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Bactome, I Python in DNA Fingerprinting.

Maurice HT Ling edited this page Jun 24, 2022 · 1 revision

Citation: Lee, CH, Lee, KC, Oon, JSH, Ling, MHT. 2010. Bactome, I: Python in DNA Fingerprinting. In: Peer-Reviewed Articles from PyCon Asia-Pacific 2010. The Python Papers 5(3):6.

Link to [Abstract], [PDF] and [Zipped Codes].

Here is a permanent link to this [PDF] and [Zipped codes] in my own archive.

Bactome is a set of functions created for our analysis of DNA fingerprints. This includes functions to find suitable primers for PCR-based DNA fingerprinting given a known genome, determine restriction digestion profile, and analyse the resulting DNA fingerprint features as migration distance of the bands in gel electrophoresis.

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