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Matteo Corti edited this page Oct 16, 2015 · 4 revisions


dprofpp_grapher reads the output file of the Perl profiler and generates a context insentivive call graph highlighting subroutines where the majority of the time is spent.


  • 2007-11-21 new release: 1.0.1
  • 2007-09-19 new bug fix release 0.9.2


Usage: dprofpp_grapher [options]

Generates a graphic representation of Perl profile data


    --format,-f        set the output format (see the GraphViz manpage for a list)
    --in,-i            input file (if not specified tmon.out is read by default)
    --help,-h,-?       this help screen
    --out,-o           output file (if not specified output is sent to standard output)
    --threshold,-t     display only subroutins with a cumumlative time
                       percentage greater or equal to the specified
    --verbose,-v       increase verbosity
    --version,-V       prints version information

see some usage examples for more details.


In distribution directory run:

perl Makefile.PL
make install

or look at the INSTALL file for details

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