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Mickael Istria edited this page May 20, 2019 · 3 revisions

Doing a release


  1. Performer of the release must have push permissions on the GitHub repository

  2. Performer of the release must have an account on Sonatype OSSHR and must be part of the maven-download-plugin team.

Steps for performing a release:

  1. Check for backward compatibility, adapt version if necessary (try using semantic versioning)

  2. Locally update (replace previous version with new one, such as 1.1.0 to 1.2.0) and pom.xml (generally just remove -SNAPSHOT to current version).

  3. Commit locally, create tag (such as 1.2.0) and push to a dedicated branch.

  4. Run build locally

    1. mvn clean install -Pits

    2. mvn site

  5. Diff branch with master, check everything looks good

  6. Locally, from change: run mvn deploy -P sonatype-oss-release. Let the build go on, and when asked, choose a passphrase (that you should remember)

  7. Go to , and promote the new repository (close it then release it). The new artifact should be available on Maven central some time later.

  8. Push your branch and tag to master branch/repo: git push maven-download-plugin HEAD:master 1.2.0

  9. Copy new documentation site on the gh-pages branch

    1. git checkout gh-pages

    2. From repo root: cp -r target/site/ docsite/1.2.0

    3. git add docsite/1.2.0

    4. git commit -m "Documentation for 1.2.0"

    5. git push maven-download-plugin HEAD:gh-pages

    6. Verify documentation is accessible:

  10. Prepare for new version. By default, increase only the 3rd segment (which means only maintenance changes). When a new feature gets in, increase the 2nd segment. In case of breaking changes that are not backward compatible, first notify the mailing-list of the potential change, and increase the 1st segment. So by default, just go to the pom.xml and change for example 1.2.0 to 1.2.1-SNAPSHOT

  11. Check often on Central whether the artifact has been made available, and when available…​

  12. Announce release. Mail to

Download maven plugin 1.2.0 is available

Download maven plugin 1.2.0 is available.
List of changes:
Thanks to Mickael Istria, Simon Dittlmann and Benoit Billington who provided patches for this release.
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