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pyquirc PyPI version

Python and C++ bindings for the quirc library, created using pybind11.


The package is on pypi, just

$ pip install pyquirc

There is an older, no longer maintained package quirc, not to be confused.


# we read images using pillow, numpy arrays do also work
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
import quirc

img ="resources/helloworld.png")

# we need to convert to 8-bit grayscale for quirc
img = ImageOps.grayscale(img)

# Images must either have `tobytes()`, `width` and `height` like PIL images
# or support the 2d buffer protocal, both with data type uint8 (8-Bit Grayscale)
decoded_codes = quirc.decode(img)

print(f'Found {len(decoded_codes)} qr code(s) in the image')

for code, data in decoded_codes:


Found 1 qr code(s) in the image
Code(size=21, corners=[Point(40, 40), Point(250, 40), Point(250, 250), Point(40, 250)])
Data(payload=b'Hello, World!', version=1, data_type=DataType.BYTE, eci=ECI.UNDEFINED, ecc_level=ECCLevel.M, mask=5)

On the Command Line

This package also installs the tool pyquirc_decode, which will use pillow as above and decode the QR code in the given image.

The payloads of each decoded qr code will be printed to stdout, one per line:

$ pyquirc_decode resources/helloworld.png -v
INFO Found 1 qr code in image
INFO --- Payload 1 ---
Hello, World!

The log messages come on stderr, so piping the the output will only pipe the payloads, not the log output.