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The ClusterManagement tool can be used immediately with docker:
PS> docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v "$pwd:/workdir" -ti matthid/clustermanagement --help
$   docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v "`pwd`:/workdir" -ti matthid/clustermanagement --help

Why ClusterManagement?

CloudManagement helps to create an automatic and integrated CI-Pipeline right to the cloud based on docker images. It helps to handle:

runtime-configuration (vault/consul)
secrets (vault)
cluster duplication for testing
storage (flocker)

It deploys cluster on top of docker/docker-machine/docker-swarm and is therefore not coupled with a specific cloud provider. Though currently only aws is supported.

While at the same time keeps the manual intervention to a minimum.

This project popped out of an idea to move all services of a peronally managed (virtual) root server to the cloud. The idea was to make the upgrade-mess a lot more testable and to quickly create test environments when I need them. First I started with quite a lot of bash scripts which became unreadable and unmanagable very quickly.

Quick intro

We will shorten the above command line to "cm " instead of the huge docker command line options. As an alternative you can use the binary version or build yourself. However I personally always use the docker version therefore this is currently the only "tested" release.

Now start by creating a new cluster:

cm cluster createnew -c my-cluster --secret test123 --masternodes 3 --workernodes 5 --masterasworker

This will create a new cluster-configuration and make it initially available for ClusterManagement. It will not however setup any machines and is a local-only command.

As we currently only support AWS you need to setup some aws configuration in your cluster:

cm config set -c my-cluster --key AWS_ZONE --value eu-central-1a
cm config set -c my-cluster --key AWS_REGION --value eu-central-1
cm config set -c my-cluster --key AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID --value <aws-key-id>
cm config set -c my-cluster --key AWS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET --value <aws-key-secret>

# Optional
cm config set -c my-cluster --key ROOT_SIZE --value 32
cm config set -c my-cluster --key AWS_INSTANCE_TYPE --value m3.medium

Now that we setup the initial configuration for the "my-cluster" cluster we can let clustermanagement create it for you:

cm cluster init -c my-cluster

This will create 8 machines on amazon (via docker-machine) and provision them (via 'docker-machine ssh machine sudo docker ...'):

  • Create the machines
  • Setup flocker
  • Setup docker swarm
  • Setup consul
  • Setup vault

This way you have a cluster - ready to be deployed with software.

ClusterManagement can manage a whole cluster for you and make it simple to manage it:

cm docker-machine -c my-cluster -- ls
cm docker-machine -c my-cluster -- ssh my-cluster-master-01

These commands show that you can still access low-level docker-machine functionality.

You can now write short deployment scripts to setup your software and use ClusterManagement to deploy it:

cm deploy --cluster my-cluster --script my_deployment_script.fsx -- <your_script_args>

Now you should have enough info and git an idea how easy it is to use ClusterManagement to automatically deploy infrastructure and test your software before deploying it to release.

CI Support

cm config copy --source source-cluster --dest dest-cluster

Copy existing configuration from one cluster to another. This way you can store a set of configuration in the repository and only need a single secret on the CI.


cm volume clone --source source-cluster --dest dest-cluster

Copy existing volumes from one cluster to another. This command can be used for a lot of scenarios:

  • Test Upgrade-Behaviour of production data in CI
  • Clone an environment for local use.
  • ...

Technical details

ClusterManagement is basically a wrapper around docker and docker-machine. It understands and manages docker-swarm, rexray, vault and consul.

ClusterManagement will manage two folders in your "./clustercgf" folder.

  • .cm This contains the cluster configurations and is encrypted. This way you can add this folder to your repository and keep it safe.
  • .cm-temp This contains local-only files which should NOT be added to your repository (use git-ignore files to ignore it.). For example your cluster-secrets will be saved in this folder.

Flocker migration / running instance

first install rexray plugin on all nodes

docker plugin install rexray/ebs EBS_ACCESSKEY=<> EBS_SECRETKEY=<> EBS_REGION=<>

get info about your current volumes

cm volume list

rename the Name tag in the aws console to something more meaningful, but use a different name than what cm volume list shows in name=. if you prefix the name with "_" the volume will be managed by clustermanagement and deleted when the cluster is destroyed.

upgrade clustermanagement update your deployment scripts to use the new name. re-reploy your services.

New deployments automatically use rexray.