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This boilerplate is here to give you a structure for typical meteor projects, with a console tool to ease up some tasks. Here's what you get with it.

  • meteor-boilerplate console tool, for scaffolding files and more
  • Helpful packages included, for example Iron Router and Velocity
  • Given folder structure to keep code clean

The boilerplate looks like following:

How to install

First, download and unpack the boilerplate archive.

# Assuming meteor and meteorite are already installed
cd /path/to/project/
mrt install

How to use

node meteor-boilerplate # Lists all possible commands
node meteor-boilerplate create:route # Interactive console for command
node meteor-boilerplate create:route login /login # Executes it immediately

Removing default code

There's already a lot of predefined code in this boilerplate, to show you the possible functionality. However, if you want to start off with an empty project, use the provided command to get rid off all the code you don't need.

node meteor-boilerplate reset:project

Coffeescript support

For all our coffeescript lovers, you can change to a coffeescript configuration for file generation like this.

node meteor-boilerplate change:profile coffee

Also use the reset:project command to start off with coffeescript files.

Packages used

  • standard-app-packages
  • less
  • jquery
  • underscore
  • handlebar-helpers
  • iron-router
  • accounts-password
  • accounts-ui
  • iron-router-progress
  • semantic-ui
  • collection2
  • velocity-html-reporter
  • mocha-web-velocity

The "insecure" and "autopublish" packages are removed by default (they make your app vulnerable).

Folder structure

client/ 				# Client folder
    compatibility/      # Libraries which create a global variable
    config/             # Configuration files (on the client)
	lib/                # Library files that get executed first
    routes/             # All routes(*)
    startup/            # Javascript files on Meteor.startup()
    stylesheets         # LESS files
    subscriptions/      # Collection subscriptions(*)
    modules/            # Meant for components, such as form and more(*)
	views/			    # Contains all views(*)
	    common/         # General purpose html templates
model/  				# Model files, for each Meteor.Collection(*)
private/                # Private files
public/                 # Public files
server/					# Server folder
    fixtures/           # Meteor.Collection fixtures defined
    lib/                # Server side library folder
    publications/       # Collection publications(*)
    startup/            # On server startup
tests/					# Velocity test files, can be run with mocha(*)
meteor-boilerplate		# Command line tool

(*) = the command line tool creates files in these folders

Projects created with this boilerplate

starthacking - A simple micro page to find useful programming resources

Other Awesome Boilerplates


This boilerplate has an MIT License, see the LICENSE.txt for more information.


A simple micro page to find useful programming resources







No packages published