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Google GCP

mawinkler edited this page Jan 28, 2020 · 13 revisions

We're now configuring the environment for Google GCP.

File: vars/environment_gcp_vars.yml.sample

Next, we create our vars file for Google GCP.

$ cp vars/environment_gcp_vars.yml.sample \

File: vars/environment_gcp_vars.yml

Choose the components to be deployed

# #####################################################################
# Site Deploy Components
# #####################################################################
site_deploy_kubernetes: yes
site_deploy_deepsecurity: yes
site_deploy_smartcheck: yes
site_deploy_jenkins: yes
site_deploy_gitlab: no
site_deploy_endpoints: no
site_deploy_linkerd: yes
site_deploy_registry: yes

The settings of your GCP project to use

# #####################################################################
# Google Cloud Settings
# #####################################################################
gcp_project_id: <project id>    e.g. moadsd-ng-209408
gcp_auth_kind: serviceaccount
gcp_region: <region>            e.g. europe-west3
gcp_zone: <zone>                e.g. europe-west3-c

Decide how many and which container runtime to use on the Kubernetes workers

# #####################################################################
# Kubernetes Settings
# #####################################################################
# crio or docker
kubernetes_container_runtime: docker
kubernetes_worker_count: 3

Note: Please choose an odd number for the kubernetes_worker_count.

Decide which kind of pod network you are willing to use

# Cluster Networking Configration:
# pod_network_cidr: ""   cluster_networking: flannel_flannel
# pod_network_cidr: ""   cluster_networking: calico_flannel
# pod_network_cidr: ""   cluster_networking: calico_calico
pod_network_cidr: ""
cluster_networking: calico_calico

Specify the Deep Security version to use

# #####################################################################
# Deep Security Settings
# #####################################################################
deepsecurity_download_url: ''
deepsecurity_installer: ''

Specify the count and type of endpoints you are willing to deploy

# #####################################################################
# Linux Endpoint Settings
# #####################################################################
linuxep_instance_name: linuxep
linuxep_instance_count: 1
linuxep_source_image: projects/rhel-cloud/global/images/family/rhel-7

# #####################################################################
# Windows Endpoint Settings
# #####################################################################
windowsep_instance_name: windowsep
windowsep_instance_count: 1
windowsep_source_image: projects/windows-cloud/global/images/family/windows-2012-r2

File: vars/environment_gcp_secrets.yml.sample

Next, we create our secrets file for Google GCP and encrypt it with our password file.

$ cp vars/environment_gcp_secrets.yml.sample \
$ ansible-vault encrypt --vault-password-file \
    ../.vault-pass.txt vars/environment_gcp_secrets.yml

File: vars/environment_gcp_secrets.yml

Open the secrets in edit mode with

$ ansible-vault edit --vault-password-file \
    ../.vault-pass.txt vars/environment_gcp_secrets.yml

Specify the file of your GCP service account file (/home/ansible/ansible.json) to use

gcp_service_account_file: <full path to service account json>

File: gcp_inventory.gcp.yml.sample

Next, we create our dynamic inventory for Google GCP.

$ cp gcp_inventory.gcp.yml.sample gcp_inventory.gcp.yml

File: gcp_inventory.gcp.yml

The best way to interact with your hosts is to use the gcp_compute inventory plugin, which dynamically queries GCE and tells Ansible what nodes can be managed. You need to adapt the values in <> to your specific environment.

plugin: gcp_compute
  - <zone>
  - <project id>
  - prefix: tag
    separator: '_'
    key: tags['items']
  - public_ip
  - private_ip
  - name
auth_kind: serviceaccount
service_account_file: /home/ansible/ansible.json


$ ansible-inventory --list -i gcp_inventory.gcp.yml

will create a list of GCP instances that are ready to be configured using Ansible.

    "_meta": {
        "hostvars": {}
    "all": {
        "children": [

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