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bazza - the builder Build Status

Build up objects close to where they're being used.

customer = Customer.with.Order.with(:total => 22.21)

You can:

  • specify defaults
    • can be overridden
  • reuse builders
  • chain builders
  • specialise builders

An Example

customer = Customer.with.Order.with(:total => 22.21)

class Customer end

class Order end

class CustomerBuilder end

class OrderBuilder end


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


  • Association:
    • single
      • implement responds_to whereever method_missing implemented
      • ponder adding default hash param to #with
      • dynamically add the methods to builder, based on instance being built?
    • many
      • Build multiple: Customer.with.two.Orders
      • linguistics gem for text to number conversion
  • Specialisation
    • infer #make#{Something} method convention for specialisation methods on builder?
  • #initialize and #build should be already available to builder
  • #with and #thats can't be combined at present
  • Reusing builders
  • Replace String>>#to_class implementation from stack overflow article with a spec'd/tested version
  • Alternative syntax:
    • =>
    • Advantage is Class extension no longer needed
    • How to know when to build the instance?