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Fix quadratic runtime when updating region highlighter matches
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Running %sYeti<ret>casdf on file
[example.journal.txt](#4685 (comment))
can cause noticeable lag.  This is because we insert text at 6000
selections, which means we need to update highlighters in those lines.
The runtime for updating range highlighters is quadratic in the
number of selections: for each selection, we call on_new_range(),
which calls add_matches(), which calls std::rotate(), which needs
needs linear time.

Fix the quadratic runtime by updating all ranges in the same loop.
This means that we no longer need to use std::rotate() for every
single range; instead we can just use one call to std::inplace_merge()
for all ranges (since ranges are sorted).

The implementation uses C++20 coroutines to implement a generator
that supplies the ranges to the above loop.  One alternative is to
allocate an intermediate Vector<LineRange>, which is actually a few
percent faster but less fun. Another alternative is to replace the
generator with an iterator with a custom destructor.

I used this script to benchmark the improvements.
(In hindsight I could have just used "-ui json" instead of tmux).

	set -ex
	for i in $(seq "$N")
		echo -n "\
	2022-02-06 * Earth
	    expense:electronics:audio    116.7 USD
	    liability:card              -116.7 USD

	2022-02-06 * Blue Yeti USB Microphone
	    expense:electronics:audio    116.7 USD
	    liability:card              -116.7 USD

	done > big-journal.ledger
	echo > .empty-tmux.conf 'set -sg escape-time 5'
	test_tmux() {
		tmux -S .tmux-socket -f .empty-tmux.conf "$@"
	test_tmux new-session -d "$kak" big-journal.ledger
	test_tmux send-keys '%sYeti' Enter c 1234567890
	sleep .2
	test_tmux send-keys Escape
	while ! test_tmux capture-pane -p | grep 123
		sleep .1
	test_tmux send-keys ':wq' Enter
	while test_tmux ls
		sleep .1
	rm -f .tmux-socket .empty-tmux.conf

The average runtimes for this script show an improvement as the input
file grows:

	N=10000    1.142    0.897
	N=20000    2.879    1.400

Detailed results:

	$ hyperfine -w 1 './ 10000 ./kak.opt.'{old,new}
	Benchmark 1: ./ 10000 ./kak.opt.old
	  Time (mean ± σ):      1.142 s ±  0.072 s    [User: 0.252 s, System: 0.059 s]
	  Range (min … max):    1.060 s …  1.242 s    10 runs
	Benchmark 2: ./ 10000 ./
	  Time (mean ± σ):     897.2 ms ±  19.3 ms    [User: 241.6 ms, System: 57.4 ms]
	  Range (min … max):   853.9 ms … 923.6 ms    10 runs
	  './ 10000 ./' ran
	    1.27 ± 0.09 times faster than './ 10000 ./kak.opt.old'
	$ hyperfine -w 1 './ 20000 ./kak.opt.'{old,new}
	Benchmark 1: ./ 20000 ./kak.opt.old
	  Time (mean ± σ):      2.879 s ±  0.065 s    [User: 0.553 s, System: 0.126 s]
	  Range (min … max):    2.768 s …  2.963 s    10 runs
	Benchmark 2: ./ 20000 ./
	  Time (mean ± σ):      1.400 s ±  0.018 s    [User: 0.428 s, System: 0.083 s]
	  Range (min … max):    1.374 s …  1.429 s    10 runs
	  './ 20000 ./' ran
	    2.06 ± 0.05 times faster than '../ 20000 ./kak.opt.old'
  • Loading branch information
krobelus committed Aug 28, 2022
1 parent db18c5e commit 7c6c288
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Showing 5 changed files with 141 additions and 57 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Makefile
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Expand Up @@ -85,9 +85,9 @@ CXXFLAGS += -pedantic -std=c++2a -g -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-sig

compiler := $(shell $(CXX) --version)
ifneq (,$(findstring clang,$(compiler)))
CXXFLAGS += -frelaxed-template-template-args -Wno-ambiguous-reversed-operator
CXXFLAGS += -fcoroutines-ts -frelaxed-template-template-args -Wno-ambiguous-reversed-operator
else ifneq (,$(findstring g++,$(compiler)))
CXXFLAGS += -Wno-init-list-lifetime
CXXFLAGS += -fcoroutines -Wno-init-list-lifetime

all : kak
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84 changes: 84 additions & 0 deletions src/coroutine.hh
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@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
#ifndef coroutine_hh_INCLUDED
#define coroutine_hh_INCLUDED

