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AI Project

This project is a web service that allows users to create and train their own ML models with little to no experience with machine learning.

Collaborators: Max Derbenwick, Matej Bavec, Madhav Venkatesh

1. Prerequisites

In order for all the build and deployment scripts to work, the following software must be installed locally:

  • Docker
  • Elastic Beanstalk (EB) CLI

1.1 A Note on PATH

At various points during the installation process, it is possible that software might not run on the terminal even after being installed, giving a message like this:

[pgrm]: The term '[pgrm]' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

The most common cause of this is that the software is not included in PATH, Window's list of all directories that contain runnable CLI software. To add a program to PATH, follow the steps below:

  1. Locate the path to the folder containing the desired executable.
  2. Open Settings, and navigate to System > About > Advanced system settings > Environment variables > System variables
  3. Select 'Path', and click 'Edit'.
  4. Click 'New', and paste the folder path into the new field, and press OK.

Then, restart your terminal and try to run the software again.

1.2 Installing the AWS CLI

To install the AWS CLI, simply run the following command to fetch and run the installer:

msiexec.exe /i

You can verify that the installation completed successfully by restarting the terminal and typing the following command:

aws --version

Next, you have to authenticate the AWS CLI with your IAM user credentials. To do so, run the following command and fill in the fields as follows (note that the secret access key is non-accessible on the IAM Console after creation of the keypair, and a new keypair must be created if it is forgotten):

$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: [your access key, accessible from the IAM Console]
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: [your secret access key, which you should've saved]
Default region name [None]: us-east-1
Default output format [None]: json

1.3 Installing Docker

To install Docker, there are first a couple of prerequisites to ensure that it installs properly. Firstly, ensure that there is a valid version of Windows Subsystem for Linux installed, Ubuntu should suffice. You can do this with the following command:

wsl install -d Ubuntu

In the event that it's not available, you can view all available distros with the following command (Debian is probably the next best choice):

wsl --list --online

Next, to prevent Docker from spontaneously exploding when installed, the following workaround must be performed:

  1. Open Windows Security
  2. Navigate to App & browser control > Exploit protection settings > Program settings > vmcompute.exe > Edit
  3. Scroll down to Control Flow Guard (CFG), and ensure that "Override system settings" is unchecked.

Once these steps have been performed, you can go to the following link to download Docker Desktop for Windows:

Ensure that Docker is properly installed on the CLI by running:

docker --version

Once Docker has been installed, it must be authenticated with AWS so that the Docker images can be pushed to the Amazon ECR (Elastic Container Registry). To do so, run the following command to pipe the AWS login key into the Docker authentication command:

aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin https://[IAM account ID]

Important note: It is possible that from time to time you may get the following message when attempting to build and push a Docker image:

denied: Your authorization token has expired. Reauthenticate and try again.

If this is the case, simply run the authentication command given above again.

1.4 Installing the Elastic Beanstalk CLI

In order to install the Elastic Beanstalk CLI, you'll first need to install both Python (if you don't have it already) and virtualenv. You may already have Python 3, you can verify by running the following with the expected output (at least 3.5+)

$ python --version
Python 3.10.11

If not, you can download it from Restart your terminal and verify that you can check the version correctly with the command above.

Next, virtualenv is installed with a Python script called pipx. Install pipx following the structure below:

$ python -m pip install --user pipx
WARNING: The script pipx.exe is installed in `...` which is not on PATH
$ cd [aforementioned folder]
$ .\pipx ensurepath

If there is no warning message about PATH, then the final step is not necessary. Restart your terminal and try to run pipx ensurepath. It is very likely that it still won't work, and if this is the case, consult Section 1.1.

Once pipx has been installed, run the following command to install virtualenv:

pipx install virtualenv

Restart the terminal and ensure that virtualenv has been installed by running:

virtualenv --help

Finally, with all prerequisites, the EB CLI can be installed. Navigate to a safe folder (outside the project), and run the following commands:

git clone
python .\aws-elastic-beanstalk-cli-setup\scripts\

Once again, the installation will likely not be added to PATH. The output of the installation contains instructions for rectifying this, but Section 1.1 can also be consulted keeping in mind the install location of the EB CLI (mentioned in the installation output messages). After adding the EB CLI to path, run eb to ensure that it is properly installed.

If when running the installation script, a message is returned along the lines of "execution of scripts is disabled on this system", run the following command first and restart the terminal:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

After following all of these steps, the EB CLI as well as all other prerequisites should be installed, and all scripts in this project should be functional.

2. Building and Deploying

2.1 Local Deployment

To build and deploy the server locally, run the following command:


Note that this preserves the state of the server from the previous deployment, meaning that the database, Redis cache, and any information stored within the services will still remain. If you wish to reset everything and start from an empty database and cache, run the script like so:

.\deploy-local.bat reset

For safety, this mode will prompt you to confirm.

Important note: If you make any changes to the .db-init folder (such as adding or altering tables in the schema), it is necessary to run the reset command for those changes to take effect.

