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Update to the one time work
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Stabilizes the one time work and makes it more efficient.
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matthew-hirn committed Jun 13, 2016
1 parent a10f244 commit 52f258d
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Showing 3 changed files with 255 additions and 106 deletions.
263 changes: 182 additions & 81 deletions cellcomplexdD.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
function [g, sE, P, PD, Sc, dSc, Cells] = cellcomplexdD(E, F, D)
% function [g, sE, P, PD, Sc, dSc, Cells] = cellcomplexdD(E, F, D)
function [g, sE, P, PD, Sc, dSc, Cells, t] = cellcomplexdD(E, F, D)
% function [g, sE, P, PD, Sc, dSc, Cells, t] = cellcomplexdD(E, F, D)
% E: real Nxd matrix whose rows represent N data points
% F: real Nx1 matrix of function values of f at each point in E
Expand All @@ -12,13 +12,14 @@
% Sc: Wells' S_c points of intersection
% dSc: Wells' distance to S_c points
% Cells: final cell complex
% t: List of run times, in order they are outputted
% This file is part of the C^{1,1}(R^d) Interpolation software package.
% Author: Frederick McCollum
% Email:
% Author: Frederick McCollum and Matthew Hirn
% Email:,
% Copyright 2016 Frederick McCollum
% Copyright 2016 Frederick McCollum and Matthew Hirn
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
Expand All @@ -32,39 +33,82 @@
% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
% limitations under the License.

% Initalize t
t = zeros(10,1);

% Dimension
dim = size(E,2);

% Compute Gamma^1
disp('Computing Gamma'); tic;
g = Gamma(E, F, D); toc
g = Gamma(E, F, D); t(1) = toc;
disp(['Elapsed time is ', num2str(t(1)), ' seconds.']);
disp(['Gamma = ', num2str(g)]);

% Shift points and compute their center
disp('Shift points'); tic;
sE = shift(E, D, g);
[LE, wts] = lift(sE, F, D, g);
C = convhulln(LE);
ind = normalsPD(LE, C);
center = mean(sE,1); t(2) = toc;
disp(['Elapsed time is ', num2str(t(2)), ' seconds.']);

% Lift shifted points
disp('Lift points'); tic;
[LE, wts] = lift(sE, F, D, g); t(3) = toc;
disp(['Elapsed time is ', num2str(t(3)), ' seconds.']);

% Compute convex hull of lifted points
disp('Compute convex hull of lifted points'); tic;
C = convhulln(LE); t(4) = toc;
disp(['Elapsed time is ', num2str(t(4)), ' seconds.']);

% Determine lower hull and get triangulation
disp('Determine lower hull and get triangulation'); tic;
ind = normalsPD(LE, C); t(5) = toc;
disp(['Elapsed time is ', num2str(t(5)), ' seconds.']);
T = C(ind, :);
nT = size(T,2);
[P, total] = piecesPD(T);
[PC, powers] = powercenters(T, sE, wts);
FF = freeBouPD(T, P{nT-1});

% Compute all faces of triangulation
disp('Compute all faces of the triangulation'); tic;
[P, total, P_graph] = piecesPD(T); t(6) = toc;
disp(['Elapsed time is ', num2str(t(6)), ' seconds.']);

% Find the facets on the boundary of the triangulation
disp('Determine which facets of the triangulation are on the exterior'); tic;
ind_ext = false(size(P{nT-1},1),1);
for i=1:length(ind_ext)
if length(P_graph{nT-1}.parents{i}) == 1
ind_ext(i) = true;
FF = P{nT-1}(ind_ext,:);
ind_ext = find(ind_ext == true); t(7) = toc;
disp(['Elapsed time is ', num2str(t(7)), ' seconds.']);

% Compute power centers and then whole power diagram
disp('Finding power diagram'); tic;
PD = pwrDiagramPD(T, PC); toc
center = mean(sE,1);
[PC, powers] = powercenters(T, sE, wts);
PD = pwrDiagramPD(P, P_graph, PC); t(8) = toc;
disp(['Elapsed time is ', num2str(t(8)), ' seconds.']);
disp(['Total number of faces: ', num2str(total)]);

Sc = cell(nT,1);
dSc = cell(nT,1);
% Find points on the infinite edges of the power diagram
disp('Finding points on infinite edges of PD'); tic;
PDinf = zeros(size(FF));
Regions = cell(nT,1);
Cells = cell(total,1);
GPTS = cell(nT,1);