#include "safe_ptr.hh"

#include <concepts>
#include <coroutine>
#include <exception>
#include <iterator>

namespace Kakoune

template<typename T>
class Generator : public SafeCountable
struct promise_type;
using Handle = std::coroutine_handle<promise_type>;

Generator(Handle handle) : m_handle(std::move(handle)) {}
~Generator() { kak_assert(m_handle.done()); m_handle.destroy(); }
Generator(const Generator&) = delete;
Generator& operator=(const Generator&) = delete;
Generator(Generator&&) = default;
Generator& operator=(Generator&&) = default;

struct promise_type
T value;
std::exception_ptr exception;

Generator get_return_object() { return Generator(Handle::from_promise(*this)); }
std::suspend_always initial_suspend() { return {}; }
std::suspend_always final_suspend() noexcept { return {}; }
void unhandled_exception() { exception = std::current_exception(); }

template<std::convertible_to<T> From>
std::suspend_always yield_value(From &&from) { value = std::forward<From>(from); return {}; }
void return_void() {}

class iterator
using value_type = T;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using pointer = T*;
using reference = T&;
using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;

iterator() = default;
iterator(Generator<T>& generator) : m_generator(&generator) { ++(*this); }

iterator& operator++()
if (auto exception = m_generator->m_handle.promise().exception)
return *this;
T&& operator*() const noexcept
return std::move(m_generator->m_handle.promise().value);
bool operator==(const iterator& rhs) const
kak_assert(not rhs.m_generator);
return m_generator->m_handle.done();
SafePtr<Generator<T>> m_generator;

iterator begin() { return {*this}; }
iterator end() { return {}; }

Handle m_handle;


#endif // coroutine_hh_INCLUDED
56 changes: 29 additions & 27 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -2210,8 +2210,9 @@ struct RegionsHighlighter : public Highlighter
m_regexes.insert({key, Regex{str, flags}});

void add_matches(const Buffer& buffer, LineRange range, Cache& cache) const
bool add_matches(const Buffer& buffer, Generator<LineRange>&& ranges, Cache& cache) const
bool modified = false;
for (auto& [key, regex] : m_regexes)

Expand All @@ -2226,37 +2227,41 @@ struct RegionsHighlighter : public Highlighter
for (auto& [key, regex] : m_regexes)
matchers.push_back(Matcher{cache.matches.get(key), regex});

for (auto line = range.begin; line < range.end; ++line)
for (LineRange range : ranges)
const StringView l = buffer[line];
const auto flags = RegexExecFlags::NotEndOfLine; // buffer line already ends with \n

for (auto& [matches, regex, pivot, vm] : matchers)
if (range.begin != range.end)
modified = true;
for (auto line = range.begin; line < range.end; ++line)
for (auto&& m : RegexIterator{l.begin(), l.end(), vm, flags})
const StringView l = buffer[line];
const auto flags = RegexExecFlags::NotEndOfLine; // buffer line already ends with \n

for (auto& [matches, regex, pivot, vm] : matchers)
const bool with_capture = regex.mark_count() > 0 and m[1].matched and
m[0].second - m[0].first < std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max();
(int)(m[0].first - l.begin()),
(int)(m[0].second - l.begin()),
(uint16_t)(with_capture ? m[1].first - m[0].first : 0),
(uint16_t)(with_capture ? m[1].second - m[1].first : 0)
for (auto&& m : RegexIterator{l.begin(), l.end(), vm, flags})
const bool with_capture = regex.mark_count() > 0 and m[1].matched and
m[0].second - m[0].first < std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max();
(int)(m[0].first - l.begin()),
(int)(m[0].second - l.begin()),
(uint16_t)(with_capture ? m[1].first - m[0].first : 0),
(uint16_t)(with_capture ? m[1].second - m[1].first : 0)

