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Markus Winkler edited this page Nov 15, 2019 · 5 revisions


Linkerd is an ultralight service mesh for Kubernetes. It gives you observability, reliability, and security without requiring any code changes.

More information:

Add Linkerd to a specific Deployment within a Namespace

Add the Linkerd proxy to a Kubernetes config.

$ kubectl get -n <namespace> deploy -o yaml \
    | linkerd inject - \
    | kubectl apply -f -

Remove the Linkerd proxy from a Kubernetes config.

$ kubectl get -n <namespace> deploy -o yaml \
    | linkerd uninject - \
    | kubectl apply -f -

Note: Special attention is required for deployments like Smart Check

You need to disable the Smart Check resources from participating in TLS identity and being tapped by using the flag --disable-identity --disable-tap.

$ kubectl get -n smartcheck deploy -o yaml \
    | linkerd inject --disable-identity --disable-tap - \
    | kubectl apply -f -

Remove Linkerd from Smart Check

$ kubectl get -n smartcheck deploy -o yaml \
    | linkerd uninject - \
    | kubectl apply -f -

Uninstall Linkerd

To completely remove Linkerd from your cluster do the following:

$ kubectl get --all-namespaces daemonset,deploy,job,statefulset \
      -l "" -o yaml \
    | linkerd uninject - \
    | kubectl apply -f -

$ linkerd install --ignore-cluster | kubectl delete -f -
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