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Lightweight, correct and up-to-date Elixir SDK for SurrealDB.

Why use Surrealix?

  • currently the most full-featured SurrealDB SKD for Elixir

  • API

  • Live Queries

    • the only Elixir SDK to provide first-class support for live-query callbacks
  • Reconnection

    • working re-connection handling that includes:
      • re-executing the 'on_auth' callback
      • re-establishing subscriptions for active live queries
  • Logging

    • verbose logging via:
      • config :logger, :console, level: :debug
      • Surrealix.start_link(debug: [:trace]) (from WebSockex)
  • Telemetry

    • :telemetry events for request handling
      • Surrealix.Telemetry.Logger.setup() for STDOUT events
  • Testing

    • extensive, readable and maintainable E2E test suite
    • uses mneme to update inline snapshots without any effort
    • tests run on isolated databases, that are removed after each test completion. Your local data stays safe!
    • uses maxo_test_iex for rapid feedbaack during local development


# {:ok, pid} = Surrealix.start_link(debug: [:trace]) ## for debugging!
{:ok, pid} = Surrealix.start_link()
Surrealix.signin(pid, %{user: "root", pass: "root"})
Surrealix.use(pid, "test", "test")
Surrealix.query(pid, "SELECT * FROM person;")
Surrealix.query(pid, "SELECT * FROM type::table($table);", %{table: "person"})
## Example with live query callbacks
Surrealix.live_query(pid, "LIVE SELECT * FROM user;", fn data, query_id ->
  IO.inspect({data, query_id}, label: "callback")

## Example with live query with DIFF
Surrealix.live_query(pid, "LIVE SELECT DIFF FROM user;", fn data, query_id ->
  IO.inspect({data, query_id}, label: "callback")

# inspect currently registered live queries

Handling reconnection

To properly deal with connection drops, provide an on_auth-callback when starting a Surrealix Socket. on_auth callbacks should include logic to authenticate the connection and select a namespace / database.

This callback is called in a non-blocking fashion, so it is important to wait until the on_auth-callback is finished. This is done via Surrealix.wait_until_auth_ready(pid) function, that checks auth status via busy-waiting.

Live queries that were setup via Surrealix.live_query(pid, sql, callback) function are registed on SocketState and will be re-established after a successful reconnection.

{:ok, pid} =
      on_auth: fn pid, _state ->
        IO.puts("PID: #{inspect(pid)}")
        Surrealix.signin(pid, %{user: "root", pass: "root"}) |> IO.inspect(label: :signin)
        Surrealix.use(pid, "test", "test") |> IO.inspect(label: :use)

# blocks until the `on_auth` callback is executed

# now we can execute queries, that require auth
Surrealix.live_query(pid, "LIVE SELECT * FROM user;", fn data, query_id ->
  IO.inspect({data, query_id}, label: "callback")

Surrealix.live_query(pid, "LIVE SELECT * FROM person;", fn data, query_id ->
  IO.inspect({data, query_id}, label: "callback")


Currently library publishes only 3 events:

events = [
  [:surrealix, :exec_method, :start],
  [:surrealix, :exec_method, :stop],
  [:surrealix, :exec_method, :exception]

In the meta there is further information about the method name and the arguments, that were sent to SurrealDB server.

As example we provide a Surrealix.Telemetry.Logger, that logs those events to the console.

## Configure basic logger telemetry


## in config.exs / runtime.exs file
config :surrealix, backoff_max: 2000
config :surrealix, backoff_step: 50
config :surrealix, timeout: :infinity # default 5000
config :surrealix, :conn,
  hostname: "",
  port: 8000


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding surrealix to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:surrealix, "~> 0.1"}

Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at


Code foundation was taken from Since this package has not received any commits in the last 7 months (2023-10-31) and the issues are left uncommented, I have assumed that the maintainer is not interested in any contributions.



Sponsored by Quantor Consulting


The lib is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.