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Capital Cities Quiz

App can be viewed here.

Built using React and Redux on the front end, with a Node.js AWS Lambda function on the back end.


To install node modules run npm install

Start webpack-dev-server by running npm start then access by navigating to localhost:8080 from your web browser.

Create production build by running npm run build and deploy using npm run deploy

Lambda function is deployed separately using the serverless framework with npm run deploy-lambda and updated with npm run update-lambda


  • Cover all countries/capitals, currently only countries A - F.
  • Integrate with Google Maps API to display location of cities.
  • Maybe add some kind of timer.
  • Keep track of best score in local storage.
  • Don't repeat questions already seen - currently there is the unlikely possibility of seeing same question twice in a row.
  • Maybe add some pictures.
  • Refactor using GraphQL.
  • Different game modes e.g. text input instead of multiple choice.
  • Currently fairly minimal styling, especially need to add more media queries for responsiveness. Only tested on 15inch laptop and iPhone 6S screen.
  • Unit tests!


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