When running the server locally, it is not necessary to locate any logs for viewing debug output. The stdouterr of every service is displayed in the generated terminal. This includes any console.log(...) statements in the server code.

2.2 Remote Deployment

Each microservice is built as a docker container, and pushed to a corresponding Amazon ECR (Elastic Container Registry) repository. These repositories are then deployed to the Beanstalk server via the docker-compose.yml configuration file.

To build a service and push it to its ECR repository, run the following script (note that the folders denote the microservice names):

.\build-image.bat [microservicename]

To build one or all of the microservices and deploy the current configuration to Elastic Beanstalk, run the following script:

.\deploy-remote.bat [microservice name, 'all' to build every microservice, or leave blank to only deploy]

Note: At the current stage this deployment will not work, as all of our AWS services have either been suspended or terminated. We'll worry about that when it's time to actually deploy our app.

3. Development

3.1 Breaking Down Services

Each service is containerized in its own folder, with a series of configuration files. The purpose of each file is as follows:

  • .dockerignore: Similar to a .gitignore file, this file lists everything in the directory which should be ignored by docker when building the image. If it shouldn't be on Beanstalk, make sure it's included in this file.
  • Dockerfile: Specifies the build procedure for the Docker image. It should be fine as is, as everything for the Express server is already sorted out. However, in the event that an additional dependency must be built in a special way, build instructions must be included in this file.
  • package.json: Specifies the Node.js version, dependencies, and npm scripts for the service. Any additional dependencies or desired scripts (which can be run from the Dockerfile), must be added in this file.
  • package-lock.json: An exact dependency tree for the service, this one is managed fully by IntelliJ, there's no need to modify it.

Additionally, note the docker-compose.yml file at the root of the project. This file is deployed to the Elastic Beanstalk server, and has deployment information for every Docker container in the project (i.e. every service). In this file, environment variables, port mapping "[external]:[internal]", and service dependency is specified. Whenever a new service is added, an entry for it must be made in this file.

Finally, note that the Express server for each microservice has its entry point in the file bin/www, however this file is not necessary to edit. The setup code for the service can be written in the app.js file.

3.2 Creating New Services

To create a new service, you can create a new folder in the project directory named exactly as the desired name of the service. Make sure that this new folder has the following:

  • A symbolic link to the commons folder. Make sure that it's not a real directory containing copies of the commons code (IntelliJ may try to do this automatically). See note below for creating such a symbolic link.
  • A package-lock.json and package.json (which can likely be copied from another service, but adjust as necessary)
  • A .dockerignore, ensuring that node_modules is excluded from the image.
  • A Dockerfile, which can likely just be a copy from another service, but feel free to make adjustments if necessary and if you know what you're doing.
  • An app.js, which is entirely up to you. This is where your Express service begins.

Note on creating a symbolic link: Enter the folder of your service and enter the following command:

New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path ".\commons" -Target "..\commons"

Next, for remote deployment, you have to create an ECR repository for this service. You can do so by the following steps:

  1. Go to the AWS ECR Console.
  2. Click on 'Create repository' in the top right.
  3. Ensure that it is set to private, and be sure to name it exactly as follows: ai-project-service-name, where service-name is the same name as the service's folder in the Git repository.
  4. Leave all other settings default, and submit.
  5. Now that the repository is created, take note of the URI, which is displayed to the right of the repository's name in the console (Amazon ECR > Repositories).

Once the repository is created, you can now link it to Elastic Beanstalk by editing the docker-compose.yml file. Under services, add the following:

  image: [URI]
    - "[external port]:[internal port]"
    NODE_ENV: production
    PORT: [internal port]
    - dependency1
    - dependency2
  • Paste the URI into the 'image' field.
  • Choose an external port, make sure that no two services have the same external port
  • Choose an internal port (put it in both places), 8080 is usually fine.
  • You can add any additional environment variables you'd like (accessible in JavaScript via process.env.[variable-name])
  • The 'depends_on' part is optional, but if the service uses any other services, put the name of each of those services. Otherwise, the entire block can be omitted.

For local deployment, all you need to do is add a similar entry to the docker-compose.local.yml file. Use the same model as above, but be sure that image: [URI] is replaced with build: ./[service-name] and that NODE_ENV: production is replaced with NODE_ENV: development. This is to ensure that the correct environment variable registry is used.

Finally, the routes need to be configured. This needs to be done separately for local and remote deployment. Note that remote deployment can be ignored for now, as the Beanstalk server is suspended.

