stdout (fromString usage)
loadEnvFileIfExist conf =
whenM (and <$> mapM doesFileExist (configPath conf)) (void $ loadFile conf)
Expand All @@ -33,6 +35,7 @@ main = withGetOpt' "[options] [input-file]" opts $ \r args usage -> do
<: #verbose @= verboseOpt
<: #work @= workOpt
<: #output @= outputOpt
<: #config @= configOpt
<: nil

type Options = Record
Expand All @@ -41,6 +44,7 @@ type Options = Record
, "verbose" >: Bool
, "work" >: FilePath
, "output" >: Maybe FilePath
, "config" >: FilePath

helpOpt :: OptDescr' Bool
Expand All @@ -58,16 +62,19 @@ workOpt = fromMaybe ".octgraph" <$> optLastArg ['w'] ["work"] "PATH" "Work direc
outputOpt :: OptDescr' (Maybe FilePath)
outputOpt = optLastArg ['o'] ["out"] "PATH" "Output png file PATH"

runCmd :: Options -> Maybe FilePath -> IO ()
runCmd opts path = do
configOpt :: OptDescr' FilePath
configOpt = fromMaybe "./octgraph.yaml" <$> optLastArg ['c'] ["config"] "PATH" "Configuration PATH (default: ./octgraph.yaml"

runCmd :: Options -> Cmd -> IO ()
runCmd opts subcmd = do
gToken <- liftIO $ fromString <$> getEnv "GH_TOKEN"
let plugin = hsequence
$ #logger <@=> MixLogger.buildPlugin logOpts
<: #github <@=> MixGitHub.buildPlugin gToken
<: #config <@=> readConfig (fromMaybe "./octgraph.yaml" path)
<: #config <@=> readConfig (opts ^. #config)
<: #cache <@=> pure (opts ^. #work </> "cache")
<: #output <@=> pure (opts ^. #output)
<: nil plugin cmd plugin $ subcmd
logOpts = #handle @= stdout <: #verbose @= (opts ^. #verbose) <: nil
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions package.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ default-extensions:
- PolyKinds
- RankNTypes
- StandaloneDeriving
- TupleSections
- TypeFamilies
- TypeOperators
- TypeSynonymInstances
Expand Down
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions src/OctGraph/Cache.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
module OctGraph.Cache where

import RIO
import RIO.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, doesFileExist)
import RIO.FilePath (dropFileName)

import qualified Data.Aeson as J

writeCache :: (MonadIO m, J.ToJSON a) => FilePath -> a -> m ()
writeCache path target = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (dropFileName path)
liftIO $ J.encodeFile path target

readCache :: (MonadIO m, J.FromJSON a, Monoid a) => FilePath -> m a
readCache path = do
isExist <- doesFileExist path
if isExist then
fromMaybe mempty <$> liftIO (J.decodeFileStrict path)
pure mempty
84 changes: 70 additions & 14 deletions src/OctGraph/Cmd.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,37 +1,93 @@
module OctGraph.Cmd where

import RIO
import qualified RIO.List as L
import qualified RIO.Map as Map

import Data.Fallible
import qualified Mix.Plugin.Logger as MixLogger
import qualified Mix.Plugin.Logger as MixLogger
import OctGraph.Cache (readCache, writeCache)
import OctGraph.Cmd.Chart
import OctGraph.Config
import OctGraph.Env
import OctGraph.Pulls as Pulls
import OctGraph.Pulls as Pulls
import OctGraph.Pulls.Review as Review

cmd :: RIO Env ()
cmd = do
repos <- asks (view #repositories . view #config)
ps <- forM repos $ \repo -> do
data Cmd
= PullRequestFreqency
| ReviewFrequency
deriving (Show, Eq)

run :: Cmd -> RIO Env ()
run cmd = do
ps <- fetchPulls =<< asks (view #repositories . view #config)
case cmd of
PullRequestFreqency ->
createChartFile (concat $ Map.elems ps)
ReviewFrequency -> do
_ <- fetchReviews ps
pure ()

showNotImpl :: MonadIO m => m ()
showNotImpl = hPutBuilder stdout "not yet implement command.\n"

