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(    (     (     (      (    (   A loot log parser, really.

Loot Logger

Write in a csv file (or in your favourite spreadsheet) all the events occuring in a session which require tracking for later accounting (xp gained, spells spent, gold pieces earned). Follow this example:

 Teniviel,xp,+15,found secret door
 Muradin,gp,+10,found valuable necklace on the floor
 party,xp,+60,fought goblins
 Aldestro+Bayern+Everard+Ramone,gp,+40,found hidden stash

The CSV is written following these cases:

PC,stat,value,comment: take PC,modify stat according to value, because comment

PARTY-KEYWORD,stat,value,comment: for the whole party modify stat according to value. This will be divided to each specified PC at the end of parsing

PC+PC+PC,stat,value,comment: take all the PCs, modify stat according to value/number of PCs

Run LootLogger from an ANSI console:

$ php lootlogger.php path/to/csv/file -o table

Results will be displayed in an ASCII table directly in the console.

Available params:

-p --party-keyword: change the party keyowrd, default is party -o --output: output format, either table or list (default)


[x] Add comments to the table

[√] Add colors to the cli!

[x] Add tests


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