For local deployment, open the nginx.conf file and add the following entries (note the usage of internal port, not external port):

http {

   upstream [service_name, WITH UNDERSCORES INSTEAD OF HYPHENS] {
      server [service-name]:[INTERNAL port];
   server {
      location /[directory containing your routes]/ {
         proxy_pass http://[service_name, AGAIN WITH UNDERSCORES];
         proxy_set_header Host $host;
         proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
         proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
         proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

For remote deployment, the AWS load balancer needs to be configured to recognize and forward all appropriate traffic to your service. To do this, go to the Elastic Beanstalk console, and navigate to Environment > Configuration > Instance traffic and scaling > Edit > Processes > Add process. Configure as follows:

  • Name: your service's name in camel case (i.e. core-service -> coreService).
  • Port: your service's external port.
  • Protocol: Leave as HTTP.
  • Health check path: Any route handled by your service.

Then scroll down to Rules, and add a rule for your service with the same name as the process created above.

  • Leave listener port as the default.
  • Add a PathPatterns match condition for each route your service handles. For example:
    • /
    • /login
    • /my/route
    • /route/* (to match all sub-routes of /route)
  • For process, select the name of the process you created above.

Make sure you've saved your process and rule, and then scroll all the way down to save the configuration. Then, once the Beanstalk environment updates, be sure that your routes are accessible on the web.

4. SSH Connection

When running the server remotely, the EC2 instances can be connected to via SSH for debugging, but only if the instance has an associated key-pair.

If there is already a known key-pair associated with the instance, it can be connected to via the public DNS. You can find the public DNS in the EC2 console by going to Instances > [Desired instance] > Instance summary > Public IPv4 DNS. Connect to it using the following command:

ssh -i [path\to\private-key] root@[public IPv4 DNS]

In the event that root doesn't work as a username, it may ask you instead to authenticate under user ec2-user, which is fine as well.

If there is no known keypair associated with the instance (or if you do not have access to an already existing keypair), you can create one via the following steps:

  1. Locate a suitable keypair. These can usually be found in ~\.ssh, where the private key is stored in .ssh\[name] and the public key is stored in .ssh\[name].pub. If you want to create a new keypair, you can do so with the ssh-keygen command.

  2. Ensure that SSH is allowed on the EC2 instance. To do this, go to the EC2 console and navigate to Instances > [Desired instance] > Security > Inbound Rules. There should be a rule with port range 22 and source

  3. If SSH is not currently allowed on the instance, click on the hyperlink in the Security Groups column, and navigate to Inbound rules > Edit inbound rules > Add rule. Then, select SSH, and enter into the Source field. Finally, save the rules in the bottom right.

  4. Return to the instance summary, and navigate to Connect > EC2 Instance Connect > Connect, leaving username as root. You will then connect remotely to the instance via a limited web client.

  5. To add your keypair to the instance, copy the contents of your .ssh\[keypair].pub file to your clipboard. Then, in the remote terminal, type the following command:
    echo "[copied contents]" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

  6. The instance now has SSH enabled for your keypair, and you can connect remotely via the command at the top of this section. You can also view all authorized public keys in the instance with the command cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys in the remote terminal.

4.1 Using the Remote Terminal

The remote terminal for the instance is a Linux terminal, so any Linux command is applicable. For example, you can use curl or ping to test local connection to web services hosted on the instance. Netstat can also show the status of the ports on the instance.

Most importantly, the remote terminal allows you to access the instance logs. Every log is stored in or in a subfolder of the following directory:


You can either read these files out directly using the cat command, or using a handy command for reading out the most recent couple lines and continually printing more lines as they come in. You can type this command as the following:

sudo tail -f [log file]

4.2 Accessing the Redis Cluster

The Redis cluster stores all the session data for users currently authenticated on the site. For debugging purposes, this data can be accessed and altered via the remote terminal. To do so run the following command (Note that this is only available in production mode. If you wish to do so locally, a local Redis client will have to be installed.):

~/redis-stable/src/redis-cli -c --tls -h [Redis cluster configuration endpoint] -p 6379

To locate the configuration endpoint, go to the Amazon ElastiCache Console, and starting on the sidebar, navigate to Redis clusters > [Desired cluster] > Cluster details > Configuration endpoint.

Once connected to the cluster, you can run any of the following commands:

Get all keys: keys *
Get data associated with a particular key: get [key]
Set data associated with a particular key: set [key] [value]

Like with all CLI software, the Redis terminal can be exited by typing exit or by typing the CLI interrupt (Ctrl+C).

5. Database Connection

Aside from the web server itself interfacing with the database, it can be connected to directly via the MySQL Shell as well for altering the schema or for any manual database operations. First, download the MySQL Shell for Windows from the following link:

Then, you can start the shell by opening a terminal and running the following command:


Then, in order to connect to it, open up the AWS RDS Console and navigate to Databases > [Desired database] > Connectivity & security. Then, locate the endpoint and port. Return to the MySQL shell and type the following command:

\connect [endpoint] -P [port] -u root -p

Note: Connecting to the database when running locally is much simpler, just replace the endpoint with localhost. The port number can be found in the docker-compose.local.yml file under the db service. (Hint: it's 3306)

Enter the password for the database, and once connected, type the following commands:

\use ebdb (or other database name if applicable)

At this point you will be connected to the proper database and the shell will be ready to accept SQL commands.