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Installation Java 11

Matthew Wright edited this page Jan 19, 2021 · 4 revisions

If you would like to use this application with Java 11 and up you need to install JavaFX as it is no longer included in the JDK.

  1. Download the JavaFX SDK (not jmods) matching your architecture and Java version.
  2. Extract the javafx-sdk-##.#.# folder to your desired location, remember this location. It can be anywhere.
  3. In cmd or terminal, cd to the youtube-comment-suite folder and run this command to start it. Replace $JAVAFX_SDK_LOCATION_LIB$ with the path you placed the JavaFX SDK folder and add lib to the end. Also, replace the YCS version with the version you have downloaded.
javaw --module-path "$JAVAFX_SDK_LOCATION_LIB$" --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH -jar youtube-comment-suite-#.#.#.jar


Example commands assuming I downloaded JavaFX 15.0.1, placed it somewhere, and YCS 1.4.3

For example in Windows CMD, placing the sdk in Program Files, I would do the following

> cd .\Desktop\youtube-comment-suite-v1.4.3\
> javaw --module-path "C:\Program Files\javafx-sdk-15.0.1\lib" --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH -jar youtube-comment-suite-1.4.3.jar

For example in Ubuntu Desktop terminal, placing the sdk in user home, I would do the following

$ cd ~/youtube-comment-suite-v1.4.3
$ javaw --module-path "~/javafx-sdk-15.0.1/lib" --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH -jar youtube-comment-suite-1.4.3.jar

Of course, you could make a batch bat or bash sh file to run this without opening CMD/terminal every time.

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