for (auto& [matches, regex, pivot, vm] : matchers)
auto pos = std::lower_bound(matches.begin(), matches.begin() + pivot, range.begin,
[](const RegexMatch& m, LineCount l) { return m.line < l; });
kak_assert(pos == matches.begin() + pivot or pos->line >= range.end); // We should not have had matches for range

// Move new matches into position.
std::rotate(pos, matches.begin() + pivot, matches.end());
std::inplace_merge(matches.begin(), matches.begin() + pivot, matches.end(),
[](const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs) { return lhs.line < rhs.line; });

return modified;

void update_changed_lines(const Buffer& buffer, ConstArrayView<LineModification> modifs, Cache& cache)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2309,7 +2314,7 @@ struct RegionsHighlighter : public Highlighter
add_regex(region->m_recurse, region->match_capture());

add_matches(buffer, range, cache);
add_matches(buffer, [range]() -> Generator<LineRange> { co_yield range; }(), cache);
cache.buffer_timestamp = buffer_timestamp;
cache.regions_timestamp = m_regions_timestamp;
Expand All @@ -2327,12 +2332,9 @@ struct RegionsHighlighter : public Highlighter
modified = true;

cache.ranges.add_range(range, [&, this](const LineRange& range) {
if (range.begin == range.end)
add_matches(buffer, range, cache);
auto touched_ranges = cache.ranges.add_range(range);
if (add_matches(buffer, std::move(touched_ranges), cache))
modified = true;
return modified;
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51 changes: 24 additions & 27 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -145,27 +145,27 @@ void LineRangeSet::update(ConstArrayView<LineModification> modifs)
erase(remove_if(*this, [](auto& r) { return r.begin >= r.end; }), end());

void LineRangeSet::add_range(LineRange range, FunctionRef<void (LineRange)> on_new_range)
Generator<LineRange> LineRangeSet::add_range(LineRange range)
auto insert_at = std::lower_bound(begin(), end(), range.begin,
[](LineRange range, LineCount line) { return range.end < line; });
if (insert_at == end() or insert_at->begin > range.end)
co_yield range;
auto pos = range.begin;
auto it = insert_at;
for (; it != end() and it->begin <= range.end; ++it)
if (pos < it->begin)
on_new_range({pos, it->begin});
co_yield LineRange{pos, it->begin};

range = LineRange{std::min(range.begin, it->begin), std::max(range.end, it->end)};
pos = it->end;
insert_at = erase(insert_at, it);
if (pos < range.end)
on_new_range({pos, range.end});
co_yield LineRange{pos, range.end};
insert(insert_at, range);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -264,64 +264,61 @@ UnitTest test_line_modifications{[]()

UnitTest test_line_range_set{[]{
auto expect = [](ConstArrayView<LineRange> ranges) {
return [it = ranges.begin(), end = ranges.end()](LineRange r) mutable {
kak_assert(it != end);
kak_assert(r == *it++);
auto expect = [](Generator<LineRange> actual, ConstArrayView<LineRange> expected) {
kak_assert(ConstArrayView<LineRange>{actual | gather<Vector<LineRange>>()} == expected);

