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TypeScript Apps

Open source collection of small applications written in ReactJS and TypeScript.

Tech stack

React, NextJS, TypeScript, Chakra UI, React Query, Framer Motion, React Testing Library

Live link


Collaborators are welcome to join this project and contribute with merge requests.

Project Structure

├── src/
│   ├── assets
│   │   ├── icons
│   │   └── images
│   ├── components
│   │   ├── beers
│   │   ├── colorPicker
│   │   ├── emailVerifier
│   │   ├── usersList
│   │   └── weather
│   ├── hooks
│   ├── layout
│   │   └── components
│   ├── pages
│   ├── styles
│   └── theme
└── package.json

How to run

All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:

Command Action
npm install Installs dependencies
npm run dev Starts local dev server at localhost:3000
npm run build Build your production site

Ideas for applications

  • Currency converter
  • Calculator
  • Anything that retrievs data from the API
  • Task organizer
  • Hangman game
  • Stopwatch / Clock
  • Pomodoro App
  • Text editor
  • Movie catalog
  • Book catalog
  • Calorie/BMI counter
  • URL shortener