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BactClass Simplifying the Use of Machine Learning in Biology and Medicine.

Maurice HT Ling edited this page Jun 24, 2022 · 1 revision

Citation: Liu, TT, Ling, MHT. 2020. BactClass: Simplifying the Use of Machine Learning in Biology and Medicine. Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 4(11): 43-47.

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Machine learning has many applications in biology and medicine. However, most existing tools require substantial programming skills, which can be a challenge to many biologists. Here, we present BactClass as a command-line tool for machine learning algorithms on formatted data, aiming to reduce the challenges faced by biologists who are interested to use machine learning approaches. BactClass is part of the Bactome project ( and is licensed under GNU General Public Licence version 3 for academic and non-commercial purposes only.

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