LineRangeSet ranges;
ranges.add_range({0, 5}, expect({{0, 5}}));
ranges.add_range({10, 15}, expect({{10, 15}}));
ranges.add_range({5, 10}, expect({{5, 10}}));
expect(ranges.add_range({0, 5}), {{0, 5}});
expect(ranges.add_range({10, 15}), {{10, 15}});
expect(ranges.add_range({5, 10}), {{5, 10}});
kak_assert((ranges.view() == ConstArrayView<LineRange>{{0, 15}}));
ranges.add_range({5, 10}, expect({}));
expect(ranges.add_range({5, 10}), {});
ranges.remove_range({3, 8});
kak_assert((ranges.view() == ConstArrayView<LineRange>{{0, 3}, {8, 15}}));
LineRangeSet ranges;
ranges.add_range({0, 7}, expect({{0, 7}}));
ranges.add_range({9, 15}, expect({{9, 15}}));
ranges.add_range({5, 10}, expect({{7, 9}}));
expect(ranges.add_range({0, 7}), {{0, 7}});
expect(ranges.add_range({9, 15}), {{9, 15}});
expect(ranges.add_range({5, 10}), {{7, 9}});
kak_assert((ranges.view() == ConstArrayView<LineRange>{{0, 15}}));
LineRangeSet ranges;
ranges.add_range({0, 7}, expect({{0, 7}}));
ranges.add_range({11, 15}, expect({{11, 15}}));
ranges.add_range({5, 10}, expect({{7, 10}}));
expect(ranges.add_range({0, 7}), {{0, 7}});
expect(ranges.add_range({11, 15}), {{11, 15}});
expect(ranges.add_range({5, 10}), {{7, 10}});
kak_assert((ranges.view() == ConstArrayView<LineRange>{{0, 10}, {11, 15}}));
ranges.remove_range({8, 13});
kak_assert((ranges.view() == ConstArrayView<LineRange>{{0, 8}, {13, 15}}));
LineRangeSet ranges;
ranges.add_range({0, 5}, expect({{0, 5}}));
ranges.add_range({10, 15}, expect({{10, 15}}));
expect(ranges.add_range({0, 5}), {{0, 5}});
expect(ranges.add_range({10, 15}), {{10, 15}});
ranges.update(ConstArrayView<LineModification>{{3, 3, 3, 1}, {11, 9, 2, 4}});
kak_assert((ranges.view() == ConstArrayView<LineRange>{{0, 3}, {8, 9}, {13, 15}}));
LineRangeSet ranges;
ranges.add_range({0, 5}, expect({{0, 5}}));
expect(ranges.add_range({0, 5}), {{0, 5}});
ranges.update(ConstArrayView<LineModification>{{2, 2, 2, 0}});
kak_assert((ranges.view() == ConstArrayView<LineRange>{{0, 3}}));
LineRangeSet ranges;
ranges.add_range({0, 5}, expect({{0, 5}}));
expect(ranges.add_range({0, 5}), {{0, 5}});
ranges.update(ConstArrayView<LineModification>{{2, 2, 0, 2}});
kak_assert((ranges.view() == ConstArrayView<LineRange>{{0, 2}, {4, 7}}));
LineRangeSet ranges;
ranges.add_range({0, 1}, expect({{0, 1}}));
ranges.add_range({5, 10}, expect({{5, 10}}));
ranges.add_range({15, 20}, expect({{15, 20}}));
ranges.add_range({25, 30}, expect({{25, 30}}));
expect(ranges.add_range({0, 1}), {{0, 1}});
expect(ranges.add_range({5, 10}), {{5, 10}});
expect(ranges.add_range({15, 20}), {{15, 20}});
expect(ranges.add_range({25, 30}), {{25, 30}});
ranges.update(ConstArrayView<LineModification>{{2, 2, 3, 0}});
kak_assert((ranges.view() == ConstArrayView<LineRange>{{0, 1}, {2, 7}, {12, 17}, {22, 27}}));
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/line_modification.hh
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Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#define line_change_watcher_hh_INCLUDED

#include "array_view.hh"
#include "coroutine.hh"
#include "units.hh"
#include "utils.hh"
#include "range.hh"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ struct LineRangeSet : private Vector<LineRange, MemoryDomain::Highlight>
void reset(LineRange range) { Base::operator=({range}); }

void update(ConstArrayView<LineModification> modifs);
void add_range(LineRange range, FunctionRef<void (LineRange)> on_new_range);
Generator<LineRange> add_range(LineRange range);
void remove_range(LineRange range);

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