% find distance from center to farthest powercenter
length = max(sqrt(sum(bsxfun(@minus, PC, center).^2,2)));
max_length = max(sqrt(sum(bsxfun(@minus, PC, center).^2,2))); % Find distance from center to farthest powercenter

disp('Finding points on infinite edges of PD'); tic;
for i=1:size(FF,1)
facet = sE(FF(i,:),:);
ea = edgeAttPD(T, FF(i,:));
pc = PC(ea{1},:);
ea = P_graph{nT-1}.parents{ind_ext(i)};
pc = PC(ea,:);
ct = mean(facet,1);

% find vector normal to the facet
Expand All @@ -76,7 +120,7 @@

% scale v to ensure newpt is sufficiently far away
v = length*v;
v = max_length*v;

% find point on infinite edge of power diagram
newpt = pc + v;
Expand All @@ -91,44 +135,61 @@
% keep track of generated point
PDinf(i,:) = newpt;
t(9) = toc;
disp(['Elapsed time is ', num2str(t(9)), ' seconds.']);

% --- Now starting to get the d-dimensional T_S sets that partition R^d ---

% Initialize to compute TS partition
Sc = cell(nT,1);
dSc = cell(nT,1);
Regions = cell(nT,1);
Cells = cell(total,1);

disp('Finding pieces S of cell complex');
disp('dim(S) = 0');
% T_S cells for subsets S with 1 point
disp('Finding cells T_S of cell complex'); tic;
disp('num(S) = 1');
for i=1:size(P{1},1)
Sc{1}{i,1} = sE(i,:);

% Triangulation point (tp) and power diagram points (pdp)
tp = sE(P{1}(i),:);
pdp = PD{1}{i};

% Sc point and distance d_S(S_c)
Sc{1}{i,1} = tp;
dSc{1}{i,1} = (-g/4)*wts(i);

gpts = bsxfun(@plus, PD{1}{i}, sE(P{1}(i),:))/2;
gptsi = bsxfun(@plus, PDinf, sE(P{1}(i),:))/2;
[A, b, C, ~] = constraints5(gpts);
% Get all possible corners and get the mean vector
all_U = 0.5 * bsxfun(@plus, pdp, tp);
center = mean(all_U);

% remove boundary constraints of infinite regions
indInf = find(ismember(gpts, gptsi, 'rows'));
if size(indInf,1) > 0
indf = zeros(1,1);
for j=1:size(C,1)
if sum(ismember(indInf, C(j,:))) == nT-1
indf(jj,1) = j;
jj = jj+1;
A(indf,:) = [];
b(indf) = [];
% Get hyperplanes from facets of power diagram with shifted point of E
% (parents of triangulation vertices are children of power diagram cells)
num_children = length(P_graph{1}.parents{i});
A = zeros(num_children, dim);
b = ones(num_children, 1);
for j=1:num_children
child_pts = PD{2}{P_graph{1}.parents{i}(j)};
U = 0.5 * bsxfun(@plus, child_pts, tp);
U = bsxfun(@minus, U, center);
[x, ~] = linsolve(U, ones(size(U,1),1));
A(j,:) = x;
b(j) = b(j) + A(j,:) * center';

Regions{1}{i,1} = [A, b];
GPTS{1}{i,1} = gpts;

disp('dim(S) = 1:d-1');
% Now T_S cells for subsets S with 2 to d points
for i=2:size(P,1)-1
disp(['num(S) = ', num2str(i)])
for j=1:size(P{i},1)

% Triangulation points (tp) and power diagram points (pdp)
tp = sE(P{i}(j,:),:);
pdp = PD{i}{j};

% find S_c point and d_S(S_c)
% S_c point
V = bsxfun(@minus, tp(1,:), tp(2:end,:))';
W = bsxfun(@minus, pdp(1,:), pdp(2:end,:))';
Asc = [V, -W];
Expand All @@ -137,62 +198,102 @@
alpha = ab(1:i-1);
sc = tp(1,:) + sum(bsxfun(@times, alpha', V),2)';
Sc{i}{j,1} = sc;

% Distance d_S(S_c)
dist = zeros(size(tp,1),1);
for k=1:size(tp,1)
dist(k) = d(tp(k,:), sc, F(P{i}(j,k)), D(P{i}(j,k),:), g);
dSc{i}{j,1} = min(dist);

