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Adaptation of Whole Cell Kinetic Model Template, UniKin1, to Escherichia coli Whole Cell Kinetic Model, ecoJC20.

Maurice HT Ling edited this page Feb 5, 2021 · 1 revision

Citation: Cho, JL, Ling, MHT. 2021. Adaptation of Whole Cell Kinetic Model Template, UniKin1, to Escherichia coli Whole Cell Kinetic Model, ecoJC20. EC Microbiology 17(2): 254-260.

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Mathematical modelling can be used to study metabolism involving thousands of biochemical reactions and kinetic models (KMs) of metabolism enable the time-course analysis of metabolic changes. Recently, a universal whole cell KM of central metabolism, UniKin1, has been presented. Here, we adapt UniKin1, into an Escherichia coli specific model by modifying the initial concentrations for 48.7% (n = 149) of the metabolites and 25.2% (n = 78) of the enzymes into E. coli specific concentrations, and term our model as ecoJC20. Our simulation results suggest that ecoJC20 is substantially different from UniKin1. We also demonstrate the potential of ecoJC20 to evaluate the effects of transgenic nitrogen fixation pathways on the central metabolism; thus, underpinning the potential applications of kinetic models as an experimental design tool.

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