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Matt DesLauriers edited this page Jul 22, 2014 · 19 revisions

Some proposals for kami v 1.0.0.

key features

  • modularity - follow the unix philosophy and only do "one thing"
  • unit tests - kami doesn't currently have any. all modules should have their own unit testing. for now the tests will simply run in a WebGL browser (i.e. no testling-ci 😦 )
  • composability - composes (somewhat) well with non-kami modules, like modules-gl and ndarray.
  • documentation - improved docs on running and building

API changes

  • hide constructor; the new keyword is optional
  • for constructors: use an object for options instead of flat arguments
  • the first argument to most classes can be a kami-context or a regular WebGLRenderingContext. If the former is passed, the object will be managed and re-created on context restore.
  • sprite batching will use ortho matrices instead of a 2d projection vector. this will break shader code
  • TextureRegion may break to become more agnostic of kami, and usable with modules-gl



Kami is split into many modules in order to achieve different tasks. Each module tries to focus on a single task, and attempts to find a balance between flexible low-level needs and convenient high-level APIs.

Although many of these modules are prefixed with kami-, they are not necessarily specific to it. They all take generic WebGLRenderingContext in the constructors, so you can just as easily use any WebGL framework you please.

Primary modules:

  • kami-context - sets up a GL context; passing this to Textures and Shaders will have them managed during context loss events
  • kami-texture - a wrapper around glTexImage2D
  • kami-shader - a minimal shader utility
  • kami-batch - a 2D sprite batcher, can render images from gl-module or kami
  • kami-fbo - 2D framebuffer (render-to-texture) utilities for kami

Internal modules: (may not be useful to the average layperson)

Generic modules: (not specific to kami, but often used alongside it)

  • webgl-context - gets a GL context; will not handle context loss
  • texture-region - a texture region in UV coordinates, ideal for sprite batching

Various utils:

composability example

Here is an example of using a kami renderer alongside unrelated gl-texture2d. Typically this wouldn't be encouraged, but it's nice to have it as an option and also shows that all the modules in play are indeed just focusing on "one thing."

//setup an empty GL canvas
var gl = require('webgl-context')({
    width: 512,
    height: 512

//grab a ndarray texture
var pixels = require('baboon');

//load the image with modules-gl
var tex = require('gl-texture2d')(gl, pixels);

//create a sprite batcher
var batch = require('kami-batch')(gl);

//draw the image with kami

//draw at 85% opacity
batch.draw(tex, 0, 0, 512, 512);

//draw it smaller at full color
batch.draw(tex, 25, 25, 15, 50);


//add canvas to DOM
document.body.appendChild( gl.canvas );
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