% find system of inequalities describing cell
gpts = zeros(size(tp,1)*size(pdp,1), nT-1);
gptsi = zeros(size(tp,1)*size(PDinf,1), nT-1);
% Get all possible corners and get the mean vector
all_U = [];
for k=1:size(tp,1)
gpts((k-1)*size(pdp,1)+1:k*size(pdp,1),:) = ...
bsxfun(@plus, tp(k,:), pdp)/2;
gptsi((k-1)*size(PDinf,1)+1:k*size(PDinf,1),:) = ...
bsxfun(@plus, tp(k,:), PDinf)/2;
all_U = cat(1, all_U, 0.5 * bsxfun(@plus, pdp, tp(k,:)));
GPTS{i}{j,1} = gpts;
[A, b, C, flag] = constraints5(gpts);
if flag==1
disp([num2str(i), ' ', num2str(j)])
center = mean(all_U);

% Get hyperplanes, first S_hat (tp) with facets of S_star (pdp)
% (parents of triangulation faces are children of power diagram faces)
num_children = length(P_graph{i}.parents{j});
A1 = zeros(num_children, dim);
b1 = ones(num_children, 1);
for k=1:num_children
child_pts = PD{i+1}{P_graph{i}.parents{j}(k)};
U = [];
for l=1:size(tp,1)
U = cat(1, U, 0.5 * bsxfun(@plus, child_pts, tp(l,:)));
U = bsxfun(@minus, U, center);
[x, ~] = linsolve(U, ones(size(U,1),1));
A1(k,:) = x;
b1(k) = b1(k) + A1(k,:) * center';

% remove boundary constraints of infinite regions
indInf = find(ismember(gpts, gptsi, 'rows'));
if size(indInf,1) > 0
indf = zeros(1,1);
for k=1:size(C,1)
if sum(ismember(indInf, C(k,:))) == nT-1
indf(kk,1) = k;
kk = kk+1;
% Get remaining hyperplanes, now S_star (pdp) with facets of S_hat (tp)
num_children = length(P_graph{i}.children{j});
A2 = zeros(num_children, dim);
b2 = ones(num_children, 1);
for k=1:num_children
child_pts = P{i-1}(P_graph{i}.children{j}(k), :);
child_pts = sE(child_pts, :);
U = [];
for l=1:size(child_pts,1)
U = cat(1, U, 0.5 * bsxfun(@plus, pdp, child_pts(l,:)));
A(indf,:) = [];
b(indf) = [];
U = bsxfun(@minus, U, center);
[x, ~] = linsolve(U, ones(size(U,1),1));
A2(k,:) = x;
b2(k) = b2(k) + A2(k,:) * center';

% Put the two sets of hyperplanes together and store away
A = cat(1, A1, A2);
b = cat(1, b1, b2);
Regions{i}{j,1} = [A, b];

disp('dim(S) = d');
% Finall T_S cells for subsets S with d+1 points
disp(['num(S) = ', num2str(dim+1)]);
for i=1:size(P{nT},1)
Sc{nT}{i,1} = PC(i,:);

% Triangulation points (tp) and power diagram points (pdp)
tp = sE(P{nT}(i,:),:);
pdp = PC(i,:);

% Sc point and distance d_S(S_c)
Sc{nT}{i,1} = pdp;
dSc{nT}{i,1} = (g/4)*powers(i);

gpts = bsxfun(@plus, sE(P{nT}(i,:),:), PC(i,:))/2;
GPTS{nT}{i,1} = gpts;
[A, b, ~, ~] = constraints5(gpts);
% Get all possible corners and get the mean vector
all_U = 0.5 * bsxfun(@plus, pdp, tp);
center = mean(all_U);

% Get hyperplanes from facets of triangulation with power center
num_children = length(P_graph{nT}.children{i});
A = zeros(num_children, dim);
b = ones(num_children, 1);
for j=1:num_children
child_pts = P{nT-1}(P_graph{nT}.children{i}(j), :);
child_pts = sE(child_pts, :);
U = 0.5 * bsxfun(@plus, child_pts, pdp);
U = bsxfun(@minus, U, center);
[x, ~] = linsolve(U, ones(size(U,1),1));
A(j,:) = x;
b(j) = b(j) + A(j,:) * center';
Regions{nT}{i,1} = [A, b];


% Collect Regions into one list Cells
for i=1:size(Regions,1)
for j=1:size(Regions{i},1)
Cells{ii,1} = Regions{i}{j};
ii = ii+1;
t(10) = toc;
disp(['Elapsed time is ', num2str(t(10)), ' seconds.']);

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