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πŸ›© Sending notifications

Matthijs Logemann edited this page Apr 13, 2017 · 3 revisions

After we've created the payload it's time to actually send the push message. To do so, we have to create an ApplePushMessage object, by doing:

let pushMessage = ApplePushMessage(topic: "nl.logicbit.TestApp", priority: .immediately, payload: payload, sandbox: true)

topic being the build identifier of your app. This is an optional parameter. If left out or nil it'll use the topic from Options you've provided in the initializer.
Priority can either be .energyEfficient or .immediately. What does that mean? In short, immediately will .immediately deliver the push notification and .energyEfficient will take power considerations for the device into account. Use .immediately for normal message push notifications and .energyEfficient for content-available pushes.
sandbox determines to what APNS server to send the push to. Pass true for development and false for production.

Now you can send the notification to just one device, using:

let result = vaporAPNS.send(pushMessage, to: "488681b8e30e6722012aeb88f485c823b9be15c42e6cc8db1550a8f1abb590d7")

The to string is the deviceToken, which is the notification registration token of the device you want to send the push to.
You can use result to handle an error or a success. (Also see the Result enum)

Or you can send the notification to multiple deviceTokens in one go with

vaporAPNS.send(pushMessage, to: ["488681b8e30e6722012aeb88f485c823b9be15c42e6cc8db1550a8f1abb590d7", "2d11c1a026a168cee25690f2770993f6068206b1d11d54f88910b8166b23f983"]) { result in
    if case let .success(messageId,deviceToken,serviceStatus) = result, case .success = serviceStatus {
        print ("Success!")

The block at the end is called every time a push notification is sent (so you can handle errors here per notification). to has now changed from a String into an [String]
