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Fix #1: generic field ordering
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With Generics, fields are arbitrarily nested with the binary operator
(:*:). Hence we cannot assume a left fold as we did until now to compute
field offsets. With this patch, we parameterize most operations of
GCStorable with an initial offset. The initial offset is only set to 0
for the whole data structure: i.e. in CStorable default methods.
  • Loading branch information
hsyl20 committed Oct 29, 2015
1 parent 7d87544 commit 3ccd097
Showing 1 changed file with 36 additions and 39 deletions.
75 changes: 36 additions & 39 deletions Foreign/CStorable/TypeClass.hs
Expand Up @@ -11,73 +11,70 @@ import GHC.Generics
-- representing twhat is necessary for the defaulted
-- `CStorable' methods.
class GCStorable a where
gcPeek :: Ptr (a x)-> IO (a x)
gcPoke :: Ptr (a x) -> a x -> IO ()
gcAlignment :: a x -> Int
gcSizeOf :: a x -> Int
gcPeek :: Int -> Ptr (a x)-> IO (a x)
gcPoke :: Int -> Ptr (a x) -> a x -> IO ()
gcSizeOf :: Int -> a x -> Int

-- padding before the field to align from the given offset
gcPadding :: Int -> a x -> Int
gcPadding off a = (gcAlignment a - off) `mod` gcAlignment a

instance GCStorable U1 where
gcPeek _ = return U1
gcPoke _ _ = return ()
gcAlignment _ = 0
gcSizeOf _ = 0

-- | Calculates extra space between two items based on alignment
-- and size.
padding :: (GCStorable a, GCStorable b) => a x -> b y -> Int
padding a b = let
sizeA = gcSizeOf a
alignB = gcAlignment b
in ((alignB - sizeA) `mod` alignB)

-- | Calculates the total space consumed by a given element, including
-- alignment padding.
offset :: (GCStorable a, GCStorable b) => a x -> b y -> Int
offset a b = padding a b + gcSizeOf a
gcPeek _ _ = return U1
gcPoke _ _ _ = return ()
gcSizeOf _ _ = 0
gcPadding _ _ = 0

-- | Test
instance (GCStorable a, GCStorable b) => GCStorable (a :*: b) where
gcPeek p = do
a <- gcPeek $ castPtr p
b <- gcPeek $ castPtr p `plusPtr` offset a (undefined :: b x)
return $ a :*: b
gcPoke p (a :*: b) = do
gcPoke (castPtr p) a
gcPoke (castPtr (p `plusPtr` offset a b)) b
gcAlignment _ = lcm (gcAlignment (undefined :: a x))
(gcAlignment (undefined :: b y))
gcSizeOf _ = let

gcPeek off p = do
a <- gcPeek off $ castPtr p
b <- gcPeek (off + gcSizeOf off a) $ castPtr p
return $ a :*: b

gcPoke off p (a :*: b) = do
gcPoke off (castPtr p) a
gcPoke (off + gcSizeOf off a) (castPtr p) b

gcSizeOf off _ = let
a = undefined :: a x
b = undefined :: b y
in gcSizeOf a + gcSizeOf b + padding a b
off2 = off + gcSizeOf off a
in gcSizeOf off a + gcSizeOf off2 b

instance (GCStorable a) => GCStorable (M1 i c a) where
gcPeek p = fmap M1 $ gcPeek (castPtr p)
gcPoke p (M1 x) = gcPoke (castPtr p) x
gcAlignment (M1 x) = gcAlignment x
gcSizeOf (M1 x) = gcSizeOf x
gcAlignment (M1 x) = gcAlignment x
gcPeek off p = fmap M1 $ gcPeek off (castPtr p)
gcPoke off p (M1 x) = gcPoke off (castPtr p) x
gcSizeOf off (M1 x) = gcSizeOf off x
gcPadding off (M1 x) = gcPadding off x

instance (CStorable a) => GCStorable (K1 i a) where
gcPeek p = fmap K1 $ cPeek (castPtr p)
gcPoke p (K1 x) = cPoke (castPtr p) x
gcAlignment (K1 x) = cAlignment x
gcSizeOf (K1 x) = cSizeOf x
gcAlignment (K1 x) = cAlignment x
gcPeek off p = fmap K1 $ cPeek (castPtr p `plusPtr` (off + gcPadding off (undefined :: K1 i a x)))
gcPoke off p (K1 x) = cPoke (castPtr p `plusPtr` (off + gcPadding off (undefined :: K1 i a x))) x
gcSizeOf off (K1 x) = gcPadding off (undefined :: K1 i a x) + cSizeOf x

-- | This typeclass is basically just a duplicate of `Storable'. It exists
-- because I can't easily modify `Storable', as it is part of base.
class CStorable a where
cPeek :: Ptr a -> IO a
default cPeek :: (Generic a, GCStorable (Rep a)) => Ptr a -> IO a
cPeek p = fmap to $ gcPeek (castPtr p)
cPeek p = fmap to $ gcPeek 0 (castPtr p)

cPoke :: Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
default cPoke :: (Generic a, GCStorable (Rep a)) => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
cPoke p x = gcPoke (castPtr p) $ from x
cPoke p x = gcPoke 0 (castPtr p) $ from x

cAlignment :: a -> Int
default cAlignment :: (Generic a, GCStorable (Rep a)) => a -> Int
cAlignment = gcAlignment . from

cSizeOf :: a -> Int
default cSizeOf :: (Generic a, GCStorable (Rep a)) => a -> Int
cSizeOf = gcSizeOf . from
cSizeOf = gcSizeOf 0 . from

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