fetchPulls :: [RepositoryPath] -> RIO Env PullRequests
fetchPulls repos = fmap Map.fromList . forM repos $ \repo -> do
pulls <- fetchPullsWithCache repo
MixLogger.logInfo (display repo)
MixLogger.logInfo (display $ " all pulls: " <> tshow (length pulls))
MixLogger.logInfo (display $ " closed pulls: " <> tshow (length $ filter isClosed pulls))
pure pulls
createChartFile (concat ps)

showNotImpl :: MonadIO m => m ()
showNotImpl = hPutBuilder stdout "not yet implement command.\n"
pure (repo, pulls)

fetchPullsWithCache :: RepositoryPath -> RIO Env [PullRequest]
fetchPullsWithCache repo = evalContT $ do
cachedPulls <- lift $ Pulls.readCache repo
path <- lift $ Pulls.cachePath repo
MixLogger.logDebug (fromString $ "read cache: " <> path)
cachedPulls <- lift $ readCache path
pulls <- lift (fetchPullsWith cachedPulls) !?= err
when (length pulls /= length cachedPulls) $
lift (Pulls.writeCache repo pulls)
when (length pulls /= length cachedPulls) $ do
MixLogger.logDebug (fromString $ "write cache: " <> path)
lift (writeCache path pulls)
pure pulls
err txt = exit $ MixLogger.logError (display $ repo <> txt) >> pure []

fetchPullsWith [] = fetchAllPulls repo
fetchPullsWith cached = fmap (`mergePulls` cached) <$> fetchLatestPulls repo

fetchReviews :: PullRequests -> RIO Env (Map RepositoryPath Reviews)
fetchReviews ps = fmap Map.fromList . forM (Map.toList ps) $ \(repo, pulls) ->do
reviews <- fetchReviewsWithCache repo pulls
MixLogger.logInfo (display repo)
MixLogger.logInfo (display $ " all reviews: " <> tshow (sum $ fmap length reviews))
pure (repo, reviews)

fetchReviewsWithCache :: RepositoryPath -> [PullRequest] -> RIO Env Reviews
fetchReviewsWithCache repo pulls = evalContT $ do
path <- lift $ Review.cachePath repo
MixLogger.logDebug (fromString $ "read cache: " <> path)
cachedReviews <- lift $ readCache path
rs <- fmap Map.fromList $ forM (take 100 $ reverse pulls) $ \pull -> do
threadDelay 1_000_000
lift (fetchReviewsWith cachedReviews pull) !?= err
MixLogger.logDebug (fromString $ "write cache: " <> path)
lift (writeCache path rs)
pure rs
err txt = exit $ MixLogger.logError (display $ repo <> txt) >> pure mempty

fetchReviewsWith :: Map Int [Review] -> PullRequest -> RIO Env (Either Text (Int, [Review]))
fetchReviewsWith cache pull = fmap (pull ^. #id,) <$>
case Map.lookup (pull ^. #id) cache of
Nothing -> Review.fetchAllReviews repo pull
Just cached -> do
if Pulls.isClosed pull then
pure $ Right cached
case L.maximumByMaybe (compare `on` view #created_at) cached of
Nothing -> Review.fetchAllReviews repo pull
Just latest ->
if pull ^. #updated_at > latest ^. #created_at then
fmap (`mergeReviews` cached) <$> Review.fetchLatestReviews repo pull
pure $ Right cached
24 changes: 5 additions & 19 deletions src/OctGraph/Pulls.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
module OctGraph.Pulls where

import RIO
import RIO.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, doesFileExist)
import RIO.FilePath (dropFileName, (<.>), (</>))
import RIO.FilePath ((<.>), (</>))
import qualified RIO.List as L
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import RIO.Time
import qualified RIO.Vector as V

import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import Data.Extensible
import qualified GitHub
import qualified Mix.Plugin.GitHub as MixGitHub
import qualified Mix.Plugin.Logger as MixLogger
import OctGraph.Config (RepositoryPath, splitRepoName)
import OctGraph.Env

type PullRequest = Record
'[ "id" >: Int
, "created_at" >: UTCTime
, "updated_at" >: UTCTime
, "closed_at" >: Maybe UTCTime

Expand All @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ fetchAllPulls = fetchPulls' GitHub.FetchAll
fetchPulls' ::
GitHub.FetchCount -> RepositoryPath -> RIO Env (Either Text [PullRequest])
fetchPulls' count repo = do
MixLogger.logDebug (display $ "fetch pulls: " <> repo <> " (" <> tshow count <> ")")
resp <- MixGitHub.fetch $ GitHub.pullRequestsForR
(GitHub.mkName Proxy org)
(GitHub.mkName Proxy name)
Expand All @@ -47,33 +48,18 @@ toPullRequest :: GitHub.SimplePullRequest -> PullRequest
toPullRequest pull
= #id @= GitHub.unIssueNumber (GitHub.simplePullRequestNumber pull)
<: #created_at @= GitHub.simplePullRequestCreatedAt pull
<: #updated_at @= GitHub.simplePullRequestUpdatedAt pull
<: #closed_at @= GitHub.simplePullRequestClosedAt pull
<: nil

isClosed :: PullRequest -> Bool
isClosed = isJust . view #closed_at

mergePulls :: [PullRequest] -> [PullRequest] -> [PullRequest]
mergePulls pulls =
L.sortBy (\x y -> (x ^. #id) `compare` (y ^. #id))
. L.nubBy (\x y -> x ^. #id == y ^. #id)
. (pulls ++)

writeCache :: RepositoryPath -> [PullRequest] -> RIO Env ()
writeCache repo pulls = do
path <- cachePath repo
createDirectoryIfMissing True (dropFileName path)
liftIO $ J.encodeFile path pulls

readCache :: RepositoryPath -> RIO Env [PullRequest]
readCache repo = do
path <- cachePath repo
isExist <- doesFileExist path
if isExist then
fromMaybe [] <$> liftIO (J.decodeFileStrict path)
pure []

cachePath :: RepositoryPath -> RIO Env FilePath
cachePath repo = (</> "pulls" </> T.unpack repo <.> "json") <$> asks (view #cache)
64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions src/OctGraph/Pulls/Review.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
module OctGraph.Pulls.Review where

import RIO
import RIO.FilePath ((<.>), (</>))
import qualified RIO.List as L
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import RIO.Time
import qualified RIO.Vector as V

import Data.Extensible
import qualified GitHub.Data.Definitions as GitHub
import qualified GitHub.Data.Name as GitHub
import qualified GitHub.Data.Reviews as GitHub
import qualified GitHub.Endpoints.PullRequests.Reviews as GitHub
import qualified Mix.Plugin.GitHub as MixGitHub
import qualified Mix.Plugin.Logger as MixLogger
import OctGraph.Config (RepositoryPath,
import OctGraph.Env
import OctGraph.Pulls (PullRequest)

type Review = Record
'[ "id" >: Int
, "pull" >: Int
, "user" >: Text
, "created_at" >: UTCTime

type Reviews = Map Int [Review]

fetchLatestReviews, fetchAllReviews :: RepositoryPath -> PullRequest -> RIO Env (Either Text [Review])
fetchLatestReviews = fetchReviews' (GitHub.FetchAtLeast 100)
fetchAllReviews = fetchReviews' GitHub.FetchAll

fetchReviews' :: GitHub.FetchCount -> RepositoryPath -> PullRequest -> RIO Env (Either Text [Review])
fetchReviews' count repo pr = do
MixLogger.logDebug (display $ "fetch reviews: " <> repo <> "#" <> tshow (pr ^. #id) <> " (" <> tshow count <> ")")
resp <- MixGitHub.fetch $ GitHub.pullRequestReviewsR
(GitHub.mkName Proxy org)
(GitHub.mkName Proxy name)
(GitHub.IssueNumber $ pr ^. #id)
pure $ case resp of
Left _ -> Left "cannot fetch reviews"
Right reviews -> Right (toReview pr <$> V.toList reviews)
(org, name) = splitRepoName repo

toReview :: PullRequest -> GitHub.Review -> Review
toReview pr review
= #id @= GitHub.untagId (GitHub.reviewId review)
<: #pull @= (pr ^. #id)
<: #user @= GitHub.untagName (GitHub.simpleUserLogin $ GitHub.reviewUser review)
<: #created_at @= GitHub.reviewSubmittedAt review
<: nil

mergeReviews :: [Review] -> [Review] -> [Review]
mergeReviews reviews =
L.sortBy (\x y -> (x ^. #id) `compare` (y ^. #id))
. L.nubBy (\x y -> x ^. #id == y ^. #id)
. (reviews ++)

cachePath :: RepositoryPath -> RIO Env FilePath
cachePath repo = (</> "reviews" </> T.unpack repo <.> "json") <$> asks (view #cache)

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